
website compile error

I am experiencing the following error while loading a website: Server Error in '/DatingGridView' Application. Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately....

Why can't I compile my Java applications using Ubuntu?

I have been trying for what seems like two days now to get my java application to compile from the command line in Ubuntu. I know I have Java installed because I can run my applications in Eclipse & Netbeans and they work fine. But if I want to compile my applications from the command line I get the following error message: javac Main.j...

I want to reduce my VS.NET project's compile time - what are your ideas for how to do this?

My project is developed in Visual Studio 08, in C#. It's a standalone desktop application, about 60k lines of code. Once upon a time I loved working on this software - now that the compliation time has grown to approx 2 minutes, it becomes a far less enjoyable experience... I think that my lack of experience in C# may be a factor; I hav...

Is there any advantage in writing a set of operations in a single line if all those operations have to occur anyway?

From a post-compilation perspective (rather than a coding syntax perspective), in C#, is there any actual difference in the compiled code between a set of operations that have occurred on one line to a set of operations that occur across multiple lines? This object anObject = new object(); anObject = this.FindName("rec"+keyPlayed.ToStr...

Why does C# generate different EXEs for the same source-code?

Every time we recompile our C# application we end up with EXEs with different MD5 signatures. We are recompiling on the same machine, minutes apart. Why doesn't the same source-code yield the same output? Is there a way to fix this? ...

Call Tiny C Compiler from a C++ code

I'm trying to compile a C code in a file from a program in C++. When I run my program it call the Tiny C Compiler and generate a dll from the compilation of c code. I tried to do it by a lot of ways but I couldn't. Did anyone already do something like this? Thanks ...

Why is this code being generated by avr-gcc and how does it work?

This is a snippet of disassembled avr code from a C project I'm working on. I noticed this curious code being generated and I can't understand how it works. I'm assuming it's some sort of ridiculous optimization... Can anyone explain? 92: ticks++; +0000009F: 91900104 LDS R25,0x0104 Load direct from data space +0...

Edit flash with Java

Is there any way to dynamically generate an swf file? Or insert variables after it's "compiled" to swf? Or insert variables to the fla and then compile it to swf? (I'm using flash lite 1.1 (and the flash is set to background) so i can't read anything from outside the swf file, that's why i need this) (I'd like to do this using java (...

Building firefox error: c compiler cannot create executables

I'm trying to build firefox but I'm having some problems. I currently have Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite (trial if that matters). My mozconfig file: # Firefox ac_add_options --enable-application=browser mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=/c/mozilla-build/mozilla-central/objdir-ff-release mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j4" # Java XCOM ac_add_o...

C++ stack and scope

I tried this code on Visual C++ 2008 and it shows that A and B don't have the same address. int main() { { int A; printf("%p\n", &A); } int B; printf("%p\n", &B); } But since A doesn't exist anymore when B gets defined, it seems to me that the same stack location could be reused... I don't understand why th...

Possible to build a shared library with static link used library?

I can build a executable with gcc with static link: gcc -static xxx.c -o xxx So I can run xxx without any external dependent library. But what if I want to build shared library without externel dependent library? which I mean I want the shared library statically linked its externel reference in. ...

Classes not extending java.lang.Object

While you create a user defined class in Java, you do not specify it as extending Object. But still the class is an Object. How does this work? How does javac or the JVM inject all properties of a class to the user defined class? ...

C : gdb behavior : value optimized out

Can anyone explain this behavior of gdb :- 900 memset(&new_ckpt_info,'\0',sizeof(CKPT_INFO)); (gdb) **903 prev_offset = cp_node->offset;** (gdb) **905 m_CPND_CKPTINFO_READ(ckpt_info,(char *)cb->shm_addr.ckpt_addr+sizeof(CKPT_** HDR),i_offset); (gdb) **903 prev_offset = cp_node->offset;** (gdb) **905 ...

Binding temporary to a lvalue reference

I have the following code string three() { return "three"; } void mutate(string& ref) { } int main() { mutate(three()); return 0; } You can see I am passing three() to mutate method. This code compiles well. My understanding is, temporaries can't be assigned to non-const references. If yes, how this program is compiling...

Boolean expressions optimizations in Java

Consider the following method in Java: public static boolean expensiveComputation() { for (int i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; ++i); return false; } And the following main method: public static void main(String[] args) { boolean b = false; if (expensiveComputation() && b) { } } Logical conjunction (same as &&) is a commutative o...

VS2008: Prevent attempting to link if any projects fail.

In VS2008, when you build a big solution with many projects, if one of the projects fails with an Error, it still attempts to link the startup project, which obviously is unnecessary in most cases because if a project fails you'll need to fix that error first before running the program. Does anyone know how to get VS2008 to not try to l...

accepting a grammar in C++

this is a lab assignment i am stuck on. i cant believe i am having problems with this basic programming, but i cant afford to waste any more time on this. i gotta ask the experts. i need to accept this grammar (ab)*b, which basically means any number of "ab" and ending with b. i have written this code but somehow, it checks only the fi...

What are the different processor registers used by the VS C++ compiler?

What are the different registers used by the C++ compiler in a program? What is the difference between SP and FP? If possible please point me to some detailed reference docs. Curious to know the underlying things happening in a compiler. Is it possible to view these registers during the execution of a program in Visual Studio. Appreciate...

What form of alias analysis does Visual C++ use?

I'm trying to figure out what form of alias analysis is used in Visual C++. Its also known as pointer analysis, mod-ref analysis, points-to analysis or side-effect analysis, and is pretty close to escape analysis or shape analysis (should you have seen those terms bandied about). If anyone knows where MSDN discusses this sort of thing, ...

How .NET differentiates reference vs primitive and value types

.NET we have primitive datatypes like int and value types like struct. And also we have reference types. All of them seem to be derived from object class. How .NET determine primitive, value type against the reference type? Where it is done? At compiler or at JIT? Does this belongs to the capabilities of the compilers? ...