
Boost - cross compile - "from Linux" "to Windows"

Hello, I have downloaded "boost" (1.40.0) source code from their homepage "". I have Linux (Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty) installed and trying to compile the boost libraries to the "WINDOWS" version (e.g. ".dll", NOT ".so") from my "LINUX" machine. And now an important question: IS IT POSSIBLE TO COMPILE TO THE "WINDOWS" BOOST LIBR...

c++ compiling problem

Hi, I'm trying to compile a c++ program, which is something I didn't do for a long time... What I'm trying is: g++ -c A.cpp -o A.o g++ -c dir/B.h -o B.o which seem to work, and then I try: g++ A.o B.o -o A -lX11 -lpthread and get: B.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized collect2: ld returned 1 exit status...

Timing initial startup in an ASP.NET application

My ASP.NET app takes a long time to load the first page request after an iisreset or app domain recycle. Is there a way to reliably measure the amount of time it takes for the app domain to recycle? ...

ASP.NET compilationMode Auto vs Never

Let's assume my ASPX page has no inline C# code blocks. So, I can safely set <pages compilationMode="Never" /> my web.config file and not worry about compilation errors. Performance-wise, would there be any penalty to using the following setting? <pages compilationMode="Auto" /> i.e. does the "auto" detection take any signi...

Using gcc along with ccache

Hi, I was thinking about using ccache with gcc compiled code on the team wide base (same ccache's cache will be used by all developers on the same machine). Since we're talking about commercial product, "correctness" of compilation is a top priority. Here come questions: Is the compilation using ccache is safe/reproducible? Is there...

Boost - "static" vs "shared" libraries

Hello, I am building "boost" libraries from boost source code and I have two options: to build it "static" or to build it "shared" (e.g. dynamic). Which is better idea? I prefer dynamic (shared) linking but when I tried to build boost shared libraries (on Ubuntu Linux), I got lots of errors or warnings (why there are always errors, warn...

Compiling OpenSSL on windows

Quoting the instructions for building OpenSSL: Then from the VC++ environment at a prompt do: nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak When I do this, I get cl /Fotmp32\cryptlib.obj -Iinc32 -Itmp32 /MT /Ox /O2 /Ob2 /W3 /WX /Gs0 /GF /Gy /nologo -DOPENSSL_SYSNAME_WIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DL_ENDIAN -DDSO_W IN32 -D_CRT_SECURE_NO...

iPhone compile for thumb

I've heard it might be a good idea to turn off "compile for thumb" in an iPhone target's settings to increase performance. I'm having some trouble finding this setting though. Since I couldn't find it in my current project, I decided to make a new one (where I could find and set it), and copy my files over to it (and also update all libs...

Tint2 Compilation

I'm on a network where I don't have root access, so everything I install is under a prefix ~/bin (actually referenced by its full path). So I have openbox working fine, which is what I'm using to send this from. Imlib2 I do ./configure --prefix=~/bin; make; make install. Then I run from the tint2 source directory IMLIB2_CFLAGS=-i~/bin/i...

Compile Matplotlib for Python on Snow Leopard

I've killed half a day trying to compile matplotlib for python on Snow Leopard. I've used the googles and found this helpful page ( but I still can't get it to compile. I see comments from other users on that page, so I know I'm not alone. I already installed zlib, libpng and freetype independently. I...

How to highlight source in Emacs compilation-mode when compilation error occurs

Hi, I read the documentation about compilation-mode but I didn't find any technique to hightlight source code where a compilation error occurs. For example change the background color of the source code that produces the compilation error (like the red underline in Eclipse or Netbeans). And also a way to read the error message somewhere...

Tentative definitions in C99 and linking

Consider the C program composed of two files, f1.c: int x; f2.c: int x=2; My reading of paragraph 6.9.2 of the C99 standard is that this program should be rejected. In my interpretation of 6.9.2, variable x is tentatively defined in f1.c, but this tentative definition becomes an actual definition at the end of the translation unit...

Compiling Emacs on Snow Leopard

Has anyone successfully compiled the latest CVS version of Emacs on Snow Leopard? If so, could you provide instructions? I was using the following on Leopard, and it worked fine: cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/sources/emacs co emacs cd emacs ./configure --enable-carbon-app --with-ns --with-jpeg=no --with-gif=no \ ...

IHTMLDocument2Ptr giving compilation error.

Hi, I am trying to compile one of old project in Visual Studio 2003 on Vista. This project is compiling like a charm on other machine even with Vista(and also with XP) but on my machine. I've checked all settings and include paths but all seems correct. One thing I observed unique on my machine is when I try to find reference of IHTMLD...

Can't get compile on save / hot deploy feature to work with maven based webapp in eclipse or netbeans

So our new webapp project is based on maven. I'm really liking the dependency management and IDE agnostic approach but I'm having problems with compilation and debugging. Here's how I would currently get a clean copy of the project working Check out the main project from SVN Open the project in IDE (I've tried in eclipse 3.4 and netbe...

Will splitting code into several .cpps decrease compilation time?

Hi, Suppose a have a fairly complex class I'm working on. Half the methods are done and tested, but I'm still devolping the other half. If I put the finished code in one cpp and the rest in another, will Visual Studio (or any other IDE for that matter) compile faster when I only change code that's in the "work-in-progress" cpp? Thanks!... MVC project not compiling on IIS

I used to just upload websites to the live server, and IIS compiles them automatically. But when I do the same with MVC projects I just get errors, and I need to release Build the project before I upload it. Note1: I'm using VWD 2008 Express Note2: The project is working perfectly if I release build it on my machine th...

library not found for -lrt with QtCreator [mac os]

hello, i'm getting some troubles with QT it builds with option "-lrt" i'm using mac os 10.6 with QT creator 1.2.1, heeeeeeelp ! this is the full build command : g++ -headerpad_max_install_names -o AMiningCoreTest main.o tokenizer.o DictionnaryToolBox.o mysql.o btree.o BTreeDataTable.o tcaccess.o -L/Library/Frameworks -L/...

Haskell compilation problem

Hi. I have a problem compiling Haskell programs, that import the Text.Regex.Posix module. I have tried to isolate the problem in a small test program: module Main () where import Text.Regex.Posix ((=~)) main = return () Running the interpreter works fine: /regex-test$ runghc Main.hs /regex-test$ However, compiling this program wi...

Confirm ASP.NET website binaries do not change after adding comments in source

A member of my project team needs to add source code comments to many of his ASP.NET projects to provide better documentation. Some members of the project team recommend that we conduct thorough regression testing if we add any source code comments since there is a remote chance that some of the source code might inadvertently get comme...