
Gamekit iPad and iPhone Communication

I am developing an iPad app (the "Server") which needs to communicate with up to 4 iPhone/iPod Touches (the Clients). Should I create 4 GKSessions for each of the iPhones? Should I have 1 GKSession which connects all 5 devices, and if I do, will each iPhone be able to "see" the others (Ideally, this shouldn't happen as it will keep thi...

How to explain an app to a freelance developer

I need to build a web app. I will design the user experience and interface, and I will hire a freelance programmer to do the coding. What information should I give the developer and how (screenshots, functional mockups, descriptions, etc)? What are the best practices? Is there any post/book you would recommend me to read? Thanks! ...

Communication between a Cocoa and a C# application

I have an OS X server application written in Objective-C. I'd like to write a client in C# which runs on Windows systems. Which is the simplest way to do the communication between the two applications? I'm familiar with NSConnection, and I'd like to use something similar. The application is a very simple auction game. The clients pass...

Design of a Decentralized Twitter

Twitter is a popular social networking service where users can write short messages in a one-to-many fashion (you can read more about it at Wikipedia). I've been reading an interesting article by Alex Payne (former API Lead at Twitter), The Very Last Thing I’ll Write About Twitter, where he argues for a decentralized one-to-many communic...

File sharing between android and opencv

Hi, I am trying to invoke opencv library from my android code. I previously stored my haar xml under the /data/data/org.siprop.opencv/files/ directory and passed this file path (i.e. /data/data/org.siprop.opencv/files/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml) to the opencv library. This xml was successfully read by the opencv code. But I noti...

Asynchronous Communication Between Two Applications

I'm writing a simple little game for my kids - it doesn't really matter what it does, though I couldn't tell you anyway, since I/they haven't quite decided yet! However, I think it will have a server component and a number of client components, and I'm looking at ways that the clients can communicate with the server. ALL my previous ex...

Service and activity communication

I am making a IM client for android and i want to know how to do the communication between a Service and Activity. I have a Service that establish the connection to gtalk, gets the contacts, listens for the incoming messages... , and i have the activity that is the UI of my application. In the activity i create the service and bind th...

Logging into and communicating with a server from an iOS!!

Hey everyone. I have a fair amount of experience developing iOS apps, but nothing much with web/server interacting apps. For a project at work, I am making an app that will let you login, and get pictures off from a server that will then be downloaded for display and review on the local device. I need to get some pointers on the correct...

Port communication

I have a USB Modem connected to my PC with a SIM card inserted. I want to write a C# application to send SMS through the modem can any one help me with this??? another question..I have heard about serial port communication...Is there some thing called as USB port communication??? ...

Number of parity bit required

Hi guys, I was reading about error detection and stumbled upon a statement which I didn't quite understand. The statement said "for a k bit string we need lg k parity bits to detect 2 bit errors".where lg is log to the base 2 I couldn't quite understand why this is true, is there any formal derivation that confirms this. The name of t...

Udp socket communication on same port on a computer

Hi,I have 2 programs on the same computer, communicating using udp socket. While program A running, I want to extract some information to program B. Using the SO_REUSEADDR socket option, I am able to bind 2 programs to the same port. However, when program A sent a message, program A itself, instead of B, received the message and display ...

iphone & rest web service - what is the best practice?

I am developing an iphone app that uses a php web service for all functionalities. I am planning on creating model objects to communication between my UI and web service. Is it better to create model classes on php to communicate between my iphone models and database? or is it ok to communicate directly from database to my model classes...

Interprocess communication on UNIX

Hi all, I have to implement some mechanism in C on SOLARIS 9 SPARC in order to allow interprocess communication. In a nutshell, i have to implement a multithread program where the father of the thread once receive a signal, or whatever you want, has to trigger a set of thread that are in charge of encrypting files. I cannot use some T...

Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port

I'm thinking about an Android app (with possibly an accompanying physical device), and i'm trying to figure out whether this is something that's feasible. 1) Let's say I plug my Android to my PC. Would it be possible for an app installed on the PC to communicate with an app running in the cell phone? I just need a very simplistic data e...

Why is it a bad idea to standardize a wiretap backdoor into communication services?

This article talks about the Obama administrations plan to propose a required wiretap backdoor on all communication services like p2p, encrypted communication services, social networking, skype, etc. The article mentions that technology advocates suggest it will make life easier for hackers, which seems obvious. Can someone explain why...

Sending bytes to serial port from UNIX command line?

i would like to send a stream of bytes to a serial port using the command line. is this possible? my serial port is at /dev/cu.usbserial-A700dYoR on my Mac. for example, if i wanted to send the integer 50 or the string "data" to that serial port, how can i do that? my knowledge of UNIX is very limited. ...

Implementing communication timeout

Hi, I'm implementing a class that talks to a motor controller over a USB device. I have everything working except for a way to indicate whether a parameter fetched over the comm link is "fresh" or not. What I have so far: class MyCommClass { public: bool getSpeed( double *speed ); private: void rxThread(); struct MsgBase { /*...

How to communicate between a C and a C# application

What would be the best way to communicate between a C and a C# process. I need to send messages containing commands and params and such from the C# process. to the C process. and the C process then has to be able to send reply's. I start the C process in the C# process. What would be the best way to achieve this? I tried using stdin a...

Need expert's comment on fastest communication for .net application

I am looking to achieve the fastest and scalable communication between several servers. I've developed a custom TCP socket server for this purpose with (IOCP) as I think it would be the fastest communication in .NET, but I don't know if it crashes on high load, or if my solution is the fastest communication channel for .NET applications....

AIR <-> Android communication

Hey, I'm looking for a way have some way of communication between an AIR application that runs on a desktop and an Android application (that obviously runs on a phone). Basically, I plan to make the desktop application controllable via an application on an Android phone. Grant Skinner did a similar thing with his Androideroids game, wh...