
comet HTTP patterns in Java

I'm writing/porting a C++ HTTP event server to Java. I'm wondering what are the best paradigms for implementing comet with Jetty, Tomcat, any other server, or natively. Threaded Continuations NIO Servlet 3.0 Scalability is an absolute must as I'm developing a new protocol that uses up to 3 concurrent connections per client. Any help...

Implementing Communication Between JavaScript Code and Console Application C#

Now I'm solving web server performance testing task and a have a little problem. There is a way to communication between DHTML and C# code. It works perfectly in Win Application but I need Console Application. So I create simple test Program.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; nam...

Hidden iframe problem

In IE6 (but also seen in 7 and to a lesser extend 8) I have a problem with my code. I utilise a hidden iframe for Comet streaming. Sometimes when someone manually refreshes the page in Internet Explorer, they don't get the parent page but are taken by the browser to the hidden iframe URL. Anyone seen this before or have any suggestions ...

How To Implement ReverseAJAX (Comet) in ASP.Net MVC

How could I implement a Comet architecture in a ASP.Net MVC? ...

Easiest way to make comet chat

I need to make tet-a-tet comet chat with many channels using PHP as a backend and JQuery as a frontend. I need something like event-driven server to do this... But didnt find any simple and appplicable to my task. Please, tell me the best solution for this problem ...

How scalable is the Lift framework's comet/reverse ajax?

I recently learned scala and about to start working/learning Lift framework. Going through the Features and getting started with the framework, I had seen some amazing capabilities of the framework including the reverse ajax and comet. Earlier in my experience I had really really bad experience with the reverse ajax which never scaled. I...

What is the easiest way to implement a Comet serverside backend?

PHP as an Apache module or otherwise, would start one thread per pending request so it doesn't scale well. Are Java and Python my only other options? As a complete newbie to Python, is Twisted easy to use? ...

Asynchronous COMET query with Tornado and Prototype

Hello everyone. I'm trying to write simple web application using Tornado and JS Prototype library. So, the client can execute long running job on server. I wish, that this job runs Asynchronously - so that others clients could view page and do some stuff there. Here what i've got: #!/usr/bin/env/ pytthon import tornado.httpserver impo...

Are there any open source C#-based non-blocking, event-based web server like Tornado?

I want to build a comet-based application and would like it to be able to sustain up to 1000 concurrent connections. As I understand, Tornado has the advantage of not spawning one thread per request thus allowing it to handle thousands of long poll requests easily. ...

Are there any good open-sourced comet web servers for ASP.NET MVC applications?

I'm looking for one that can be used to handle many long poll clients and does not create a thread for each request. ...

What is the proper way to update all elements of a rendered page via AJAX?

I have a complicated page being rendered by PHP and would like to keep all elements of the page up to date via AJAX long polling. Is there some kind of general / clever way to design an infrastructure to support this without having to specify manually each element to update? Just looking for ideas. Thanks! ...

Need help with comet, and what to choose

Hi, I'm new to comet, but I have read about it and I realize that PHP is bad for comet long polling. All of my project is written in CodeIgniter PHP Framework, so all my code is PHP. But I need request data all seconds to update auctions products, and I'm looking for comet, but as PHP is a bad way to comet, how can I do it? also it is...

Long held AJAX connections being blocked by Anti-Virus

Ok, this is downright bizarre. I am building a web application that relies on long held HTTP connection using COMET, and using this to stream data from the server to the application. Now, the problem is that this does not seem to go well with some anti-virus programs. We are now on beta, and some users are facing problems with the appl...

Tornado streaming: flush() lagging on Safari & Chrome (Firefox is fine)

On Safari and Chrome, I won't be able to see flush() updates updating live on my page until after a certain number of flushes, or sometimes it hangs altogether on Safari. Flush updates work immediately on firefox though. I'd like to know a couple things: 1) Why does Safari and Chrome lag out at the beginning with the flush updates, an...

Finishing a HttpServletResponse but continue processing...

I have a situation that seems to fit the Async Servlet 3.0 / Comet situation but all I need to do is return a 200 response code (or other) after accepting the incoming parameters. Is there a way for a HttpServlet to complete the http request/response handshake and yet continue processing? Something like... doPost( req, response ) { ...

What does it call in GWT to make 2 UI consistent?

I saw a video of Google I/O and found an example of GWT UI being very consistent between clients. Which you can save, add, drag and drop in almost real time between clients. I currently don't understand the basic of this (In GWT, i think it implement Comet), so is there anyone can give me a term or definition for this? so I can get it on...

Using Cometchat & Rails together - is this possible?

Hi - I hope someone can advise / direct / shed some light on : i have a rails application that uses Authlogic for authentication. i would like to incorporate cometchat into this application - (in reality any chat IM would do - but cometchat seemed to fit nicely because ajax-im does not like windows) The environment is the following : T...

GWT, with multiple clients

Hi, I am designing a web application using GWT currently, which is also the first time i am using GWT. I just have a general question about how (or can) GWT handles communications between multilpe clients. My application needs user to login and has personalized pages for different users, GWT is well able to do all of these. The only pr...

Comet and Simultaneous Ajax request

Hi , I am trying to use a COMET solution using ASP.NET . Trouble is i want to implement sending and notification part in the same page. On IE7, whenever i try to send a request ,it just gets queued up. After reading on internet and stackoverflow pages i found that i can only do 2 simultaneous asyn ajax requests per page. So until i ...

Does Facebook use long polling for chat and notifications ?

or anything else ? ...