
Share your conky tips / scripts / .conkyrc

I've just started tinkering with conky, and I'm hoping the StackOverflow crowd can share some of the cool things they've done with this tool. Scripts and .conkyrc files specifically geared towards developers would be especially good to see. Some good examples of developer-centric functions would be repository-monitors or heck, even some...

execute conky with a cron job and bash

Hi, for my script in bash, I'd like to start conky if it's not running and pick a random wallpaper #! /bin/bash ## dependances : randomize-lines # otherwise wont work with cron export DISPLAY=0 while read line ; do echo $line | grep -vqe "^#" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then export $line; fi done < ~/.dbus/session-bus/$(cat /var/lib/dbus/machine...

Conky graph frozen in time

Is it possible to plot a graph in conky? Give a function a set of values 0-100 and conky plots a graph similar to execgraph? What I want is to visualize how a variable changed in last week. For example, I'd like to make a graph of gold prices in last 14 days. One way I could do that is use "execigraph 86400 python

RegExp to match everything up to first blank line

Hi, I'm writing a bash script that will show me what TV programs to watch today, it will get this information from a text file. The text is in the following format: Monday: Family Guy (2nd May) Tuesday: House The Big Bang Theory (3rd May) Wednesday: The Bill NCIS NCIS LA (27th April) Thursday: South Park Friday: FlashForward Saturday:...

Conky starts above windows in Ubuntu Maverick

Hey guys, I did not run into this problem until I upgraded my Ubuntu box to Maverick Meerkat (10.10). Basically, whenever I start my computer, conky runs as expected, except it gets drawn over any windows that I load (see screenshot). To fix this for a single session, I simply restart conky by running killall conky; conky in a term...