
Linker error when compiling boost.asio example

Hi, I'm trying to learn a little bit C++ and Boost.Asio. I'm trying to compile the following code example: #include <iostream> #include <boost/array.hpp> #include <boost/asio.hpp> using boost::asio::ip::tcp; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { if (argc != 2) { std::cerr << "Usage: client <host>" << std::endl; ...

What is the state of Ruby as a compiled language?

Ruby has been around for a while now so I was wondering if there was any work being done on a compiler for it? I know that compiler design is hindered by things like Eval() so I would not expect implementations to be 100 percent accurate? My own searches have turned up sparse results. ...

How does compiler use lib file ?

I am curious about how c/c++ compiler analyse lib files ? I mean say I create a library containing some classes, I am using that library in my main program. How does compiler know what class names are there in that library. Of course that information is present in binary format, I want to use that functionality in my program, to be speci...

C++ include .h includes .cpp with same name as well?

I have text.cpp which includes header.h and header.cpp which includes header.h. Will header.cpp be compiled as well? I'm following a guide here, and I am thoroughly confused. Also, what is the correct terminology for what I am asking? I know I sound like a moron, and I apologize, but I'm ignorant. Oh, int main() is in test.cpp. Also,...

What kind of knowledge do you need to invent a new programming language?

I just finished to read "Coders at works", a brilliant book by Peter Seibel with 15 interviews to some of the most interesting computer programmers alive today. Well, many of the interviewees have (co)invented\implemented a new programming language. Some examples: Joe Armstrong: Inventor of Erlang L. Peter Deutsch: implementer of Sma...

Error starting modern compiler

In my servlet , I m using Tomcat 5.0 and JRE is 1.5.0 but it is giving error when I click on the URL . As when I created a war file of my project and deployed in tomcat than it is working fine . It means that only problem with my eclipse configuration ERROR IS : - Apr 5, 2010 3:20:22 PM org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler generateCla...

Fast jitter library

Anything out there other than llvm ? libjit doesn't seem very active.. I need a really fast and stable jitter. Even at the expense of features.. (preferably under c++) ...

C precision of double: compiler dependent?

Hi,on my 32-bit machine (with an Intel T7700 duo core), I have 15 precision digits for both double and long double types for the C language. I compared the parameters LDBL_DIG for long double and DBL_DIG for double and they are both 15. I got these answers using MVS2008. I was wondering if these results can be compiler dependent or do th...

graphics programming

hi , i would like to program some graphic figures such as line, circle,etc. i have used turboc++ 3.0 for dos graphics. i would like to do the same with the compilers dev c++ or code blocks or vc++. i would like to implement dda and bresenhems line and circle drawing algorithm. how should i go about implementing these programs through ...

Does (size_t)((char *)0) ever not evaluate to 0?

According to the responses in "Why subtract null pointer in offsetof()?" (and my reading of K&R), the C standard doesn't require that (size_t)((char *)0) == 0. Still, I've never seen a situation where casting a null pointer to an integer type evaluates to anything else. If there is a compiler or scenario where (size_t)((char *)0) != 0, ...

How to leverage multicore CPUs when compiling C# projects in a large solution?

As far as I know, VS2008/MSBuild do not suport multithreaded compilation of C# projets. I don't know if VS2010 supports it. Do you know a 3rd party product or an open source projet that does that? ...

io operations in compilers

How are constructs of io operations handled by a compiler? Like the RTL mapping for memory related operations which is done in a compiler at the time of target code generation, where and how exactly is the same done for io operations? How are the appeoaches different for processors supporting MMIO and I/O mapped I/O? Are there any optimi...

Carbon Calls failing?

HI All, My Carbon calls are failing. I have: #include <Carbon/Carbon.h> in my PCH. I have: /Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon in my Header Search Path But calls like: aDialog = GetNewDialog(16002, NULL,(WindowPtr) (-1L)); are failing saying: GetNewDialog not declared in this scope. I am targeting 10.5 64-bit intel. ...

Can standard Sun javac do incremental compiling?

Recently I started to use Eclipse's java compiler, because it is significantly faster than standard javac. I was told that it's faster because it performs incremental compiling. But I'm still a bit unsure about this since I can't find any authoritative documentation about both - eclispse's and sun's - compilers "incremental feature". Is ...

How to intercept, parse and compile?

This is a problem I've been struggling to solve for a while. I need a way to either replace code in the method with a parsed code from the template at compile time (PostSharp comes to mind) or to create a dynamic proxy (Linfu or Castle). So given a source code like this [Template] private string GetSomething() { var template = [%=Cus...

#define and how to use them - C++

Hi All, in a pre-compiled header if I do: #define DS_BUILD #define PGE_BUILD #define DEMO then in source I do: #if (DS_BUILD && DEMO) ---- code--- #elif (PGE_BUILD && DEMO) --- code--- #else --- code --- #endif Do I get an error that states: error: operator '&&' has no right operand I have never seen this before. I am...

Commands to compile programs on Windows

In case I have .NET framework installed in my computer + all the necessary other language support (Perl Interpreter, etc) What are the commands I should give in the console to compile programs in the following languages: 1. C 2. C++ 3. Java 4. Python 5. VB 6. C# 7. Perl 8. Ruby Like we have for VB- *vbc program_name.vb*, what are the c...

Get compiler generated delegate for an event

I need to know what handlers are subsribed to the CollectionChanged event of the ObservableCollection class. The only solution I found would be to use Delegate.GetInvocationList() on the delegate of the event. The problem is, I can't get Reflection to find the compiler generated delegate. AFAIK the delegate has the same name as the event...

Writing a Compiler for .net - IL or Bytecode?

I'm currently diving into the inner workings of .net, which means IL. As an exercise, I want to build a brainf..k compiler for .net (yes, they already exist, but as said it's for learning purposes). For the moment I'm just writing some text files that contain .il and compile them with ilasm, which works. But I wonder if I could/should g...

What information about me and my system do compilers add to executeables?

I'm currently using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. If we say that we give 10 different people a copy of MSVC 10 and a short C++ Hello, World listing. They all create a new project using exactly the same settings, add a new cpp file with the Hello, World program and compile it. Do they all get the exactly same binary? If not, what are t...