
Speeding up Facebook Connect

I'm working on enabling facebook connect with my website, and it seems to work pretty good so far. However, loading the facebook api library on every page of my site is bogging it way down. All the other php classes that I'm using compile in well under 1 second, but I'm seeing serve times ranging from 3 - 20 seconds just to get the faceb...

Facebook connect login problem

I am trying to have a connect button on my site. Once the user has clicked the facebook login button, the pop up will ask the user to enter the authentication detail and the parent window will either redirect or refresh the page and the login button became a logout button. My problem is when a user clicked the connect button from the po...

I keep getting QUIT and CONNECT HTTP methods sent to my server, what do they mean?

I keep getting the two following errors from my server, I assumed they were just bots looking for potential targets, but does anyone know specifically why I'm getting these? I'm using the SslRequirement plugin to make sure all hits to the login/signup page are redirected to SSL, so all of these weird https requests to root should just b...

PHP ftp_connect does nothing

Hi, I've configured a couple of php codes that connects to my server with the use of ftp connect. It works perfectly when I'm testing it locally, it connects, it goes in, i can access stuff. BUT when I upload it online and try it there. The php code does nothing. It executes all lines before "ftp_connect" then from that line onwards, i...

Facebook Connect: unregister users with PHP library

I use the PHP library for Facebook Connect. The library is used as follows: $facebook->api_client->METHOD Here's the documentation for how to unregister users from one's Connect page: Connect.unregisterUsers So, actually, I have everything I need, haven't I? But I can't manage to unregister users, though. How must I do this? $faceb...

Adobe Connect stuck at "connecting..." stage (windows 7)

When attempting to connect to our Adobe connect server (v7.5) I am getting stuck at "connecting..." stage. When doing the debug here is the output: Player Version: WIN 10,0,42,34 App-Server returned: code:ok, servers=rtmp://connect:1935/_rtmp://localhost:8506/,rtmpt://connect:443/_rtmp:/ /localhost:8506/ ERROR: FMS Server did not retu...

tcp connect timeout (unix/windows portable)

I'm using perl (which hopefully shouldn't affect anything), but I need to know how I can set a timeout for the connect operation. The problem is I can't wait forever for the connect operation to happen. If it doesn't happen within a few seconds, I'd rather give-up and move on. socket(my $sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, (getprotobyname('tc...

How do I use FB.Connect.streamPublish in an iframe facebook app?

I'm making a simple iframe-based facebook app. I have the following code to size my iframe: FB_RequireFeatures(["Connect"], function(){ FB.XdComm.Server.init('/xd_receiver.htm'); FB.CanvasClient.startTimerToSizeToContent(); FB.CanvasClient.syncUrl(); }); I want to add a link that will display a popup which will allow the user...

linking midlets

Hi, how do I connect the midlets to work with 1 single master midlet? if possible, there should only be 1 jar for the downloading into the mobile. The users should be able to select the non-master midlet as well, or better still not display them on the mobile. thanks. ...

How do you efficiently connect to mysql in php without reconnecting on every query.

I'm pretty sick of having to rewrite my code every time I learn something new about php (like the fact that mysql connections cannot be passed around in a session as a handle). How do you implement mysql connection in your projects? A lot of people have proposed "connection pooling", but after reading the manual i'm still lost. It's lik...

Database queries in Java

How can I connect to MySQL db and execute queries ? ...

Binding event to wxMenu instead of wxMenuItem

Im creating a dynamic MenuBar from xml file, and binding events to menu items using Connect(). Some menus does not have items inside, but needs to fire events. Is there a way to attach an event handler to a wxMenu using Connect()? *Im Using wxWidgets 2.8.8 & MS VC++ 6.0 ...

How to PASS your own mysql connection to Zend_DB?

I have my own mysql_connect ...etc until i wanted to use ZEND framework in particular with Zend_DB .How do I pass my connection to be used as an adapter to ZEND? $myconn = mysql_connect('...blab',blah etc...) eg. Zend_DB_table::setAdapter($myconn); ...

How to connect a layout view with an activity

in my main view i have public class PlayersActivity extends Activity { ViewFlipper flipper; /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.playercontainer); flipper = (ViewFlipper) findViewById(

Facebook Connect showPermissionDialog callback fires before user can even see the dialog

I'm doing a Facebook Connect integration for a site and when the user logs in, I need to ask for some permissions so I use FB.Connect.showPermissionDialog. I use its callback to see if permissions were granted. If they are granted, I want to submit the form. Here's what my code looks like: $("#form3").live("submit", function() { FB.Co...

facebook connect uid mysql storage problem

I'm doing a facebook connect integration. I use the facebook php library to get the uid,like $facebook = new Facebook($api_key, $secret); $fb_user = $facebook->require_login(); $fbuser is a 16-character long bigint, such as 1000002949493949 However, when I insert this value into mysql it only inserts 2949493949 So later when I try to...

Apache Commons Net FTPClient retrievefile method issue with Sterling Commerce Connect

Hi All, We have been using apache commons net FTP classes to connect using a proxy to a Sterling commerce FTP gateway located outside our network to pull files. We do not list the files since we know the name of the file to be pulled so we pull it directly using the below method. boolean isTransferred = ftp.retrieveFile(remoteFileName...

Get the client port (in C) after a call to connect

Hello, I am browsing some source code which connects to a remote host on port P(using TCP). After the call to connect,(assuming successful), I would like to discover the client port of the connection (i.e the client port). In truth, I'm browsing the openssh source, in sshconnect.c, there is a function ssh_connect which calls timeout_conn...

Send User-Agent through CONNECT and POST with WinHTTP?

I'm trying to POST to a secure site using WinHttp, and running into a problem where the User-Agent header isn't being sent along with the CONNECT. I am using a lightly-modified code sample from MSDN: HINTERNET hHttpSession = NULL; HINTERNET hConnect = NULL; HINTERNET hRequest = NULL; WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_OPTIONS AutoPr...

Can't connect to local IP address on OSX

I'm trying to connect to a webserver that's running on my mac OSX 1.6. I'm able to connect to it locally using but when I attempt to connect to it using my machine's local IP address ( IP shown below) from the same machine (or another on the network) I cannot connect. I can ping t...