
open 2 database in wince

Is it posible to open more than 2 databases in WinCE ? I work with Sql CE 3.5. Can I get example for open 2 connections? ...

Managing Wireless Network Connections with C# and the Compact Framework

The title kinda sums it up--I need to be able to pro grammatically connect to a known access point (the SSID and credentials will be loaded during device provisioning). I understand that both the Compact Framework SDK and the OpenNETCF SDK offer some helper methods, but I can't seem to find a good tutorial on how to use them. ...

Calling Method in .Net CF

I want to perform following operation in .NET Compact Framework. I am looking for Calling Method type. .NET Compact Framework doesn't support StackFrame class. Also, GetCurrentMethod() is not available in MethodBase class. ...

Compact Framework and JIT. How long could it take

We have/had a phantom delay in our app. This was traced to the initialisation of a singleton when the object was touched for the first time and was blamed on JIT. I'm not utterly convinced by this as there is no mechanism for measuring JIT (or is there?) and the entire delay was seven seconds. Seven seconds of JIT?!? Could that be forrea...

Get ip address of host pc from windows mobile when connected via ActiveSync

I have a .Net Compact app running on Windows Mobile, and I want to be able to connect to a webservice running on the 'host' machine (i.e. the desktop the PDA is plugged into) when connected via ActiveSync, but I don't know the ip address of the host. How can I find the ip of the desktop PC progromatically on the PDA? ...

.NET Compact Framework GetHashCode(Object) equivalent

What is .NET Compact Framework equivalent for following method? Is there any P/Invoke call available? System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(Object) I am in middle of an open source project port to .NET Compact Framework. ...

Symbol MC30xx Barcode reader device - How to transfer data to PC

Hello Gurus, I'm developing application for Symbol MC3000 device. It's running Windows CE 4.2 Professional. Application is simple data driven app, which stores information about products in store. My client wants to communicate with the device through serial and USB interface and read data stored in application. And here is where i'm s...

Does IL Merge work with .NET Compact Framework

Does anyone have experience using IL Merge and the .NET CF? Does IL Merge work with CF? Are there any known problems? ...

beep in WinCE , it posible ?

hi is it posible to make beep in WinCE ? i try and i get an error ...

Are there any mocking libraries that support the .NET Compact Framwork.

I was just wondering if anyone has found a mocking library that can be used with the .NET compact framwork. I have tried Moq but it doesn't seem to work, I did a quick Google search but couldn't find anything useful. Thanks. ...

Compact Framework - Disable Mouse Events during loads

Morning all, I design a number of compact framework applications, and something that always eludes me is a way of preventing what we call yorkshire bank syndrome (ybs). YBS is named lovingly after the cash points at Yorkshire Bank due to the fact that their screen refresh is so slow, and one of my colleagues pressed the button twice thi...

Auto-size controls in .NET CF to avoid horizontal scrolling?

I am developing a form in .NET Compact Framework, which hosts a variable number of controls. Every control should have the same width as the form. When there are only a few controls, no vertical scrollbar appears. When there are more controls than they can fit in one form, a vertical scrollbar appears. The width of the controls should t...

Compact Framework - WebRequest sometimes fails for no reason?

Hi all, I've got a web service that I talk to from a PDA. In the same directory as the webservice asmx file, I have an html file that I pull a web request from in order to see if the directory is available. I use the following code: /// <summary> /// Holds the web request for checking the connectivity. /// </summary> pr...

Wrapping the Credential Manager API in .NETCF

Hello, think I successfully made a managed wrapperclass to the Credential API functions mentioned here with a little help from there At least the Win32-Errorcodes returned from that functions are Zero or other but expected (i.e. 1168 from CredDelete if calling it twice) and the appropriate values are stored at the correct place in the re...

Pinvoke call for getting the windows serial number?

The normal way to get the windows serial number is WMI. ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * From Win32_OperatingSystem"); // ... // Select number from managementobject mo["SerialNumber"] I don't want to use WMI because the compact framework dosn't support it. The assembly must work on the desktop a...

Paint datagrid row in color in WinCE

Hi, how can I paint all rows in a datagrid with the value of field "age" = 30 in red? I work in WinCE. Thanks for any help! ...

Deploy .NET CF CAB from mobile IE and supress reboot message

Hi All, Using a setup exe I created, I detect whether .NET CF 2.0 is installed. If not, using CreateProcess() I launch mobile IE and provide the URL to download the .NET CF 2.0 CAB as a commandline argument. As a result, the .NAT CAB is downloaded and automatically starts with the .NET CF install. At the end, the install prompts me to r...

How can you detect when the user clicks on the notification icon in Windows Mobile (.NET CF 3.5)

Surfing the net, I came across this: this code that shows how to display a notification at the bottom of the screen on a Windows Mobile device. My question is, is there a way to either specify which options are displayed beneath the notification (on the taskbar) or is there a way to detect when the user clicks on the notification itself...

Windows Mobile - Creating a Device Independent Bitmap by Size in CF.NET

I've been fighting with my rendering ( for a while, and I'm still looking for a good way to fix my issues. My engine creates a single large bitmap (2x or 3x bigger than the size of the screen), and draws everything to that surface. I th...

Upload and download large files - Windows Mobile (Compact Framework) via Web Services (WCF, MTOM, WCE?)

Hi all, I have searched quite a bit and can't seem to find a good stable solution, so any help will be appreciated. Here's the scenario: Windows Mobile device running client app on .NET CF 3.5 (OpenNETCF libraries being used) Web App on .NET 3.5 (Web server running IIS) Developing in VS2008, .NET 3.5 - all the latest I need to use web...