
print exit code in cmd in windows os

print exit code in cmd in windows os ....some command return exit code ...where this code store...and i want to print this exit code and assign it to variable ...

Can I easily change the colour of text output to the Windows Console from a C Program

I want to make some printf's to the windows console from my C program but want to make some of them different colours. Anyone know if this can be done easily? EDIT: Windows XP is my OS ...

Linux - killing some processes owned by apache safely

Hi all. I have a bunch of processes owned by apache that are running for days because they are stuck. apache 11173 0.1 0.0 228248 27744 ? Ss Sep27 3:58 php /var/www/html/myproj/symfony cron:aggregation --env=prod apache 12609 0.1 0.0 228244 27744 ? Ss Sep18 19:30 php /var/www/html/myproj/symfony cron:aggr...

Java is reporting errors running the A+ Learning System. Any ideas how to fix them?

I work for a local school district part time. They run a piece of software called A+ learning system. It uses the java runtime environment to do what it does. On one of our computers, it isn't running; opening a command prompt and typing out: java -jar als.jar gives the following error messages. C:\als30\alsclient>java -jar als...

How to host a console application on Windows Server 2003?

I have to host a console program which hosts an application used by Asp.Net 4.0 and should always be running. What is the best way to host it on the server? I can run the console application from commandline but it can be closed accidently. Windows Service is not an option as we don't have the source code for the Console App. ...

How to redirect output to a file which name is the current date and time ?

I would like to redirect the output of a command (in the Windows command line) to a file which name is the current date and time. For example: my_path\mysqldump.exe my_database_name > auto_generated_file_name where auto_generated_file_name should be something like 2010_09_30___11_41_58.txt. This command will automatically run from ti...

Execute MySQL Stored Procedure using Command Line

Hi, Please help me out to execute a MySQL Stored procedure in command line, where the procedure contains conditional statements.. ...

how i can pass argument to windows 2003 batch file and execute it from unix-aix and return value to unix-aix

how i can pass argument to windows 2003 batch file and execute it from unix-aix and return value to unix-aix ...

Python, using os.system - Is there a way for Python script to move past this without waiting for call to finish?

I am trying to use Python (through Django framework) to make a Linux command line call and have tried both os.system and but for both of these it seems that the Python script hangs after making the command line call as the call is for instantiating a server (so it never "finishes" as its meant to be long-running). I know for doin...

how i can execute windows batch file from UNIX-AIX ?

how i can execute windows batch file from UNIX-AIX i install copssh ??? ...

Python, using subprocess.Popen to make linux command line call? I'm getting "[Errno 2] No such file or directory"

I'm trying to follow the info I can find about subprocess.Popen as I want to make a linux command line call.. I am trying as below but am getting the error "[Errno 2] No such file or directory". I'm not trying to open a file so I don't understand this error, and it works fine (although with other issues relating to waiting for the proce...

Strategy for Stopping Java Processes in Windows XP

I am working with an application that consists of 10 or so Java processes that communicate through JINI, JMS, Sockets, and an HSQL db running on Windows XP. It seems that each part of the application has its own .bat file. For instance there is: ActiveMQ Broker HSQL Server JINICore Services RMI Registry 5 Java mains that run 1 Java G...

How do I change stdin Stream with Eclipse run command?

Hey, I'm working on a project where rather than using command line arguments I am supposed to just pipe a file to stdin and pipe output to another file. ie I need to run something like: ./program < infile.txt > outfile.txt Is there a way to specify to Eclipse this is the command I want when it is run? I am running the Eclipse-C/C++...

Is there a GitX equivalent for Subversion that allows command-line execution?

I really like being able to the command-line tool gitx from to open GitX and see the Git repository change log that I can scroll through, with nicely formatted diffs for each. Git and Subversion are fairly different, and I know a tool to view a log and diffs for a checkout of a part of the subversion repo certainly wouldn't...

How to extend bash shell ?

Hello, would like to add new functionality to the bash shell. I need to have a queue for executions. What is the easy way to add new functionality to the bash shell keeping all native functions? I would like to process the command line, then let the bash to execute them. For users it should be transparent. Thanks Arman EDIT I just ...

how i can return more than one value from windows to unix-AIX ?

HI, i'm have to server:- 1-windows-server 2003 2-UNIX-AIX I execute something in windows server and now i want to return some value from windows to unix .... how i can do it i install copssh in windows server and openssh in unix server ...

help sending command to process using /proc

I have an application which runs as a process on a ubuntu server. This application has command line gui which allows me to type in a command, then press enter and the command runs. I am able to script the determination of the process id. I then script the following to send it a command: # echo "command" > /proc/<PROCESSID>/fd/0 I have...

Use Quicktime to covert an audio file from AAC to AC3 via CLI?

Basically I want to use Quicktime to convert an audio file from AAC to AC3, I thought I might be able to use Quicktime? But I can't seem to be able to find the CLI command for it. ...

C - Parsing a command line with an unknown number of parameters

Possible Duplicate: Parse string into argv/argc I'm trying to write a fake shell using C, so I need to be able to take a command and then x number of arguments for the command. When I actually run the command, I'm just using execvp(), so I just need to parse the arguments into an array. But I wasn't really sure how to do this ...

get the return value of bat file in windows in unix ?

i have the following case :- i write bash file bbb in windows 2003 and but a return value = 3 by exit /b 3 then i execute this bash file from unix by this command :- ssh -l admin host 'cmd /c start c:\bbb' but when i print the return value i get ( 0 ) not ( 3 ) i print this value by `echo $? ' now how i can get a return value "exit cod...