
Custom List Compare dates in Sharepoint

I am creating two columns Start and end date, when the user enters end date I should validate it with the start date to check that its greater than start date, is there a way to do that?? I am using Custom Library for this, My requirement is I have to store a document with start and end date and I need to do some validations on it. Than...

How to compare two tarball's content

hi, I want to tell whether two tarball files contain identical files, in terms of file name and file content, not including meta-data like date, user, group. However, There are some restrictions: first, I have no control of whether the meta-data is included when making the tar file, actually, the tar file always contains meta-data, so d...

How can I measure the similarity between 2 strings?

Given two strings text1 and text2 public SOMEUSABLERETURNTYPE Compare(string text1, string text2) { // DO SOMETHING HERE TO COMPARE } Examples: First String: StackOverflow Second String: StaqOverflow Return: Similarity is 91% The return can be in % or something like that. First String: The simple text test Second String: Th...

Mysql Compare two datetime fields

Hi All, I want to compare two dates with time, I want all the results from tbl where date1 > date2 Select * From temp where mydate > '2009-06-29 04:00:44'; but it is just comparing dates not time. it is giving me all the result set of today's date '2009-06-29 11:08:57' '2009-06-29 11:14:35' '2009-06-29 11:12:38' '2009-06-29 11:37:48...

html compare

hi.. has anyone here used some sort of html compare tool, can anyone give me some suggestion on which html compare tool to use? i need this tool to compare the design of a website. the thing is i dont want to compare the code html, but the output design. is this even possible? also is there any opensource program of this kind? ive sear...

Comparing two xml files in Objective-C

Hi there! I have two xml files (a.xml and b.xml) in my file system (iPhone). Now I want to know if these files contain exactly the same data. Most of the time, this comparison would be true, because b.xml is the result of a copyItemAtPath: operation. Unless it is overwritten by newer information. What would be the most efficient way to ...

How to compare DTSs in SQL Server 2005

Once your databases are converted from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005, is there any way to compare DTSs on two servers to see if they are still essentially the same? I need to see if my dev and prod are the same, and comparing them manually is really time consuming. If they were still in 2000, I could use the Red-Gate tool DTS Comp...

Java: compare object values

I am trying to compare the value of 2 instances of x inside an iterator. x is a reference type containing its own data members. I am trying to compare one instance of x against another to determine if the values inside each are the same. if (x.equals(x)) keeps evaluating to true when actually the value of each instance of x is differe...

cocoa - comparing dates, warning passing argument one of 'compare:' from distinctive objective-c type.

Hi, I've had a look through similar queries on here and elsewhere but i still can't seem to resolve my problem. I am trying to see whether a date stored in a mutable dictionary in an array is between two other dates. The piece of code generating the warning is: if ( [[[records objectAtIndex:( i )] objectForKey:@"Date"] compare:userSta...

"<" operator error

Why is the ( i < UniqueWords.Count ) expression valid in the for loop, but returns "CS0019 Operator '<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'int' and 'method group'" error when placed in my if? They are both string arrays, previously declared. for (int i = 0;i<UniqueWords.Count;i++){ Occurrences[i] = Words.Where(x => x.Equals(Uni...

Check if enum exists in Java

Is there anyway to check if an enum exists by comparing it to a given string? I can't seem to find any such function. I could just try to use the valueOf method and catch an exception but Iv been taught that catching runtime exceptions is not good practice. Anybody have any ideas? ...

comparing disimilar types [python]

First the code: class myClass(object): def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(type(self), type(other)) or cmp(self.__something, other.__something) Does this produce the same ordering as for other types in python? Is there a correct idiom for this? Related question: A bit of looking around on google I found some pertinent...

SQL to compare two unix timestamps?

Hi, I have a table with a field that contains unix timestamps for each record. I would like to return each row where the year and month are equal to the current year and month. Is there a simple way to do this? Thanks ...

Validate DateTime's are sequential by month

I have a list containing 60 DateTime objects (sorted in ascending order) and need to validate that each date is 1 month greater than the previous one in the list. For example, the following list of dates would be valid because they increment by one month with none missing: Jan-2009 Feb-2009 Mar-2009 Apr-2009 However, the followi...

How to dynamically parse and compare string values in C#?

Sorry that I had to re-edit this question. I need to dynamically parse two string values to the appropriate type and compare them, then return a bool result. Example 1: string lhs = “10”; string rhs = “10”; Compare.DoesEqual(lhs, rhs, typeof(int)); //true Compare.DoesEqual(lhs, rhs, typeof(string)); //true Example 2: string lhs = ...

What gets compared to what in the cmovl opcode?

In the assembly opcode cmovl, what gets compared? For example: EAX: 00000002 EBX: 00000001 cmovl eax,ebx What is the result? Which one needs to be less so they can be moved? Thank you! ...

Powershell - Searching and Comparing Arrays with Quest CMDlets

Trying to determine if there are any user folders on the network that don’t have an associated user account. All results return "Missing" when the majority should return "Found". Any ideas? $Dir = "\\ServerName\Share\" $FolderList = Get-ChildItem($Dir) | where {$_.psIsContainer -eq $true} $UserList = get-qaduser -sizelimit 0 | select Lo...

What are the other ways to determine two file contents are identical except for byte-by-byte checking?

To compare byte by byte surely works. But I am wondering if there are any other proven way, say some kind of hashing that outputs unique values for each file. And if there are, what are the advantages and disadvantage of each one in terms of time and memory footprint. By the way, I found this previous thread

javascript compare array

Hello, Somebody made a compare script for me, but it is working like it should be, because I a was little unclear, the code doesn't totally do how I like to have it. Please take a look at this website, this will explain more then thousand words The function of this website is checking the lotto/bingo numbers, Each draw day (1 and 2) s...

Does anybody know a tool or C# API that compares two different fulltexts and display and highlight the differences and render in HTML??

Does anybody know a tool or C# API that compares two different full texts and display and highlight the differences and render in HTML?? I should be bale to give two sets of text to the tool or API and it should return me with the highlighted difference. for eg. first set of full text is "this is test text for the difference highlight...