
Simplest way to style/present ComboBoxItem in Silverlight?

Hello, What is the simplest way to customize the content display of ComboBoxItem? I would like to present a list of font names, with each item drawn in the appropriate font. I suspect I need something like <TextBlock FontFamily="{TemplateBinding Content}" Text="{TemplateBinding Content}" /> Where would that go? Can I create a contr...

C# Dev Express Ribbon Form - Ribbon Page Group With Combo Box!?

Has anyone managed to implement a series (3 is possible) of comboboxes as part of a RibbonPageGroup on a Dev Express Ribbon Form?! I would really appreciate any help or advice people have to offer relating to this particular implementation....really struggling. ...

how to extend wpf combo box to bind data?

i need to bind a collection of objects to a combo box which i can use in different forms. so i want create a custom control which binds the collection to the combo box? how t do it by extending combo box? also how can i define the ItemData template? ...

How to customize the Combobox dropdown list?

I have created a Combo box using HIComboBoxCreate(). When I have a long string in the dropdown list, it goes beyond the screen and the starting of the string is not visible. I want the string to be truncated with ellipsis in such a case. I have looked into the ComboBox attributes but couldn't find any that I can use to set this. I'm read...

SelectedIndex of combobox not updating correctly using databinding.

I have a ComboBox: <ComboBox Name="iComponentFieldComboBox" SelectedIndex="{Binding ComponentFieldSelectedIndex, Mode=TwoWay}" Height="23" Margin="132,0,280,38" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"> <ComboBoxItem Name="item1">item1</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem Name="item2">item2</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem Name="item3">item3</ComboBo... using SortedDictionary as combobox datasource

I have a combobox which i am binding to a sortedDictionary list, so it displays in ascending order. My question is, I need to display "--Select--" as the first option. Is there any way to either: 1) add another item besides for the datasource or 2) add an unsorted item to the top of the sortedDictionary any other ideas welcome as well :...

MFC Combo-Box Control is not showing the full list of items when I click the drop-down menu...

I'm coding an app in MSVS 2008, which has a ComboBox control which I initialize thru the code as below: static char* OptionString[4] = {"Opt1", "Opt2", "Opt3", "Opt4"...

WPF ComboBox displaying Object Type after styling

Hi In my project I am using a ComboBox with my custom objects like Employees and using DisplayMemberPath="Description". This all works perfectly as expected. Because this application is targeted to be used with a touchscreen, I had to style the scrollbar and make it wider which meant that I had to create a new template for the ScrolVie...

WPF: Why doesn't the selection I make in a combo box, show up?

I'm working on a prototype with Expression Blend 3. I've put a combobox onto the form, and then added ComboBoxItems through the Blend UI. When I test it, and select any item it doesn't show up in the text of the combobox. Why is that? ...

flex combobox backspace or delete key does not delete highlighted text

Context: I am implementing a flex auto-suggest combobox - as the user types in each character: Consider the string 'Stackoverflow' and user input = 'st' 1) the data provider is filtered to show all items starting with 'st' 2) text is set to auto-suggest string such that the un-typed part is highlighted. So for instance, the combobox...

Using empty row as default in a ComboBox with Style "DropDownList"?

Hi board I am trying to write a method, that takes a ComboBox, a DataTable and a TextBox as arguments. The purpose of it is to filter the members displayed in the ComboBox according to the TextBox.Text. The DataTable contains the entire list of possible entries that will then be filtered. For filtering, I create a DataView of the DataTa...

flex combobox hide and show down arrow

I am looking to implement a search text box as follows: When user starts typing in and there are non-zero results, the text box will open up and display the results below it. When the user selects a result, the text box closed, but this time with a down-arrow (like a combobox) so that the user can re-open the list. I suspect what I re...

[Flex] ComboBox delete from memory

Hi Have got page where many times add/remove combobox. Unfortunately in cases when 'user': 1)add text to TextInput 2)'interact' with combobox Profile is showing that instance of class ListCollectionViewCursor is not removed. But when there is no any of above interaction instance of class ListCollectionViewCursor is removed Simple te...

Flex ComboBox items go out of alignment

I have a combobox that uses a custom itemrenderer to display an image. when scrolling up and down the list the images randomly go out of alignment. How do I stop this? public class PinRenderer extends UIComponent implements IDataRenderer, IListItemRenderer { private var currentPin:DisplayObject; private var _data:Object; ...

ComboBox.SelectionChanged doesn't catch the first selection

I need to fill textboxes depending on the item selected in a combobox. I fill combo async and in Completed event I have the following code combo.ItemsSource = e.Result; combo.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; combo.SelectedIndex = -1; Then in the SelectionChanged event of the combo, I catch the selected object MyClass mc= ((ComboBox)sender...

C#: Set ComboBox Height

Hi guys, I'm trying to set the Height of a ComboBox in C#.NET CF / WinCE6. So far I managed to do it by using the MessageWindow.SendMessage() with CB_SETITEMHEIGHT. The issue is the ComboBox gets to its initial Height when being clicked. Is there a workaround for this ? LE: How would this affect performance, considering the ComboBox m...

Flex 3.5.0; Update ComboBox display list upon dataprovider change

Hello, I have two related ComboBoxes ( continents, and countries ). When the continents ComboBox changes I request a XML from a certain URL. When I receive that XML i change the DataProvider for the countries ComboBox, like this: public function displayCountryArray( items:XMLList ):void { this.resellersCountryLoader...

Shutdown and WakeUp Script C#

Hiya I am very new to C#, infact this is basically my first task set by work whilst i learn the language. Yes i am also new to programming, be gentle :). Context: My script needs to query active directory, grab of OU's and put them to a combo box in a form. Next query ActDir for a list of machines in a selected OU (Done this in a vbscri...

How can the blank space in a C# comboBox be filled as a hint for the user?

When a comboBox in C# is dynamically populated the comboBox appears blank until the user clicks on it to view the available items in the dropdown. Ideally, I would like to use this blank space (prior to clicking the dropdown) to be used to give the user a hint as to what s/he should do. For example, it might say something like, "Select...

How to get or set data from ComboBox in DataGridView

In I want to get or set data to ComboBox in each cell of DataGridView What should I do. Thanks. ...