
Rails - Find results from two join tables

I have have 3 Tables of data and 2 Join Tables connecting everything. I'm trying to figure out a way to query the results based on the condition that the join table data is the same. To explain, I have User, Interest, and Event Tables. These tables are linked through an HABTM relationship (which is fine for my needs since I dont need ...

Boost interprocess anonymous condition timed_wait not compilable

Hi... I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong... with a sole wait it compiles and runs, but not with a timed_wait: using boost::interprocess::scoped_lock; using boost::interprocess::interprocess_mutex; using boost::posix_time::milliseconds; [...] scoped_lock<interprocess_mutex> lock(obj->mutex); while (...) { obj->condition.timed_wait(...

How are condition varaibles implemnted?

This has baffled me for a long time. Given basic atomic primitives like compare & swap, I can see how to implement a spin lock (from which I can build mutexes). However, I don't see how to build condition variables out of this. How is this done? Thanks! ...

Negate or Not Condition-Element for MultiTrigger

I´m currently learning WPF and the use of MultiTrigger and Conditions to set some properties of the styled control. I know that the Conditions of an MultiTrigger must all met (AND-Operator) to set the value specified by the Setter. But does there exists a Condition if the value is not met (Lets name it a NotCondition). I have a small ex...

logical OR and modulus operator behaving oddly in Java

I'm trying to build an array of prime numbers in Java. if(c % 2 != 0 || c % 3 != 0 || c % 5 != 0) { n.add(c); } But my program seems to ignore the condition and just adds every number to my list. But if I just use one condition for example, if(c % 2 != 0) The code works perfectly in ignoring any number which is a multiple of ...

Never display some records in CakePHP

Hi, I would like return some records from my base (eg. users roles) And I use usually function find(), findAll(), etc., and I always must write 'conditions' with like this: not display role admin (name!=admin). My question is, how I can in RoleModel set for all function will be return with this conditions. Sorry for english! Bye! ...

What is the best coding practice for if conditions?

Many years of coding have brought me to believe and try to reach this kind of if conditional coding: (demonstrated in C, but it's relevant almost to any language) if(a <= 0) return false; if(strlen(str) <= a) return false; if(str[a] == NULL) return false; return true; Which i think is much more readable than the ...

Python: avoiding if condition?

Which is better? if not var: var = get_var() (or) var = var or get_var() Also, How do I know the better of the two? edit:One more option from steve, var = var if var else get_var() ...

How do I set a property based on condition that a user has selected a feature in WIX?

I want to set a property to be used after the FeaturesDlg (the one with the feature tree) , based on condition that an user selected a feature or not. Is this possible? I've declared a new property, but I don't know how to set its value (that feature is enabled/disabled on feature tree). ...

[MSBuild] How to set 'condition' using a condition stored in a property?

I have a condition such as 'a==1' stored in property $(c) and I wanna used it as the condition for task Message like below code: <PropertyGroup> <aa>1>2</aa> </PropertyGroup> <Target Name="t"> <Message Text="122333" Condition="$(aa)" /> </Target> Error was raised! So, how can I do it? Please help! ...

Install a file which should be removed only on real uninstall and never overwritten

When I install my application, along with the binaries, a conf file is installed that the user can change as he needs (it's actually the user data file). I would like this file to not be overwritten or deleted when a repair, upgrade, modify happens and it should be deleted only when a real uninstall happens. In other words: this conf fil...

Rails Layout Rendering with controller condition

I don't know what's the best way to doing this. On my application.html.erb I define a header div. My default controller ( root ) is a homepage controller. And I wish that if I'm at index of the homepage the header is rendering with some content, but all other controllers render another content inside that header. How can I make a con...

What is the relaxation condition in graph theory

Hi, I'm trying to understand the main concepts of graph theory and the algorithms within it. Most algorithms seem to contain a "Relaxation Condition" I'm unsure about what this is. Could some one explain it to me please. An example of this is dijkstras algorithm, here is the pseudo-code. 1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source): 2 ...

[PHP] Condition for array with string as keys

My PL/SQL procedure returns a cursor. It always returns data. I fetch (oci_fetch_assoc) it and save it in an array. If results were found the keys of the array will be strings. If the cursor didn't find data, it will return value 0, thus the key of the array will be numeric. while($data = oci_fetch_assoc($cursor)){ if(!isset($data[...

Python: "inline" block / condition to return a char?

Sorry for the vague question. I would like to create a string that uses a plural if count > 1. For that, I would like have an "inline" condition that returns 's' to concatenate to my noun. print "The plural of plural is plural{0}. {1}".format( {'s' if count > 1}, "Isnt't it!?") ...

how to change the while loop condition depending on stuff?

by this question what i mean is that if, by example, someone's username is "bob" then the while loop condition will be ($i < 10), and if the username is something else then the while loop condition will be ($i > 10) if($username == "bob") { //make this while loop condition: ($i < 10) // it means: while($i <10){ so stuff} } else { ...

Rails - How do I write this string condition as an array condition

named_scope :correct, :include => :correction, :conditions => "checked_at IS NOT NULL AND IS NULL" On a side note I have googled loads and looked through books but i cant seem to find a list of all the various types of conditions you can use and how they differ when implenting them as strings, arrays or hashes. Is there...

How to check the system is Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 in Wix Installer?

Hi there, I am working on a windows installer project. And now I only want the software only can be installed on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 system, I tried to use this: <Condition Message='Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 is required'>(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel = 1) OR VersionNT = 601 </Condition> but it can st...

OS Concepts in Layman Terms

What is the difference between the following concepts in layman terms: spinning lock, blocking and condition? ...

Condition checking vs. Exception handling

When is exception handling more preferable than condition checking? There are many situations where I can choose using one or the other. For example, this is a summing function which uses a custom exception: # module mylibrary class WrongSummand(Exception): pass def sum_(a, b): """ returns the sum of two summands of the same ...