
Compiling multiple languages together to make them run on different platforms

I would like to start with a THANK YOU to all those that answered my previous question on Compiling multiple languages together. Now I want to know whether or not it's possible to Compile multiple languages together so that they would run on different platforms. ...

C# Compilation without visual studio

I am learning C# and I know the advantages and ease of using Visual Studio but basically I want to learn the mechanics of C# the old school way. I understand that I need to the least .NET Framework and Notepad to compile C# code which I have already. Now I have created the small app as myApp.cs and I want to know how should I compile it ...

Finite Automat Tool

Can anyone give some sample program in Lex and Yacc. Thanks. ...

Compilation error - ICE80: The 64BitComponent ... uses 32BitDirectory ...

The following line Generates the following error: Error 4 ICE80: This 64BitComponent GlobalScopePackages uses 32BitDirectory blablabla c:\development\...\file.wxs Error is described on this page How do I fix this or suppress the warning? Is it safe to simply supres...

C vs C++ code optimization for simple array creation and i/o

I've been trying to convince a friend of mine to avoid using dynamically allocated arrays and start moving over to the STL vectors. I sent him some sample code to show a couple things that could be done with STL and functors/generators: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #define EVENTS 100000...

create symbol table

Hi all , Is there any body who can tell how to create symbol table for compiler using C. ...

alignment of sections and memory within an EXE file

What are the alignment of sections and memory within an EXE file I need to specify when creating using in the Mosa IL compiler? Thanks. ...

Flash - custom language instead of ActionScript

Hi, I recently heard of a language that gives the same functionality as ActionScript (creating flash SWF files) with a certain speed increase. The language was called something along the lines of 'hex'. Does anyone have any idea what this language is? Thanks ...

no std namespace

We've got a reasonable sized C++ application that's pretty old at this stage, so it's got a few quirks. One of these quirks is in how it deals with C++ compilers that use a pre-standisation standard library. There's one header file that's supposed to resolve any differences between a standards compliant compiler and this one non-compl...

How would one create a Clojure Lint?

One example of a common Clojure programming error is expecting a lazy expression to be evaluated for side-effects. On the surface it appears checking for unused lazy expressions would be helpful. What would be the best approach to identifying this and other common mistakes? Should the core compiler check for these situations, or should i...

Why does CUDA.rules have two identical command lines

The commandline for CUDA.rules file is: echo [CompilerPath] [Keep] [CInterleavedPTX] [ExtraNvccOptions] [Arch] -ccbin "$(VCInstallDir)bin" [Emulation] [FastMath] [Defines] -Xcompiler "/EHsc [Warning] /nologo [Optimization] /Zi [RuntimeChecks] [Runtime] [TypeInfo] [ExtraCppOptions]" [Include] [MaxRegCount] [PtxAsOption...

Compiler to translate Java bytecode to platform-independent C code before runtime?

I'm looking for a compiler to translate Java bytecode to platform-independent C code before runtime (Ahead-of-Time compilation). I should then be able to use a standard C compiler to compile the C code into an executable for the target platform. I understand this approach is suitable only for certain Java applications that are modified...

When should I omit the frame pointer?

Is there any substantial optimization when omitting the frame pointer? If I have understood correctly by reading this page, -fomit-frame-pointer is used when we want to avoid saving, setting up and restoring frame pointers. Is this done only for each function call and if so, is it really worth to avoid a few instructions for every funct...

How to turn type-labeled tokens into a parse-tree?

So I'm writing a programming language in C++. I've written pretty much all of it except for one little bit where I need to turn my tokens into a parse tree. The tokens are already type labeled and ready to go, but I don't want to go through the effort of making my own parse tree generator. I've been looking around for apps to do this bu...

Which complier is used to make .cod files?

Which complier is used in Blackberry development to make .cod files? Is it rapc? ...

c++ typeid operator

Hello I am using Visual Studio 2005 Proffesional Edition. In the following example SomeClass is class that is defined in third party dll library I am using. SomeClass has virtual methods. I noticed that the operator typeid gives different results when applied to the type itself, and when applied to object of the type. Is this normal be...

How to construct LEX for this ?

I want to make the automata to accept following regular expression using lex and yacc. The regular expression is R = (ab + a)* . Can anyone help me to construct this automata using lex and yacc. Thanks. ...

How can I set options in SConstruct for C compiler depending on compiler type?

I need to set additional options for C compiler, e.g. add flag to turn all warnings ON, depending on the type of the compiler. E.g. for MSVC I should use env.Append(CPPFLAGS = "/Wall") but for mingw (gcc) I need to use: env.Append(CCFLAGS = "-Wall") How can I do this in scons way? ...

How much time would it take to write a C++ compiler using flex/yacc?

How much time would it take to write a C++ compiler using lex/yacc? Where can I get started with it? ...

Abstract syntax tree question

I am currently working on a compiler under C and I am abit lost at the part where we construct the data structure for AST, especially for the part where we construct stucture for IDs, it is called "Symbol Table Entry" I see structures over net such as: struct ste { struct id *name; /* pointer into hash table for assoc. id */ st...