
Excel 2007 Combo Box - Developer Ribbon vs. VBA Module

Could someone please explain to me the difference between the combo box that's available via the Developer Ribbon in Excel 2007 vs. the Combo Box control that's in the VBA editor? I cannot get this simple line of code to work using the Developer combo box: MsgBox Combo1.Value I've tied it to the change event and it seems to be syntact...

Wpf Combobox DataBinding

hello everyone it is me again! i've got few problems too. i am deveoping an training software that's why i am asking lots of questions.i hope you help me. thanks in advance. my problems are as follows: First of all: i have a register window that has a combobox. i have binded it an access datasource. the problem is when i select an it...

Include ComboBox in flex datagrid header

Hi, I want the comboBox to be placed in one of the columns of the datagrid header.The datagrid should be filtered according to the value selected in the comboBox. Can anyone help me out in this with a sample code. Thanks in advance. ...

WPF filter combobox items based on ListView items

I'm creating a WPF application using the MVVM design pattern that consists of a ListView and some ComboBoxes. The ComboBoxes are used to filter the ListView. What I am trying to accomplish is populating the combobox with items in the related ListView column. In other words, if my ListView has Column1, Column2, and Column3, I want Comb...

Flash actionscript 3 multiline combobox component

Is there a way to set a combobox component to multiline in Flash CS4 using actionscript 3 ? ...

Alternatives to SelectedIndexChanged that don't fire on form load?

I'm developing in VB.NET with Visual Studio 2005. I have a ComboBox (myCombo) on a form that gets populated within the Load method. I also have handled myCombo.SelectedIndexChanged to change a label on the form. Edit: The way I added the event handler was by double-clicking on the combo box on the designer. Skeleton code then came up...

ComboBox SelectionChanged event firing off unexpectedly

Hey Guys I have 4 ComboBoxes arranged horizontally : The titles are just for reference. [Platforms] [Releases] [Release Items] [Release Item Products] My UI model for the boxes is as follows: At first all four ComboBoxes are disabled (IsEnabled = false) When the page loads, an async callback gets the Platforms data and binds it to ...

why my extjs combobox is not filled dynamically?

Here is my Extjs onReady function var store = new{ proxy: new{ url: '/loginjson.json' }), reader: new {root: '...

Variable-size owner draw ComboBox; list not sizing correctly

I derived a class from ComboBox, made it an owner drawn list box (DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable style), and by overriding OnMeasureItem and OnDrawItem I add special items to the drop-down list (separators, for example) which are of a smaller/larger size than the normal items that inhabit the control. Now, the problem I'm having and can't s...

How does a Silverlight DataForm auto-generate a binding from a ComboBox to an enum?

I'm trying to understand DataForm as implemented in the November 2009 toolkit and I can't work out how to bind a ComboBox to an enum. Does anyone know how the DataForm does this automatically? Background First I created a class and an Enum, following this article and allowed the DataForm to generate the fields. The DataForm generated...

WPF ComboBox which updates its ItemsSource from the database as the Text property changes

I would like to have a ComboBox control on a form which will be used to search a list of investments as the user types. I can do this easily if I cache the entire collection of investments from the database on startup (currently 3,000 or so items), but I would prefer to not do that if it isn't necessary. The behavior that I am trying t...

Programming a ComboBox that appends selected items to its textbox

This is a problem I've had to deal with in my last project, and although I found a working solution, I wasn't too happy with it and am wondering if there would've been a better, cleaner one. Problem: Basically, I needed to implement a ComboBox that inserts or appends an item (selected from the drop-down list) to the textbox instead of ...

Python Hierarchical QcomboBox: clean-up list

Hi Everybody, I have a hierarchical two combo-box. The first combo-box displays a list of customerNames, i.e. different companies from a MySQL db. Each customer has branches in different cities. Then, when a customer name is chosen from combo-box1 option list, e.g. {Aldi, Meyer, Carrefour, WalMart}, for that particular customer, a list...

GUI Design - ComboBoxes Versus Lists or RadioButtons

When should some GUI elements be used over others? For instance, how do you choose between a ComboBox, RadioButtons, or Listbox? For instance, I have seen ComboBoxes used for as many as two items and radio buttons for two items as well, on the same panel. How do you maintain a constant, intuitive GUI interface that is not confusing to th...

Binding a combobox's selected item and items list to different properties in wpf

Question: How do you set the binding for a ComboBox's Selected items to one property and the items list to a different property? Info: I have an inventory program I'm working on for my company which is aimed mostly at the people who receive shipments as they come in. I have things set up so that there is a list of shipments on one si...

Qt Python Combo-Box "currentIndexChanged" firing twice

I have a combo, which is showing some awkward behavior. Given a list of options from the combo-box, the user should pick the name of a city clicking with the mouse. Here is the code: QtCore.QObject.connect(self.comboCity, QtCore.SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.checkChosenCity) def checkChosenCity(self): ...

WPF ComboBox DropDown part appears in the wrong place

I put several ComboBoxes on a XAML window. When I expand any of them, the DropDown part appears on the upper left corner of the screen. I use Visual Studio 2008 C# Express. I don't remember this phenomenon when I used Visual Studio 2008 (Trial Version), though I use the same FrameWork (3.5). ...

Flash CS4 combobox not showing when embedded

I have a Flash CS4 movie that uses a standard Flash combobox. This works fine, as long as I don't use the resulting SWF embedded on a HTML page. When I do embed it, the combobox doesn't show up, doesn't dispatch mouse events, it's just as if it doesn't exist. However, if I switch to fullscreen, the combobox appears and functions normally...

Combo box slows down Flex

I did the following code. I know it's horribly written, but it's only a box with two combo boxes and a textinput bellow being added to a VBox, whose id is "garage". The problem, is that, however I do it, when I open the combo box the program slows down so much it's unbearable to use it any longer. I'd like to know if you have any idea on...

ComboBox.SelectedValue does not match displayed text when DropDownStyle = DropDownList in Windows 7

Let's say we have the following code in a Windows application: ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox() { AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend, AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems, DataSource = new string[] { "", "Ark", "Boat", "Bucket" }, DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList }; this.Controls.A...