
getLastNonConfigurationInstance always returns null

HashMap myMap = (HashMap) getLastNonConfigurationInstance(); myMap is always null. getLastNonConfigurationInstance() should return an object. public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() { HashMap myMap = new HashMap(); myMap.put("symbol", this.symbol); final Object data = myMap; return data; ...

Is it okay to modify the SQL Server Reporting Services' web.config file?

I need to implement custom security for SQL Server Reporting Services. To do this, I would like to add some configuration into the web.config of the SSRS' Reports Server web application. My question is - is it safe to do this? Might my custom configuration be overrun by some SSRS process? Or by an automatic update to the SSRS? ...

How to change Visual Studio 2010 context menu size

I have enough vertical spaces up and down but Visual Studio context menu restricts context menu and made itself scrollable. Is there a configuration option to change the behavior of how context menu is displayed? Goal: I'd like to display all items without having to scroll. ...

Malformed utmcc in utm.gif request

I have a page that is using Google Analytics to track page views as well as track events within the page. The initial _gat._trackPageview request works as intended (under normal circumstances, details to follow). However, on subsequent utm.gif requests, it seems there is a malformed utmcc argument in the querystring. The campaign trackin...

Configuration Error With Custom Behaviour

I've created a custom behaviour for use with a WCF service to log all errors to the application log. I have made a BehaviorExtensionElement for the behaviour: public ErrorLoggingBehaviorExtensionElement : BehaviorExtensionElement { public ErrorLoggingBehaviorExtensionElement() { } /* - Elements removed for brevity - */ } I a...

How can I get the current screen orientation?

I just want to set some flags when my orientation is in landscape so that when the activity is recreated in onCreate() i can toggle between what to load in portrait vs. landscape. I already have a layout-land xml that is handling my layout. public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration _newConfig) { if (_newConfig.orientatio...

Log4Net config problems

Hi, So I've got a website and a console app that runs daily. They both call a Function called ProcessIncident(). The website allows you to do it manually for an individual incident and the console app does a batch every night. Within the function I have various log4net Log.InfoFormat() and Log.DebugFormat() calls When I run from the ...

Can't run the new PhoneGap version on Windows 7

Hi everybody, I have some troubles when I try to create a droidgap project. I installed everything required to run a droidgap project (jdk, ruby, git bash, ...) and all of them work perfectly. I found this post : where it's said that I should try to add ".bat" tu the...

Configuring GAC-placed assemblies. Best practice

I have to implement .net assembly that would be put into GAC. It relies on RDBMS connection string and some additional params - what is the best place I should put it? Machine.config, registry or something more appropriate? Such information should be placed into application configuration file (app.config/web.config) that uses component ...

How to set up a password for openrdf workbench?

I have successfully installed Openrdf Repository (sesame 2.3.2) and Openrdf workbench however I do not know how to set up a user and a password to protect Openrdf workbench. I suppose that there is --somewhere -- a configuration file. Can somebody give me a hint how to create a user and set up a password for openrdf workbench? ...

How can I get debug information printed on a J9 VM (Linux)?

Hello! I'm using J9 VM to run my application on a Linux machine (BusyBox). When developing and testing on my Windows environment, also with J9, I get full debug information on stack traces. That doesn't happen on the Linux machine. I've checked both VMs configuration as much as my knowledge permits. Also, I've stripped my windows J9 in...

Visual Studio | ASP.NET Configuration error

Hi developers! I have a problem as I have struggled with for a week. Now I give up! I really can not figure out how to solve it. Every time I open the ASP.NET Configuration in VS10, then comes the first with this error: *An error was encountered. Please return to the previous page and try again. * If I then press: How do I Use this Tool...

Subversion: Configure svn access through http protocol

Hello everyone, I got a ubuntu server edition with subversion, apache2, openssh and need repositories for svn connection with/without any protocol (ssh, file:, http, https, etc). I configured a repository directory svnadmin create /path/to/repos/project Made an import svn import /path/to/import/directory svn+ssh://user@ipaddress/pat...

Configure OpenLDAP inside Unbuntu 10.04 server for svn user and group administration

After configuring apache2 and svn inside ubuntu 10.04 serve I'm pretending to install OpenLDAP to use LDAP protocol to configure and administrate users and groups with the svn repositories. However it seems that OpenLDAP recently went through some modifications and the Ubuntu offical documentation about OpenLDAP is out of date. I foun...

Zend_Form password confirmation with .ini config - Can it be done?

I set out writing a ZF (v1.10.3) application and chose to use Zend_Config_Ini to generate my Zend_Form objects. This was all well and good until I had to test for identical password inputs. This is the part that's misbehaving right now: elements.password.type = password elements.password2.type = password

CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION equivalent for socket adapter in Zend_Http_client

I would like to use the socket adapter instead of Curl for my code but however this the problem i am facing. (case 1 :) I am querying a server for response using Zend_http_client (default socket adapter) and I am getting a 404 error, (case 2 :) while, for the same server as above, I am getting a response back when using CURL adapter wi...

Rails store custom configuration permanently

Hi, I got the following situation: I have an application configuration in my database which is needed on every request. I don't want to query this configuration on every request because of performance issues. So what I want is to query the data when the application server (mongrel/webbrick/...) starts and store it permanently until th...

Plone3: How export changes on a permission of a portal_type

I went to the address of zope manage: localhost:8000/manage Entered my plone_site named 'foo', than clicked on the portal_types link. Went through the content type named 'MyContentType', and there clicked on the tab Permissions. Changed some permissions to assign than to some roles, and so on... Now, I went to the portal_setup to tr...

MySQL Strange behavior. I see slow query causing # of processes shrink and back up.

I have just moved the web application into a new web server and new DB server. With the latest version of everything. However, when I run the application in live (with over 1000 users), I observe that every 2-3 minutes, there are slow query report. And when this happened, the php processes ( use 'top') shrink from 30 processes to a fe...

I'm having trouble following these instructions:

I want my apache server to parse shtml files so I can include them in other html files, but I can't seem to understand how to modify the config files, even with these instructions: Could anyone provide really really specific instructions? Such as specifically what files to open, ...