
Using Application.Run in Excel VBA when workbook name contains spaces

Hello, Application.Run "MyWorkBook.xls!Macro1" will work (run the macro called Macro1 in the MyWorkBook.xls file) Application.Run "My Work Book.xls!Macro1" will not (if the workbook name contains spaces, Excel says "the macro cannot be found"). I just spent hours figuring out that it's the spaces causing this problem... Is there ...

How to call sheet-specific macro from one Excel workbook in another?

I'm trying to call an Excel macro that's in another workbook. It's a sheet-specific macro, but the syntax given by Microsoft documentation and researching on the web, only gives a way to access a macro by workbook only. That syntax is: Application.Run ("testworkbook.xls!macroname") What I need to do is have a sheet reference in ther...

Wiki as tool for Configuration Workbook

I'm currently working a lot with Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)s as well as Configuration Workbook within one product and two projects and versions. These are currently created within MS Excel which is rather difficult to maintain and control (due to different Software and Workbook versions). The Excel Configuration Workbook trie...

Do Java workbooks exist?

Does anybody know of a Java programming workbook? Kind of like pragmatic bookshelf's "Ruby Quiz", except for Java. Not a book of explanations, but a book of problems. Thanks in advance! ...

Start empty Excel workbook without any worksheets

Creating a new Excel workbook as in: Dim xl As Excel.Application Dim wb As Excel.Workbook Set xl = New Excel.Application xl.Visible = False Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Add Is there an easy way to stop Excel automatically creating Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3? I can always delete these unwanted sheets afterwards but that feels like a clunky solut...

Excel Visual Studio Design Time Adapter Add-in Error

Hi.. I am trying to open excel workbook 2003 using VSTO. but i am getting error again again like " Project cannot be created because the application add-in is not working correctly and might have been disabled. To check for disabled items in the Microsoft Office application, open the Help menu, click About Microsoft Office Word or Abo... - Search Excel file for values

Hi! I have a form with a couple of combo boxes. The first combobox adds items based on each row in an excel sheet. Public Sub FetchExcelValues(ByVal ControlType As String, ByVal control As Object, ByVal xlApp As Object, ByVal xlWorkBook As Object, ByVal xlWorkSheet As Object, ByVal column As String, ByVal row As Integer) Dim iTelle...