
ColdFusion Databse settings

I have recently agreed to do some minimal editing to a ColdFusion site and was hoping to get some help on here as to where a place to look for db settings may be. I have not been able to locate the database config file or something similar. A point in the right direction as to best practice for ColdFusion would be really helpful or an ...

Xmonad configuration file issue

Hi, I am using Xmonad since long time now and it works well, execept I can not modify the configuration file xmonad.hs because there are some strange errors even with the basic configuration; my actual file is : import XMonad main = xmonad $ defaultConfig {borderWidth =1 , terminal = "urxvt" , normalBorderColor = "#cccccc...

Using Tornado's tornado.options.parse_config_file doesn't work as expected. Kind of a statement, I guess

I was trying to set up a server configuration without having to rely on the tornado.options.parse_command_line() function, but it isn't working properly. It's being parsed, but then tornado just sits on it and doesn't do anything for it. Specifically, I'm using a server.conf file that looks like so: log_file_prefix = "./logs/errors.log"...

In Weblogic (10), how do I access the node name from Java?

I would like to set up some per-node configuration in a weblogic cluster and need to access the node name from Java. ...

Can ConfigurationElementCollection object contain for its elements another ConfigurationElementCollection objects?

Can ConfigurationElementCollection object contain for its elements another ConfigurationElementCollection objects? I have this xml where testsection is section root: <testsection> <head> <metaData> <metaGroup id="general"> <meta name="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" type="http-eq...

How Do You Manage Your Eclipse Installation

How do you manage your Eclipse installation, i.e. the basic installation, plug-ins and workspace settings with regard to consistent updates (including major ones, 3.5 => 3.6) and usage on two or more computers (desktop + notebook). My current setup is to basically manage the installation on several installations in parallel, i.e. manual...

JSF - First steps into this framework. What is wrong on this configuration?

Im making an easy application just to test the JSF framework. This is actually web.xml : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="

Strongly Typed Configuration Sections for Java

In .NET you can create strongly-typed configuration sections using build-in base classes that do a lot of the mundane heavy lifting with respect to XML Serialization/De-serialization, schema validation, type-casting, etc... I'm working on a Java application and I'm looking for a similar capability. If there is a built-in facility for th...

How can I change the "App_Themes" directory in ASP.Net?

I'm upgrading a .Net application from .net 1.1 to 3.5. All the themes are stored in a folder called Themes, the new .Net 3.5 framework wants this information in a folder called App_Themes. It will be a major refactoring for me to move everything to a App_Themes folder. So I want to ask if there is a way to tell .Net what folder to use ...

grails / external configuration / grails.config.locations - absolute path file "Does not exist" ?

Hi Thanks for reading, I'm trying to use grails build-in mechanism for loading external configuration files (*.groovy and *.properties) outside the deployed WAR file. The documentation implies this is just a case of setting grails.config.locations with the appropriate classpath: or file: paths. I've configured Config.groovy with: Str...

Setting up a cross-platform C++ project in Eclipse with cross-platform libraries

I am working on a cross-platform C++ project with 8 other people which uses the following libraries: OpenCV Library Boost C++ Library The project is inteded to be cross-platform so all users have agreed not to use platform-specific code, and, to keep things as simple as possible, all users will be using Eclipse as their IDE. However,...

Apache log4net: How to set CC and BCC addresses to SmtpAppender from config file

I've been trying to add cc and bcc addresses to log4net's SmtpAppender but I'm getting no flair: <appender name="Mail" type="log4net.Appender.SmtpAppender"> <to value="[email protected]" /> <cc value="[email protected]" /> <bcc value="[email protected]" /> <from value="[email protected]" /> <subject ...

Can someone explain, in plain English, the difference between ConfigurationSection and ConfigurationElement?

I'm reading through a fantastic article on the .NET Configuration namespace (found here) which talks about creating custom sections, elements, collections, widgets, and flying toasters. The only complaint I have is that the article is only technical and doesn't provide any conceptual context. MSDN doesn't appear to have much conceptual i...

Appropriate Values for AppFabric DataCacheFactory configuration settings?

In conversations with the AppFabric team at MS Support, I was told that the maximum tested data object size for insert to AppFabric caching was 5MB per insert. Based on that base number, could someone recommend starting values for the rest of the DataCacheFactory configuration settings that have numeric and timespan value types? The on...

How to set path in config file

Hi, I have a test which runs a script. It gets the path from the app.config file: <scriptsSectionGroup> <scriptsCollection> <scripts> <add name="TestScript" path="C:\My Projects\RestServicePublishing\UtilityFixture\testScript.bat"/> </scripts> </scriptsCollection> </scriptsSectionGroup> 'testScript.bat' i...

Why won't PHP 5.2.14 display any errors (even from the command line)?

I have PHP 5.2.10 and PHP 5.2.14 (x86 non-threadsafe Win32 builds) installed on a Windows 2008 R2 server and on Windows 7 64 bit. For some reason PHP 5.2.14 refuses to show error messages. Even when I set the following settings in php.ini I don't get any errors reported if I use 5.2.14: error_reporting = E_ALL display_errors = On Th...

Netbean 6.9.1 library problem

I have just upgraded to Netbeans 6.9.1 from Netbeans 6.8 and the following problem arose what was not there in Netbeans 6.8: I have an own project jar (let's name it alma.jar) that is used in several other project. Some beans from alma.jar also appears on the Palette. alma.jar is in the dist folder of the alma project and all the other ...

Key bindings or workflow suggestions for managing breakpoints with pydbgr in Emacs 23.2

I have pydbgr working well now in Emacs 23.2 with virtualenv. But I am confused why breakpoints are not established from the source code buffer after running M-x pydbgr - as they would be e.g. when using pdb. I tried invoking C-cC-b but this does not toggle breakpoints on the selected line as one would hope/expect. Neither does C-xSP...

NHibernate - flexible config files

I am using NHibernate in a DAL layer dll. Local config file(app.config) is being used for db connection. This DAL component can be used in 2 different exe's and a NUnit test harness. Business requirement from Client is to have config information reside in exe's app.config file. Is there a way to configure NHibernate to look for an ap...

How to include ampersand in connection string password when using Entity Framework?

I'm using Entity Framework 4 for a simple app and would like to bake my connection credentials into the following connection string: <connectionStrings> <add name="MyEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/MyDataModel.csdl|res://*/MyDataModel.ssdl|res://*/MyDataModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider conn...