
Compiling MySQL on Windows with C++ Builder

Possible? To crazy to contemplate? if yes and no (respectively) any idea how to go about doing this? ...

compiling java from the command line

I have a package called studentServer which contains two sub packages student and common. The common folder has references to the student package and i would like to be able to compile this. How could i do this? javac student\*.java - compiles the student package but when i try something similar with the common package errors are thro...

Master Makefile for Subprojects Won't Compile Subprojects

I have a project that I am working to release that actually contains 3 subprojects, all of which need to be compiled in one go. My makefile looks roughly like this: all: a b c a: @cd a && make b: @cd b && make c: @cd c && make Projects A and B both compile fine but for the 3rd project, it tells me there is nothing to b...

Trying to embed python into tinycc, says python symbols are undefined

I've literally spent the past half hour searching for the solution to this, and everything involves GCC. What I do here works absolutely fine with GCC, however I'm using TinyCC, and this is where I'm getting confused. First the code: #include <Python.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char*argv[]) { Py_Initialize(); PyRun_...

Do you prefer compiled or scripted languages?

Since this is wide community using all kind of different technologies, it seems like appropriate place to ask this. Do you like to compile or do you prefer scripting? I ask this because I tend to program things in small scripting languages with chosen modules I actually need (like Lua, Awk, AutoHotKey ... ) instead of mainstream langua...

C++ How to compile dll in a .exe

I am creating a c++ program, but I want to be able to offer just a .exe file to the user. However, I am using libraries (curl among others) which have some dll's. Is it possible to compile these dll's into the .exe file? I use Code::Blocks and mingw. ...

How do I compile Perl 5.10 with thread support under FreeBSD 7.1?

I'm trying to compile Perl 5.10 on my FreeBSD 7.1 (BSD) server but when I run the Configure script and answer the questions I get the following error: ...POSTIX threads should be supported by FreeBSD 7.1 ... but your system is missing the shared libc_r. Googling for the answer came up with installing gethostnamadr.c which is fine exce...

(c++) The benefits / disadvantages of unity builds?

Hi, since starting at a new company I've noticed that they use unity cpp files for the majority of our solution, and I was wondering if anyone is able to give me a definitive reason as to why and how these speed up the build process?, as I would've thought that editing one cpp file in the unity files will force recompilation of all of th...

Is it possible to view what shell commands Eclipse is making?

I have a rather length project I'm working on, which requires an older JDK to compile correctly, various JAR includes, and the like. I'm assembling the entire project using a batch script, and I'd like to make the whole process fully automated with the script. So I was wondering if I could view the shell commands Eclipse does to make a p...

Java AOT + loading java classes dynamically

I'm building a plugin system for my application. I've read that anyone can decomple .class files and therefore I'm forced ot use a Ahead-Of-Time compiler (right?). The problem is that I need to load some plugin classes dynamically. Right now I'm loading all .class files in a folder and invoking a static method (I never create a object) a...

What do you do to make compiler lines shorter?

Often when I'm working on a project with others, the amount of library paths and include paths that get sourced by the compiler in the Makefile get more numerous as time goes by. Also the paths can get very long as well. Here's an example: g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -DQT_BOOTSTRAPPED -DQT_MOC -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -DQT_NO_LIB...

Why does my Java class fail to compile when compiled from inside the package directory?

I have made a directory called "middle" and inside it another directory called "tier" and inside the "tier" directory are which is an interface and having its implementation. The problem is when I try to compile from outside the package middle.tier it compiles but when I do t...

Compiling GNU software on HP-UX. yy* symbols problem

When trying to compile GNU software on HP-UX (binutils for example) I'm getting error meggages about unsatisfied symbols yyfnd, yyextra, yytextuc, yyolsp ... Some software can't be compiled using HP-UX own lex so i've included byacc and flex executables in my PATH. Is it HP-UX lex problem? How to fix it? ...

Creating libraries in C/C++ - ld can't find my library.

Hi, I'm trying to learn how to create a C/C++ library in a linux environment but I'm having a problem (probably a trivial one) that online tutorials had not helped to solve. For definiteness let's say I have a foo.c file with the following code: //file: foo.c #include <stdio.h> void hello(void) { printf("hello!\n"); } a foo.h: ...

Javac cannot find jar for apache commons config

I'm trying to compile a very simple program in Java 1.6 on Ubuntu Jaunty, using Apache Commons Config jar. I keep getting the "package org.apache.commons.configuration does not exist" error, even though the jar is in the same directory. Any ideas? Directory Listing ~/source/UpdateStockHistory$ ll total 304 -rw-r--r-- 1 crosse cros...

can't compile c code

Hi I'm new to C and i can't compile a program i downloaded. The Errormessage looks like this : ********@*******:~/Desktop/GRAPPA20$ gcc all_sorting_reversals.c /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.3/../../../../lib/crt1.o: In function `_start': /build/buildd/glibc-2.9/csu/../sysdeps/i386/elf/start.S:115: undefined reference to `main' /tm...

Why does not the Application_Start() event fire when I debug my ASP.NET MVC app?

I currently have the following routines in my Global.asax.cs file: public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Arrangemen...

Compiling Java code written for 1.5 to work with 1.4 JRE?

I have a project that uses generics and a few Java 1.5/6 bits and pieces. Is it possible to compile this code to work on a system running a 1.4 JRE? I use an ANT build script and javac task to compile the library. This builds fine while the target attribute is 1.5. If I change the target to be 1.4 I get the following error: generics a...

Books about how linking, compiling, etc and how it all fits together?

I'm having trouble understanding how compilers and linkers work and the files they create. More specifically, how do .cpp, .h, .lib, .dll, .o, .exe all work together? I am mostly interested in C++, but was also wondering about Java and C#. Any books/links would be appreciated! ...

How do I compile multple independent mxml files at one time?

Our application has over 15 different top-level mxml files to create individual controls that are used in our pages. We are using Ant to do our automated builds, and are calling the mxmlc task for each mxml file separately (See question 78230 similar example). Running the compiler separately for each mxml file, however, is already ad...