
Sending ATD command to a Fastrack Supreme via RS232 in LabWindows/CVI

Hello, I work on project based on a FASTRACK SUPREME which has to receive commands via a serial RS232. The problem is: When I use HyperTerm the command ATDxxxxxxxxx; works fine. When I use the CVI RS232 library nothing happens. Is it possible that my command remains blocked in the serial buffer? Here is my code: #include <ansi_c.h>...

Is there a Close command for dialog boxes in the WPF command infrastructure?

Should I use ApplicationCommands.Close for closing modal dialog boxes or is that command considered reserved for closing the application? If it is the latter, do folks create Close commands for each dialog box or just a single Close command for all their modal dialog boxes? ...

Handling Mouse events on controls with MVVM pattern - best practice -

Hello my mvvm followers :D I found actually 2 ways to handle mouse events on controls with the mvvm pattern. Both ways are actually 1 way: MVVM Light Toolkit by <i:Interaction.Triggers> <i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged"> <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding SelectionC...

WPF CommandParameter binding not updating

Hi All, I am trying to use Command and CommandParameter binding with Buttons in a WPF application. I have this exact same code working just fine in Silverlight so I am wondering what I have done wrong! I have a combo box and a button, where the command parameter is bound to the combobox SelectedItem: <Window x:Class="WPFCommandBinding...

java class using jaxb api failing in jira with : Provider com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory not found

Hi, I am writing a plugin for Jira which involves parsing of XML documents. I am using JAXB to do so (XML to pojos and vice versa) So have a class which generates XML from pojos using JAXB. it looks like... import javax.xml.bind.*; Class Parser { public void m1() { ... // code which uses classes in javax.xml.bind.* } pu...

Iframe virus, need to be removed from all phps and html file on linux server

The following line has been added to almost all the php files and some of the html files on my linux server WHat is the command to remove this without damaging anything else? iframe qoluu='V5pEXGSm' src=' ' width='98' height='407' style='display:none'> The beginning and end of the above line has < > and...

adb rejected shell command (ls -l)

Possible Duplicate: ADB rejected shell command (ls -l /data) Hi.. When I am trying to push any file in sdcard from my android application. I see message from ddms " ADB rejected shell command (ls -l/) ". And My Emulator is dead, I cant do anything. Please help me.. ...

Using commands to be notified that a collection has changed

Guys, I was wondering if there's any way i could handle when a collection changes and, after that, display a message to the user. As im using MVVM, i dont have any references to the model inside the view project, so i couldn't do MyCollection col = InstanceOfViewModel.Read(); Since View doesn't know anything about "MyCollection", a...

Run multiple commans or sql script using OLE DB in SQL Server

It is possible to run multiple commands or sql script using OLE DB? For example to run sql script to create database and its structure (tables, indexes, stored procedures...). When I use CCommand class, I can run only one command. How can I run SQL script with multiple commands? Thanks, Martin ...

Is it possible to ask Latex to evaluate a command

This code: \begin{enumerate} \item Item One \def\commandOne{\alph{enumi} : One} \item Item Two \def\commandTwo{\alph{enumi} : Two} \item \commandOne, \commandTwo \end{enumerate} Gives this output: Item One Item Two c : One, c : Two I want that Latex evaluate \alph{enumi} when the command is defined inst...

WPF prism accessing view elements from shell

Hi, I have a shell with some buttons and tabs and a few modules in my application. Each module has a view with some elements like datagrids, stackpanels, text boxes, etc. They all have a name attribute. Now when I fire an event on a shell (like click a button) I would like to be able to something with those elements (like clearing all th...

What does the CorrectionList command do in WPF?

I'm in the process of learning WPF and am currently looking into application commands (e.g., ApplicationCommands.Copy). I found a list of recognized application commands on MSDN. All of them made sense except for CorrectionList. What is this command and what kind of scenario would invoke it? Thanks! ...

Run the last executed command in dos prompt

HI, when using unix i use to type !! to run the last executed command. how could i do the similar kind of operation on dos prompt on windows? ...

Executing system command in Vala

Hi. I would like to execute a command (like ls) in Vala, like the Python os.system function, or, better, the popen function. Any idea ? ...

Binding Commands Without Using the DataContext [silverlight+prism]

Hello I have a problem with binding commands to button inside datagrid. Here should be explanation but it doesn't explain everything. What should be in classes in namespace Infrastructure? Can somebody show me a really basic sample of using this? not just parts of the code... ...

Control a shell program through command line, giving it multiple instructions/data

I need to control a program in c++ (windows), I need to call it, then pass data to it as I collect it, finally after a certain command that program will use that data. I need to open the prog.exe and then line by line or value by value supply it information, it works manually through cmd. I have tried system() but this will stop after ...

Kick off deamonized service using djangos custom command?

I got a custom command in my reusable django app which I want to kick off a deamonized service and then return, leaving the service running. I've implemented my service as a simple class with a start-method. When start is called it runs in an eternal loop, sleeping for 10 seconds, then using the django orm to check the database configur...

Command Line Arguments: SQL Express versions

Hi, What's the command line to find the following : OS running in the machine is 32 bit/ 64 bit ? SQL Express running is 32 bit/64 bit? Thanks ...

Howto show ping output dynamically in a web page?

As part of a diagnostics page I would like to have the user be able to run a "ping", ie an ordinary shell command to send ICMP_ECHO_REQUSTs to a certain IP and display the resuls dynamically in a div in the browser. The backend is Ruby/Rails. I'm past running the command on the server side and reading the output from the ping command. ...

Change all with command line

I'm wondering if there is a way to change a specific word in all of the files within the /www/ directory using command line. Just looking for a faster way to change out a specific word so I don't need to open all the files manually! Thanks! ...