
Vim: Redefine a command

In vim, in my .vimrc, how can I redefine a command (i.e. :e) as something else? I want to redefine :e * as :tabe *. ...

Strange behavior in DockPanel

I don't understand, I have a toolbar with buttons bind to custom commands. Also I have an expandable control docked to the left of window - kinda NavPanel. (Devcomponents' NavigationPane to be exact) Now, everytime when it's collapsed or expanded, buttons in the toolbar become disabled and stay like that till the focus changes. Of c...

DOS batch file to enter commands in proprietary java app and receive feedback?

Hello, I'm working on a project in which I'd like to be able to turn lights on and off in the Duke Smart Home via a high frequency chirp. The lighting system is called Clipsal Square-D and the program that gives a user access to the lighting controls is called CGate. I was planning on doing some signal processing in Matlab, then creat...

execute adb shell command at runtime from the android application

hi. In my application I want to create a directory xyz in sdcard at the runtime from the my Application. But it doesn't work. Here is my code.. public class process extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)...

emulate ENTER in .txt

Can someone please help in adding a command for "ENTER" in a .txt file to emulate "ENTER". Example; 12345 "enter" 548793 "ENTER" ..... where an entry will be a number followed by enter to next field where the next number will be inserted etc.. so it will look like this: 12345 548793 etc... ...

How to pass variable value to gpg commands

$importkey = system('gpg --import newkey.asc . $username'); need to pass the file name as a that file name with its contents can be import in gnupg keyring. $gpg = system('gpg --recipient userid --output filename --armor --encrypt filename to encrypt', $retvalue); how can i pass the recipient email id(userid) and the f...

How to get the volume of MP3 file?

I need to get the average volume of the mp3 file in dB. This must be that when listening to multiple files automatically adjust the volume. In this case, the files themselves do not need to normalize. Ideally, I need to get a result in the command line, but fit and just an algorithm. ...

Is there a way to pass a parameter to a command through a keybinding done in code?

I am making a custom control I need to add some default keybindings, microsoft has already done with copy and paste in a textbox. However one of the keybindings needs to pass a parameter to the command which it is bound to. It is simple to do this in xaml, is there any way to do this in code? this.InputBindings.Add(new KeyBinding(Change...

Disable comments in stdout (DOS)

If I use Dos command "copy" to concatenate two files: copy a1.txt + a2.txt a.txt I will have something like the following in stdout: C:\a1.txt C:\a2.txt 1 file(s) copied. I do not want to have anything written in stdout, I mean, I just want to have 'a.txt' without those 3 lines written in stdout. Is there any way to do so? the...

VS 2008 MFC - Remove MFC handler

Hi, How do you remove a MFC command handler like ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI from a C++ file? I can't seem to find a way to do it thru Dev Studio. If you know how, please explain. I am using VS 2008. Thanks, Mike ...

Shell - Run additional command on failure

I have this script that I am currently running that works great for all instances but one: #!/bin/sh pdfopt test.pdf test.opt.pdf &>/dev/null pdf2swf test.opt.pdf test.swf [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && exit 2 More lines to execute follow the above code ... How would I go about changing this script to run "pdf2swf test.pdf test.swf" if "pdf2s...

Is there a way to associate a Command with a WPF Toolkit DataGridHyperlinkColumn?

Hi: Is there any way I can associate a Command with a DataGridHyperlinkColumn? I've tried this: <DataGridHyperlinkColumn Header="Client Name" Binding="{Binding ShortName}"> <DataGridHyperlinkColumn.ElementStyle> <Style TargetType="TextBlock"> <Setter Property="Hyperlink.Command" ...

Running VB & C# programs in Ubuntu

I've run the following command in the Ubuntu terminal - sudo apt-get install mono-develop Now how can I run *.vb and *.cs programs using the terminal - What is the command that need to be given? Does the syntax vary when we write code in Windows & Linux environment? ...

Making Swedish characters show properly in Windows Command Prompt using Python in Notepad++

The title explains it well. I have set up Notepad++ to open the Python script in the command prompt when I press F8 but all Swedish characters looks messed up when opening in CMD but perfectly fine in e.g IDLE. This simple example code: #!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- print "åäö" Looks like this. As you can see the outp...

how to use insert command in sql analysis services

Hi all, I have a problem regarding how to use insert command in ssas, i try to send a request to server, server give a response saying "No binding exists for it", my request envelope is:- <Envelope xmlns=""&gt; <Body> <Execute xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis"> ...

starting .net application from command prompt is having issue when path is in SHORTNAME

when we start our .net application using a double click on the explorer or from command prompt where your folder path is proper full name then there is no issue at all. But when you start it from command prompt with the path being a Shortname involving a ~ the application behaves weird. IF is entering condition though the condition eval...

How can I put all twill commands together into one piece of code in a .py file?

Hello everybody! I have just started exploring TWILL. Twill is an amazing scripting language for Web browsing and it does all I want!!! So far I've been using twill from a Python shell (IDLE (Python GUI) to be precise) and I do things there in the way of executing commands one by one (I mean, I type one command, run it, then type the...

MySQL problem with Insert Clause

Hi! I've spent hours on this problem and for the life of me I can't figure it out, I have an Insert MYSQL command that is not executing, I've tried manually running the query on phpMyadmin and it actually does work but for some reason when the site runs the command, nothing is entered into the database. I have $sql = "INSERT INTO before...

VB6 ADO Command to SQL Server

I'm getting an inexplicable error with an ADO command in VB6 run against a SQL Server 2005 database. Here's some code to demonstrate the problem: Sub ADOCommand() Dim Conn As ADODB.Connection Dim Rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim Cmd As ADODB.Command Dim ErrorAlertID As Long Dim ErrorTime As Date Set Conn = New ADODB.Connec...

How to assign RelayCommand to Click or SelectedIndexChanges events?

Hello, I'm just starting with MVVM light, but so far it allowed me to solve some of my issues. Infortunately I'm struggling with relatively sime issues in Silverlight. Let's assume the following button with EventToCommand: <i:Interaction.Triggers> <i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseEnter"> <GalaSoft_MvvmLight_Command:EventToCommand Comma...