
php,unix command ,imagick help me

This command add the text "flower" to the image: convert flower.jpg -font courier -fill white -pointsize 20 -annotate +50+50 'Flower' flower_annotate1.jpg I'm using ImageMagick 2.2.0. I'm running it from PHP using: system('convert flower.jpg -font courier -fill white -pointsize 20 -annotate +50+50 'Flower' flower_annotate1.jpg'); b...

php,unix command ,imagick ,overflow

This is Add text to image echo system('convert mug.jpg -font courier -fill green -pointsize 30 -annotate +100+230 \'hi Wlecome yy\' mug123.jpg'); unix command run in php it is working fine when we change the point size hi welcome is over flow the image how can we over come? ...

Shell how configure command to always work with some params?

Hi. I want to know how to configure your environment to execute some command with specific params everytime you use it. So, if I have a command named: spec I want to know where I configure my bash to always use: spec -c --format nested instead of just 'spec' I tried to put this like an alias on my .bashrc file, like: al...

Command button requires two clicks (sometimes)

i am using icefaces 1.8.2. For some command buttons, sometimes i need to click the button twice. previously whole applivcation was working fine with single click. after upgrade to 1.8.2,i am facing this problem......Any suggestion,what could be the reason??? Thanks ...

Split command across lines

In Linux shell, one can split a command across several lines using \. For example: cmd \ arg1 \ arg2 How can I do the same using Windows console? Thanks! ...

Bind command to X-button of window title bar

My WPF maintenance window have a toolbar with a button "Exit"; a CommandExit is bind with this button. The CommandExit perform some checks before exit. Now, if I click to close button of the window (x-button of title bar), this checks are ignored. How can I do to bind CommandExit to window x-button? ...

How to disable Center Key (CK) and let only Left Soft Key (LSK) be used in j2me

Hello everyone, I created a custom item in which I need to use the Center Key for the purpose of selecting and I am successfully able to use it with the keyPressed event using the keyCode as -5. The problem is, as soon as I press the CK, it also clicks on the command above the LSK and that causes the menu to pop up. Is there any way tha...

XAML - Binding Command to ItemsControl Contents

I have a UserControl with a ICommand-derived object as a Resource as follows: <commands:SetRegionContentCommand x:Key="SetContentComand"/> I then try to bind the command to the DataTemplate tag within an ItemsControl like so: <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Items}"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> ...

How to access data from another datatemplate in wpf ?

Hi, I have 2 Datatemplates. One contain a grid , second one contain a button. I need to send command parameters of button as selected grid items. How can i do this ? <ObjectDataProvider x:Key="Datas" ObjectType="{x:Type ViewModel:UserControlViewModel}"></ObjectDataProvider> <DataTemplate x:Key="SourceGrid"> <WPFToolKit:DataGrid x:Na...

ubuntu server PS, ifocnfig, command not working

Dear All, i am working on ubuntu server from past few months and now suddenly ps, ifconfing commnad stop working with below error. user1@Fb1:/usr/bin$ ps -bash: /bin/ps: No such file or directory any suggestions to get this command working back. ...

How can I extend a ComboBox to support commands (MVVM)?

Hi, As topic says, I need to extend the features of a standard Silverlight ComboBox to also support Commanding. Since I follow MVVM I need my ComboBox to communicate the SelectionChanged event to my ViewModel. What would the code look like for doing this? I want to be able to put the Command attribute on my ComboBox XAML control. Usin...

How do you test a command object in a grails controller integration test?

I'm new to grails. How do I test a form command object to make sure that it's working? Here's some setup code in a test. When I try to do it, I get the following exceptions: Error occurred creating command object. org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.mvc.exceptions.ControllerExecutionException: Error occurred creating command object. ...

mocking command object in grails controller results in hasErrors() return false no matter what! Please help.

I have a controller that uses a command object in a controller action. When mocking this command object in a grails' controller unit test, the hasErrors() method always returns false, even when I am purposefully violating its constraints. The more baffling thing is that in production, hasErrors() works! So this is just a testing problem....

Problem using WPF Commands with Canvas

Hi, I am having a custom canvas derived from Canvas. It contains few ApplicationCommands like New/Open/Save etc. added like this - this.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.New, New_Executed, New_Enabled)); New_Enabled always returns true. This control is used in a wpf project having a menu bar; New/Open/Save ...

Read Text File line by line using Command Prompt/Batch

Hello All, First of all I am very thankful to the owner of this website. I have learned and implement various technologies with the help of solutions provided by the readers. I know the question I asked is posted many time in this forum. And I have tired all of the solutions available, but no luck I may case I am trying to read a dat f...

Confused about GNU `sort(1)` of a numerical sub field

I wish to sort a space separated table, with the numerical value that found on the 2nd field. I can assume that the 2nd field is always fooN but the length of N is unknown: antiq. foo11 girls colleaguing foo2 Leinsdorf Cousy foo0 Montgomeryville bowlegged foo1 pollack Chevrier foo10 ill-conceived candlebomb foo3 seventieths autochthony ...

Having a white space issue with scala, I think?

I'm trying to write a script to make generating Lift projects quicker but I believe i'm running into a white space issue. val strLiftGen = "mvn archetype:generate -U\-DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb\ -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-blank\ -DarchetypeVersion=1.0\ -DremoteRepositories=\-DgroupId="...

How to pass filename to StandardInput (Process) in C#?

Hello Guys! I'm using the native windows application spamc.exe (SpamAssassin - sawin32) from command line as follows: C:\SpamAssassin\spamc.exe -R < C:\email.eml Now I'd like to call this process from C#: Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.StartInfo.RedirectSta...

Accessing controls from within commands in WPF

I've got a WPF app who's menu is using the commanding capabilities. Everything is wired up just fine and when I click the buttons in the menu, the commands run. However I'm having trouble getting the button's IsEnabled status to respect the CanExecute part of my commands. One challenge is the commands need to see what you're doing in th...

When someone says " device, fifo or filename to write yuv frames too" what does fifo mean here?

I am reading docs for VLC Command line programming. there I saw YUV video output --yuv-file=<string> device, fifo or filename device, fifo or filename to write yuv frames too. What does device and fifo mean? how to specify them? ...