
How to have condition checking (if command) when use refered parameter of the command line?

In my batch file I have the script: set myVar=/someLabel:"%1" I want to write the if command for the above script that have the same meaning as below. if <%1 not null> { myVar=/someLabel:"%1" } else { myVar="" } How can I do this? Please help! [Edit] The answer from user hfs works for me. The full details of the if and set ...

DEL saying path doesn't exist (it does)

I'm guessing this is a basic DOS question, its with the del command. All I want to do is delete a file. C:\Documents and Settings\matthewe\Desktop\testfolder>del C:\Documents and Settings\matthewe\Desktop\testfolder\test.pdf The system cannot find the path specified. I can guarantee that test.pdf exists, and the fact I'v...

How to view annotation of java classfile via command line?

Hi, Is there a command line tool, preferrably in the JDK, that either prints all annotations in a classfile or takes a specific annotation as argument to print? If so, is there an equivalent command that can be run on a jar file for a specific class contained within? I've googled this for a while and had no luck. :( Thanks, Jack ...

findstr.exe is not working

My system has findstr.exe but when I try to execute it, it gives me the following error FINDSTR: Bad command line Tried so many things but unable to fix. I need to use regex in my batch script. Any other suggestion? ...

Improve Grails-Commandline performance

Hi there, is there a way to improve the performance of the Grails commandline tasks. For example the test-app task is taking some time until all dependencies are checked, classes compiled etc. Even simple tasks like create-domain-class is taking some seconds to run. ...

How to watermark a video with FFmpeg Libavfilter

I try to watermark movies with an PNG image. I read the documentation from but didn't get how using it. I tried ffmpeg -i -vf "movie=0:png:image.pngpad=1024:576:600:300:0x00000000 [watermark];[in][watermark]overlay=0:0:1[out]" -sameq And get this error FFmpeg version 0.6, Copyri...

Checking the status of the Internet connectivity icon via command line

Hello Everyone, You know that "Internet Connectivity" icon on the Windows Taskbar? The one that often tells us we have no connection to the internet after pull out our ethernet cables? I was wondering if there is a command line command that would tell me the status of that icon. (No internet / Connectivity but with the yellow caution s...

Recursive directory list/analyze function doesn't seem to recurse right

I wrote what I thought was a straightforward Python script to traverse a given directory and tabulate all the file suffixes it finds. The output looks like this: OTUS-ASIO:face fish$ sufs >>> /Users/fish/Dropbox/ost2/face (total 194) === 1 1 - === css 16 ----- === ...

Can't type password (or anything else) into plink with svn+ssh

I've been using SVN and Windows for a while now, but recently I tried to get it working on a new machine. I have a svn+ssh:// repository that I need to access but I am unable to because, as I understand it, plink is not hooked up to the console input and thus I cannot type in my password when running svn commands. This page (near the bo...

what does this mean ?

int *temp = new int[atoi(argv[3])]; what does the above statement mean ?Please explain in detail . ...

"No such file or directory" but it exists

I simply want to run an executable from the command line, ./arm-mingw32ce-g++, but then I get the error message, bash: ./arm-mingw32ce-g++: No such file or directory I'm running Ubuntu Linux 10.10. ls -l lists -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 433308 2010-10-16 21:32 arm-mingw32ce-g++ Using sudo (sudo ./arm-mingw32ce-g++) gives sudo: unable t...

How to create a batch file that accepts two integers as parameters

I am just beginning to learn command line scripts, and I have an assignment for school in which the first part is to create a batch file that accepts two integers as parameters. The integers will be subsequently manipulated throughout the question, and I am not looking for any help with that. I have googled this many different ways, an...

mac terminal root indicator

How do I make command prompt to end with # if I do sudo -s in mac terminal? Right now I have $. Thanks so much. ...

Path for Command Line Prompt Across Windows OS

this question might seem counter-useful. the path for the windows command line prompt is different across several windows OSes. i'd like to know if there is a command i can enter in the command line prompt that will output the path of the command line prompt. ...

Running Symfony plug-in tasks via command line SSH on shared hosting

My usual hosting environment is a dedicated server, however for one project I am required to deploy Symfony onto a Linux shared hosting account. The project itself works fine, however, when I SSH in to the server the command line does not work as expected. For example, if I navigate to data/symfony/bin then type: php symfony this r...

Is there a command line utility equivalent to wmctrl on Windows

I'm trying to write a remote window manager so that I can control my open windows via bluetooth using anyremote. There's wmctrl for Linux that manages windows from the command line. Is there similar tool in Microsoft Windows? I.e. A command line based window manager for Microsoft Windows. If there are existing command line hacks that I ...

How to run ALL tests in my solution using command line MSTest.exe?

According to MSDN here and discussed here, we can use MSTest.exe to run tests from command line - which is sweet and faster than running within the IDE (especially slow if you are working on a big solution like me). My question is how can I use MSTest.exe to run all tests in my solution? The command only have the /test option to filter ...

can you flag command line inputs in python?

a lot of command-line .exe applications i use allow you flag optional inputs e.g. program.exe -o outputfile.txt -f F where "-o" indicates an optional output file name different to the default, and where "-F' indicates another option about the script. so far i've been using the sys.arg[] variables to input file names and such to my pyth...

List all files in all subdirectories NOT having specified file permissions

I need to see all files (with full pathname), along with their file permissions, on a folder which DO NOT match -rw-r--r-- This didn't work as I thought it should have: #ls -laR | grep --invert-match '-rw-r--r--' grep: invalid option -- - ...

url parameters in Command Line

i am trying to make a pdf file with wkhtmltopdf when i pass url pdf is generating or but when i try to put another parameter command execution is not working shell_exec("c:\pdf\wkhtmltopdf.exe http://localhost/test/index.php?id=1&amp;typee=abc test.pdf "); i t...