
Compact and Repair Database programatically

How can I call Access's Compact and Repair Database utility from within C++? I'm already using ADO and ADOX, so a solution using either of those would be handy. ...

Compacting MDB File.

Is there any way to compact the shared mdb file. I mean this file is is always in use. I am looking for the way to compact mdb file without disconnecting users (while the mdb file is in use).... Access version is 2003. ...

Why does compacting a Access 2000 db changes the order of records in a table?

As the question says. The table has no primary key defined. Other tables in the database do not change after compacting, and have as well no primary key defined. ...

Access Creates new file every time I Compact & Repair

It didn't always do this, but ever since I split my database and made the front-end an ACCDE file, any time I try to compact and repair either file, a new file called "Database 1" is generated and my original file size doesn't change. Is this normal? My ACCDB is roughly 20MB, and my ACCDE is just over 1M after being used the first time...

How to rename a table in the sql server compact edition

Hi. I'm new to SQL Server Compact edition. I'm using Compact edition 3.5. I tried renaming the table. But, I couldn't do that through the following query. alter table tablename to newname Plz, someone help me......... ...

Visual Studio 2008: Database changes not commited. Everything works outside of VS after building.

I have a simple application that fills data into a Microsoft SQL Compact 3.5 database. The database is included into the designtime of Visual Studio 2008 Express. Example: NorthwindTableAdapters.ProductsTableAdapter productsAdapter = new NorthwindTableAdapters.ProductsTableAdapter(); // Add a new product productsAdapter.Insert("New ...

how to check and alter constraints

hi can anyone tel me how to check whether a primary key exists or not in a table and add a primary key if not exixts in sql server compact(.sdf).. i'm using this, IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS WHERE CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY') BEGIN alter table [tablename] add constraint [name] PRIM...

Synchronizing the database failed with the message 'string truncation...'

Using N-Tier synchronization to a Microsoft Compact DB: Trying to refresh the local database cache to account for changes in the schema of the db we are syncing against. In the middle of Synchronizing local database cache, the message Synchronizing the database failed with the mes...

Generating Integer Identity Primary Key for Entity Object in Entity Framework and SQL Server CE

Hello I heard that this issue is fixed in SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 CTP As recently I just stepped into SQL Server CE and Entity Framework, and VS2010 not yet supporting SQL Server CE 4.0 I think I would need a work around for this issue Can I know how to generate an Integer type Identity Primary Key inside the constructor of th...

Problem in compacting Access 2007 Database, After Compacting Access 2007 Database gets converted to Access 2002-2003 format.

I am using a Delphi procedure to Compact Access Database Code sniphet of procedure is: procedure CompactDatabase(pFullDatabasePathName : string; pLoginName : string = ''; pPassword : string = ''; pSystemDb : string = ''); var JE : TJetEngine; sdbTemp : String; sdbTempConn : String; sdbSrcConn : Stri...

Database Compacting and Archiving - MS Access Backend

Scenario: There is a legacy program (Not sure what language) and I have been asked to "Compact and Archive forms in the database". At the moment when the user opens the application it is taking about 2-5min to load around 27000 Records!!! My theory is that it is loading all the records on start-up but that might not be the only reason. ...

Problem with distributed Computing with mdf files

I am using SQL EXPRESS EDITION 2005 and Created mdf data file using 2008. now i want to use this datafile in lan. i modified connection string "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=\Server\Data\Data1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;Connect Timeout=60" it is showing security info error i want to use single ...