
How to require certain concepts in C++ code?

How do I require and check that an argument is a certain concept in C++? For example, the random_shuffle function in the algorithm header requires that its arguments are RandomAccessIterators: template<typename _RandomAccessIterator> inline void random_shuffle(_RandomAccessIterator __first, _RandomAccessIterator __last) {...

What is the difference between "compile time" and "run time"?

I do not understand what is meant by the terms "compile time" and "run time" (or "runtime"). I'm also a bit confused about what "value type" and "reference type" mean, and how they relate to the 'times mentioned above. Would someone please explain these things? ...

Old concepts with new names (namely REST and Cloud computing)

It seems that SaaS and Cloud computing are old concepts with new names, and I am curious if I am wrong. For cloud computing you can look at: Basically, it seems that when we have been hosting that that is cloud computing, it is just ...

Concept Checking change in C++?

I'm porting over some code from one project to another within my company and I encountered a generic "sets_intersect" function that won't compile: template<typename _InputIter1, typename _InputIter2, typename _Compare> bool sets_intersect(_InputIter1 __first1, _InputIter1 __last1, _InputIter2 __first2, _InputIter2 __...

ECommerce, products in category and category browsing

Hi Everyone, I am building an EC website for a customer and the project manager came with some strange ideas and I am struggling to actually implement what he sold to the client. Here comes my main issue and a quick summary how the system is setup: product are inside categories, categories could be children of an another category. So ...

2d Map based tile game engine

Hello, I'm wondering if there is any map creator tool out there that can create terrains for 2d isometric games and export them as some form of xml or other open format document. For eg. You would create how a 100x100 tile map. Use a paint brush to paint colours or textures on the tiles and specific collisions and animation. Then export...

CouchDB a real world example

Hello stackoverflow gurus, Tonight in my daily tech googling I came across couchDB, after seeing tons of presentations about how it perform ten to hundred times better then any RDBM, how it would save us from SQL languages, tables, primary keys and so much more. I decided myself to try it myself.Only problem it seems I am unable to figu...

How does the IIS 7 / ASP.Net pipeline work?

From an HTTP request all the way to my files (like .asmx)... what are modules, handlers, app pools... etc... I don't want to ready a chapter about it. Just a summary paragraph. ...

Understanding Generators in Python?

Reading the Python cookbook at the minute and currently looking at generators. I'm finding it hard to get my head round. As I come from a Java background, is there a Java equivelant? The book was speaking about 'Producer / Consumer', however when I hear that I think of threading. Can anyone explain what a generator is and why you would...

Understanding GUIDS, updates, and patches with Windows-Installer

Hi, I'm learning about Windows-Installer and Wix, and have a number of questions related to how it works: If a component GUID changes, but the same files are in the component, what happens on a major upgrade? Do the files get replaced? If a component is removed from a product, what happens to the associated files on a major upgrade? ...

Using Polymorphic Code for Legitimate Purposes?

Hi, I recently came across the term Polymorphic Code, and was wondering if anyone could suggest a legitimate (i.e. in legal and business appropriate software) reason to use it in a computer program? Links to real world examples would be appreciated! Before someone answers, telling us all about the benefits of polymorphism in object or...

beginning web programming

I've been programming in the classic way: read input, process data, print output, for 4+ decades. Web programming is not quite like that... I've done some HTML and created some pages. But where do I get information about where to place things on the web, how to call/reference them, what permissions do my files need, how do I protect pro...

Objective C concept explanation

I have the following code: - (void)setItem:(Todo *)newItem { item = newItem; } Why is it that I can't do - (void)setItem:(Todo *)newItem { self.item = newItem; } ? I have item declared in my header file but I get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error? Item is also not synthesized. The method is meant to be a custom setter. Thanks! ...

A way to catch up to modern programming techniques

I have been programming, non professionally for about 23 years and find I am a little stuck in my ways. I find a tool I like, and it stays that way for year after year. Unfortunately this means that I am behind the times in my programming. I am not directly planning on programming professionally per se, however, it is very handy to be a...

Difference between compilers and parsers?

By concept/function/implementation, what are the differences between compilers and parsers? ...

What is the difference between design and architecture?

What is the difference between design and architecture? ...

why is OOP hard for me?

I have trouble writing OOP in PHP... I understand the concept but I never create classes for my projects... mainly because it's often a small project and nothing complex. But when I read OOP, it seems more difficult to code than writing simple procedural statements. It also seems to take a lot of room as well with so many empty abstract ...

Big Numbers, Common Algorithms?

I was wondering what big numbers are, and what are some common algorithms used to handle them. I heard this term mentioned in Coders at Work, where one was asked in an interview to create a library to work with big numbers. ...

Understanding Comet by Example

Its feature is so called "server push", which google wave seems also leverages. Can someone explain this concept by code snippet how it actually works in web application? ...

Implementing "Report this content" and detecting spammer or robot triggered event

I'm creating a forum for a website, and plan on implementing a "Report this content" function. In all honesty, I'm not sure how useful (lit. necessary) the feature will be, since a user account (created by admin) will be required for posting, but the solution interests me. So in short, this is the scenario: For all users, there will b...