
How to write Objective-C Blocks inline?

I am trying to implement a binary search using objective-c blocks. I am using the function indexOfObject:inSortedRange:options:usingComparator:. Here is an example. // A pile of data. NSUInteger amount = 900000; // A number to search for. NSNumber* number = [NSNumber numberWithInt:724242]; // Create some array. NSMutableArray* array = ...

How to compare 2 classes which are loaded from 2 different classloader.

here is my case: classloader A, loaded one class("Class1"); then, I changed and compile it. next I loaded Class1.class again by classloader B. I want to compare these 2 classes, check whether the class meta data changed by someone. Is there any way to compare 2 classes' definition data? ...

Compare two columns in excel

Hey, I have an excel document with columns A and B. Row A has 2595 values. Row B has 411 values. I'm trying to figure out how I can compare these two columns by marking column C with the number of times we find a value(s) from row a. For Example COLUMN A COLUMN B COLUMN C 1 1 1 (becaus...

jQuery $get() - compare loaded data with each()

I have two lists .album and .favorites First I was using this each() loop to compare the .album items against the .favorites When there is a favorite copy in the .album list I append a favorite icon. $(".album li").each(function(index) { var itemSrc = $(this).find("img").attr("src"); if ( $(".favorites li img[src*='" + itemSrc ...

Delphi 7 tguid compare

Hi, Is any other way to compare 2 TGUID elements, except transform them into strings (the guidtostring function) and after evaluate the expression, in Delphi 7? Best regards, ... - Search Excel file for values

Hi! I have a form with a couple of combo boxes. The first combobox adds items based on each row in an excel sheet. Public Sub FetchExcelValues(ByVal ControlType As String, ByVal control As Object, ByVal xlApp As Object, ByVal xlWorkBook As Object, ByVal xlWorkSheet As Object, ByVal column As String, ByVal row As Integer) Dim iTelle...

Need Linux cmd-line app to compare binary files and exit on 1st mis-match...

Is there a Linux command-line app which will compare two binary files and exit on the first mis-match? cmp doesn't seem to have the quit opition. ...

What's compared in my Class without an EqualityComparer?

I want to check if an object is in a Queue before I enqueue it. If don't explicitly define an EqualityComparer, what does the Contains() function compare? If it compares property values, that's perfect. If it compares to see if a reference to that object exists in the Queue then that defeats the purpose. ...

[Groovy] Searching for the contents of an Array in another array

Hi folks, I'm using groovy in SOAPUI and am currently trying establish whether the response from 2 endpoints yields the same results. I'm converting my XML response into an array for each endpoint and then looping through Array1 and then Array2 to confirm the presence of each item in Array1. This is very ugly code and I did look at m...

comparing 2 consecutive rows in a recordset

Hi, Currently,I have this objective to meet. I need to query the database for certain results. After done so, I will need to compare the records: For example: the query return me with 10 rows of records, I then need to compare: row 1 with 2, row 2 with 3, row 3 with 4 ... row 9 with 10. The final result that I wish to have is 10 or less...

can i check in C(++) if an array is all 0 (or false)?

can i check in C(++) if an array is all 0 (or false) without iterating/looping over every single value and without allocating a new array of the same size (to use memcmp)? i'm abusing an array of bools to have arbitrary large bitsets at runtime and do some bitflipping on it ...

iOS image comparison algorithm to find the differences in two very similar but different photos

My use case is that I have two images (photos) that are almost identical but do have some differences throughout. They won't be perfectly aligned, but they will be pretty darn close to each other. As a rough estimate, I'd expect to find a half dozen or less differences scattered randomly throughout a pair of 640x480 photos. The size o...

Compare text within two images, but regardless of color

I want to compare two images. On both images you can see a digit. For example: (img1: "5" img2: "5") img1 is a pure black digit. But img2 could be in various colors. The background is white. It doesn't matter what color is on img2, if there is a "5", it has to be matched. How do I compare these images? It has to be a fast method. Any c...

Compare programs

Hello everybody, I'm looking for a freeware program that compares two binary files with each other, and can do the following things give % of similarity Hash the files (give a few basic, asswel as fuzzy hashes, md5, sh1/sh2, etc etc) Compare more then 2 programs with each other, and list them in some sort of database If you know a pr...

jquery find div attribute smaller or higher

i want to find all div attributed value matched smaller or higher numeric value. its worked me only eq value=444 (example div[ref=444],[ref=333]....) var $filteredData = $data.find('div[ref=444]' ); but i want to compare find <444 ( find div attribute value smaller <444) or >444 (find div attribute value higher >444) in all div attri...

String Compare problems? C

Ok so im having a bit of an issue here. basically Im reading shared memory but thats not the problem. I have a change.c function that lets me change a struct studentdata shared memory if I enter their "ID" number. ISSUE WAS SOLVED ...

problems with iphone code to check server file date

I want to check the dates on files -- zip, jpg, or whatever -- on my server and, if they are newer than the copies on my iPhone, to download them. I wrote the following method based on a post here that's about a year old. It has two problems: + (NSString *) f_GetServerFileDate:(NSString *)MyURL { NSURL *oURL = [NSURL URLWithString:...

How should I compare Perl references?

I want to check if two references point to the same object. It seems I can simply use if ($ref1 == $ref2) { # cheap numeric compare of references print "refs 1 and 2 refer to the same thing\n"; } as mentioned in perlref, but I vaguely remember seeing the use of some function for the same purpose. Is there any reason I shouldn't u...

Compare 2 arrays for likeness

How would I compare 2 Arrays in PHP to find which values each array have in common. Example would be Array 1 Array ( [0] => ace [1] => one [2] => five [3] => nine [4] => elephant ) Array 2 Array ( [0] => elephant [1] => seven [2] => ace [3] => jack [4] => queen ) Output Array ( [0] => a...