
Troubleshooting "program does not contain a static 'Main' method" when it clearly does...?

My MS Visual C# program was compiling and running just fine. I close MS Visual C# to go off and do other things in life. I reopen it and (before doing anything else) go to "Publish" my program and get the following error message: "Program C:\myprogram.exe does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point" Huh? Yes i...

Generating Code in an MSBuild task

I am creating an MSBuild task that will generate one or more files, I have a Task with an [output] property that is of type ITaskItem[]. My question is, do I need to implement that interface myself or is there a class I can use already? I want them to be Compile task items that get added to the list of files to compile. ...

Is it possible to compile perl with -DDEBUGGER option on Windows using ActivePerl?

There are many debugging option available, but it says you need to compile Perl with -DDEBUGGER option. How do we do that on Windows with ActivePerl. Also, I had this problem of out of memory with Perl. I was reading a XML file with 5 lines but the second line was way way too big, (the file size was 4.3Mb) for 5 lines. It does not pars...

compile c code in vs 2005

Is there an easy way to compile c code in visual studio 2005? Its been a while(2-3 years) since I've done any coding in either c or c++, but I remember that you used to be able ti, in vs 2003, compile c code in visual studio. I thought it was just a matter of using an empty project(rather than, say a c++ project or a C# project) and gi...

Standalone Java Applications

is there a way to compile java files into executable with high quality free software and without going through using executable JAR files? ...

Trying to compile slapd on cygwin, what does this automake error mean?

I'm trying to compile a very old verion of slapd (the LDAP server) on cygwin. Previously this ran on a Linux box, but for reasons beyond my control it must be made to work on a Windows server. It has been suggested that we might use cygwin to compile up the source-code. Unfortunately the build fails during "configure" with the error mes...

Python - why compile?

This may seem like a dumb question, but why would you compile a python script? You can run them directly from the .py file and it works fine, so is there a performance advantage or something? I also notice that some files in my application get compiled into .pyc while others do not, why is this? ...

Why does (string)int32 always throw: Cannot convert type 'int' to 'string'

Why does (string)int32 always throw: Cannot convert type 'int' to 'string' public class Foo { private int FooID; public Foo() { FooID = 4; string s = (string)FooID; //throws compile error string sss = FooID.ToString(); //no compile error } } ...

Flex Builder, keep flash player running on Error

I got this project, where there this error keeps occurring and its not on my table to fix it right now. I have other priorities. This error isn't that big deal as well for the rest of the project - but everytime this error gets thrown when I launched the debug player in Flex Builder, it shuts down the player right away. Is it possible t...

ASP.NET Web Application - compiling .cs files

I guess I have been using the Web Site model ever since .NET 2.0 and never looked back. Now I'm using the Web Application mode on a few projects. How do you tell the compiler to compile .cs files in the project? I assume you can do this since the newer-MVC projects do it for the Controllers. I have a class, RestRouteHandler, that implem...

Just started C++: Undefined Symbol error on Compile

Here's the situation: I just started my first C++ class. I know nothing about C++ and despite this being the an intro to C++ class, the teacher has taught pretty much NO syntax for the language, just logic that we already know. Now he gave us a program description and said, "write it, lol." I understand the logic fine, but as I said be...

First C++ Program Ever: Compile Errors

I was having some problems with my first C++ program (this one) awhile ago. Basically I am trying to do an assignment for intro to C++ class where the professor has taught us no syntax. Here is my code right now: #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Race { public: ...

compile directly from vim

I'd like to compile cpp file w/o turning off vi. I know the :!g++ file.cpp but I prefer :make so I added this line in .vimrc file au FileType C set makeprg=gcc\ % au FileType Cpp set makeprg=g++\ % but I keep getting "make: * No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.** "message. can anyone tell me what is wrong with my ...

How to compile single/multiple java files without server restart? Is there any Eclipse plugin for the same?

I want to compile multiple java files in my Application without restarting Weblogic and Tomcat. Otherwise, this takes a lot of time. For this I got one Hotswap plugin in Eclipse, but this is not working in all the cases. It says it works for single file compile. Even if I use that it is not working in all the cases. Is there any other ...

Compiling/Executing a C# Source File in Command Prompt

Pardon my ignorance but how do you compile a .CS file from a command-prompt window? And how do you execute? ...

Problem compiling in Clojure

I've been trying to compile a very simple test.clj in Clojure without any success. I have a thread on the Clojure Google Group with several responses, but nothing has helped. To quickly summarize, here is my clojure file: (ns test.test (:gen-class)) (defn -main [gre] (println (str "Hello " gre))) Basically it's the exam...

On-the-fly, in-memory java code compilation for Java 5 and Java 6

How can I compile java code from an arbitrary string (in memory) in Java 5 and Java 6, load it and run a specific method on it (predefined)? Before you flame this, I looked over existing implementations: Most rely on Java 6 Compiler API. Those that don't, rely on tricks. Yes, I checked out commons-jci. Either I'm too dense to understa...

Trying to compile and debug C++ from Vim

I've been learning C++ and Allegro using Code::Blocks on Windows XP, and recently felt like learning Vim. However, I have no idea how to compile a program "manually" (i.e., without using an IDE). For compiling from within Vim, I have gotten as far as setting the makeprg to gcc, but I understand I also need a makefile. What is that and h...

Running :make from gVim in Background

I use gVim in windows to edit my code (mostly C++). I use :make in gVim to compile the project, but this is a blocking operation, that prevents me from using gVim until the compilation is complete. How can I do :make asynchronously and still get the benefits of reading the errors back into Vim and jump to the errors in source code? Bonus...

Issue with compiling a program into an EXE, VB 6

I have recently edited a fellow student's data collection software to my specifications. The program works fine when I run within Visual Basic 6, however ideally I would like to compile the program into an .exe file so I can run it from any PC. However, when I select the option to turn it into an exe, I get the following error while its ...