
I need to know how COMET works

Hi i want to implement comet in php... i have idea about how ajax works but i tried to study about long polling server push using comet but i am facing problem to figure out how it works. so can you please help me... ...

How to achieve Comet using Flash

How can comet be used with Flash programs? What will be needed at server side for the same? Does this require any customised servers or will normal IIS or Apache do? Also is Juggernaut an example of flash based comet? how does it achieve comet? ...

This ajax is working fine can you help me to convert this into Comet...

Hello i am learning comet and i am facing problem since most of the online tutorials about comet contains js prototype so can you convert this code into long polling.... thank you... -pradeep //This is my js var xmlhttp function ajax(str) { xmlhttp=GetXmlHttpObject(); if (xmlhttp==null) { alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!...

Examples of Web Sites Using AJAX or Push Technology on Their Home Page (or other useful pages)

I'm looking for a list of links to any examples of well-designed sites you might know that use AJAX and possibly HTTP Streaming to push data to the page or make updates to content of existing HTML elements. Ideal examples would be sites that update somewhat frequently (every 10-90 seconds) rather than very frequently (every 1-5 seconds...

How to enable active sockets in a Mochiweb application?

Does anyone know how to enable active instead of passive sockets in a Mochiweb application. Specifically, I am trying to adapt so that when a client disconnects, it will immediately "logout". I have tried setting: start(Options) -> {DocRoot, Optio...

Best solution for Java HTTP push (messaging)

We want to push data from a server to clients but can only use HTTP (port 80). What is the best solution for messaging? One idea is Comet. Are there other ideas or frameworks which offer lets say JMS over HTTP. (Yes, ActiveMQ supports it too, but waggly IMHO. And JXTA supports it too but the configuration is complicated. Something simple...

Nonblocking webserver on .Net for Comet applications

I am trying to implement a Comet style (e.g. chat) application using IronPython. While I don't need to scale to twitter like dimensions, it is vital that the response time is lightening fast. All the possibilities in Python (Twisted, Tornado, Magnum-Py) do not work with IronPython, often because of epoll support. Is there a default ch...

Implement a Comet server in C#

I would like to know whether there is a way to write a comet server in C#. i have a C# code that generates data periodically, and I want to push these data to a java app. So would like to convert my C# code to a comet server. Also would like to know whether there is any comet server implemented that lets us connect the C# application an...

Stop the browser “throbber of doom” while loading comet/server push XMLHttpRequest

(This question is similar to this one, but it's for using XMLHttpRequest instead of an iframe for Comet.) I'm starting an async long poll like this: var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', url); xhr.send(); If I do this inside <script>...</script> in the head, it will cause the document to keep loading forever. (I'm testing ...

Keep a permanent connection to the server while navigating a website

Hi, We are a young start-up launching a unique chat product next week. Our chat is currently based on Jabber (using Openfire as our Jabber server) via BOSH (using Punjab), with jQuery for our client side scripts. Right now our most critical issue with the current setup is with the site navigation, when navigating between pages in our we...

Is Comet easier in ASP.NET with Asynchronous Pages?

I don't mean to ask, is Comet easier in ASPNET than in Jetty? I mean, is Comet easier inn either ASPNET or Jetty, as compared to other alternatives? I think the asynch capabilities of ASP.NET and Jetty specifically make Comet more scalable when implemented on those platforms and I'd like to confirm that. ASPNET introduced "Asynchrono...

Tomcat CometProcessor NIO served via Apache httpd?

I have a CometProcessor Servlet working fine in Apache Tomcat. My server.xml connector entry is: <Connector connectionTimeout="20000" port="8080" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" redirectPort="8443"/> I can hit the servlet (named 'EventBus') with a URL to Tomcat directly like so: I h...

Ajax long polling (comet) + php on lighttpd v1.4.22 multiple instances problem.

Hi, I am new to this site, so I really hope I will provide all the necessary information regarding my question. I've been trying to create a "new message arrived notification" using long polling. Currently I am initiating the polling request by window.onLoad event of each page in my site. On the server side I have an infinite loop: w...

Can JavaScript detect when the user stops loading the document?

I'm implementing Comet using the script tag long polling technique, based on this page. One issue (that I don't think there's a solution for) is the "throbber of doom" - the browser continues to show the document as "loading" forever and leaves the Stop button on the toolbar enabled. This kind of makes sense, because the document is sti...

Comet app over REST in erlang ?

Hi, I am a newbie to Erlang and am trying to make a switch to Erlang for our latest project. Since this is going to be a real-time chat (long polled) system for file sharing on the fly, I realized after a bit of digging around that Erlang would be the most appropriate choice, because of high concurrency, plus people also suggested to use...

Firefox doesn't execute one dynamically loaded <script> element until another is loaded

I'm implementing Comet using the script tag long polling technique, based on this page. Following on from my previous question, I've got it all working, except for one annoyance, which only happens in Firefox. On the initial page load my Comet client JavaScript sends two requests to the Comet server (in the form of dynamically generated...

Can push technology / comet be faked?

Client has a dating site and would like to have a popup (either a nice javascript overlay or a new browser window popup. we're flexible.) displayed to users when another user is visiting their page. I'm familiar with push technology and Comet but it's quite challenging to implement this and may place serious strain on a server with over...

XHR persistent connection, how so?

I was just reading how FaceBook designed their chat system, and it reads: "and having that iframe's JavaScript make an HTTP GET request over a persistent connection that doesn't return until the server has data for the client. The request gets reestablished if it's interrupted or times out. This isn't by any means a new technique: it's a...

Efficient storage/retrieval method for replayable comet style applications (Google Wave, Etherpad)

I am considering a web application that would have the same kind of multi user, automatic saving, infinite undo / replay capabilities that you see in Google Wave and Etherpad (albeit on a drastically smaller scale and userbase). Before I go away and reinvent the wheel, is this something that has already been addressed as either a piece...

XMLHttp long polling and avast blocking

I am experimenting with long polling XMLHttp Requests (XHR) on this page. Having Avast antivirus installed I noticed that its web shield effectively blocks the use of readyStates<4. Adding an exception for text/xml mime types in the web shield configuration solves this. But is there a way to solve this programmatically? I searched the n...