
magento connect manager blank page

Hello, I just installed Magento on my Ubuntu Apache server and everything is working just fine aside from one thing: The Magento Connect Manager simply brings up a blank page. In Firebug it is just <html><body></body></html>. I read that it might be permissions but I gave 777 permissions to the Magento directory and a...

How to tell if computer is connecting to a specific website

Hey. I'm trying to write task monitoring software (for myself, not for spying on others), and I want to monitor what websites I connect to. (in my case I know the ones that I want, I just want to check for certain ones). What part of the .net framework would I use to see activity TO/FROM a specific website? (I'm not the most inter...

Reopen connected datagram socket

I have a connection protocol that has been defined by our customer. Data are sent between two linux computers using UDP and TCP protocols. The IP addresses and ports are fixed on startup. We are sending messages at 200 Hz and I have been using connect to save some time on the transmissions. My problem is that if there is a communicatio...

Connecting for file in qt

I am trying to use qt to write an application that connects back to my computer to retrieve files. Example: My friend would open up the app and when it opens, it connects to my computer and takes off of it the file it needs then disconnects. How would I do that and or what tools would I use? ...

Cannot connect new servers to existing MOSS 2007 SP2 farm

We have Single Server MOSS 2007 SP2 farm with DBA managed database server. We have different web applications running and deployed several solutions (SharePoint Learning Kit, Facet Search, workflow extensions, new themes) in the farm. Recently we wanted to scale out our farm by adding one WFE and one indexing server. I have installed MO...

How to check and let a user "Like" a page programmatically from iphone application ?

I am trying to integrate iphone application with facebook, and I am stuck at a point where I need to let a user "Like" a page. This is because it's only after Liking the page the user gets to write some comments which will ultimately appear on the page's wall. I am not able to find any appropriate objective C code to implement this funct...

Why the connect failed for ipv6 at python?

Why the connect failed for ipv6 ?? # python >>> import socket >>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) >>> sa = ('2000::1',2000,0,0) >>> s.connect(sa) >>> sa = ('fe80::21b:78ff:fe30:7c6', 2000, 0, 0) >>> s.connect(sa) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", l...

Lot's of ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod: CONNECT in a Rails application

I'm getting lot's of these exceptions in a Rails application: ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod: CONNECT, accepted HTTP methods are get, head, put, post, delete, and options As far as I see it seems to be some crawler or something like that trying to use CONNECT as an http verb. I've never heard of it, but the documentation say: ...

itunes connect download report of free app sales?

Does anyone know where in iTunes Connect one can download a report of the number of free apps downloaded and in what countries? It used to be possible to download such a report from Sales and Trends, but now there are just graphs of the number of free apps downloaded. I'd like something similar to the reports found in Payments and Fina...

Http CONNECT Command

Hi all is there a way from firefox-extension-API to get notified when browser fires CONNECT to the Proxy ( for tunneling Https)? with on-request-... you can only get standard http-methods like get, post, put. thanx ...

geting a variable from public scope to connect database part 2

$hostname['application'] = ''; $username['application'] = 'root'; $password['application'] = 'root'; $database['application'] = 'band'; $dbdriver['application'] = 'mysql'; class database { private $hostname; private $username; private $password; protected $database; private $dbdriver; function __constru...

iTunes connect enable game center

Hi Everyone, I try to test Game Center in my iPhone game, but when i try to connect whit the following lines of code i get a alert that says "This game is not recognized by Game Center.". [[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] authenticateWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error) { if (error == nil) { // Insert code here to handle...

Rails and Facebook connect. Please help!

Hello! I am developing in Rails 3 and I need to use the Facebook connect API (Graph). I am currently trying out the Javascript SDK and it works fine. The problem is I do not know how to "save" and interact with the information I extract in Rails. The best thing would be to use some "native" Rails plugin for Facebook. I have looked a bi...

Facebook connect dont redirect on logout

This is my code. <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script> FB.init({appId: '<?= FACEBOOK_APP_ID ?>', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); FB.Event.subscribe('auth.login', function(response) { window.location.reload(); window.location.href='

mysql_connect not working

Hi mysql_connect is not working but mysql_iconnect is working. Please help. Thanks ...

Visual Studio Remote Debugging on XP Embedded - tried everything, please help!

I need to debug some C# code on a remote machine running XP Embedded. I did remote debugging on several occasions on different Windows operating systems and all worked well, but I think that the XP Embedded OS is missing something. I'm popping my brains out in the last couple of days, reading and trying stuff, but nothing seems to work...

Why would connect() give intermittent EINVAL on port to FreeBSD?

I have in my C++ application a failure that arose upon porting to 32 bit FreeBSD 8.1 from 32 bit Linux. I have a TCP socket connection which fails to connect. In the call to connect(), I got an error result with errno == EINVAL which the man page for connect() does not cover. What does this error mean, which argument is invalid? The m...

SocketChannel in Android

Hey there, I have a question about SocketChannels in Android. This is my code: SocketChannel socketChannel =; socketChannel.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", 90)); This code works in Java but not in Android. I always get an IOException My first problem was the first line. I had to add permissions to open...