
Static struct in C++

Hi, I want to define an structure, where some math constants would be stored. Here what I've got now: struct consts { //salt density kg/m3 static const double gamma; }; const double consts::gamma = 2350; It works fine, but there would be more than 10 floating point constants, so I doesn't want to wrote 'static const' before ...

Const-Qualification of Main's Parameters in C++

The C++ standard mandates that all conforming implementations support the following two signatures for main: int main(); int main(int, char*[]); In case of the latter signature, would the addition of (top-level) const-ness break any language rules? For example: int main(const int argc, char** const argv); From my understanding, t...

How to const declare the this pointer sent as parameter

Hi, I want to const declare the this pointer received as an argument. static void Class::func(const OtherClass *otherClass) { // use otherClass pointer to read, but not write to it. } It is being called like this: void OtherClass::func() { Class::func(this); } This does not compile nad if i dont const declare the OtherCla...

How can I pass a const array or a variable array to a function in C?

I have a simple function Bar that uses a set of values from a data set that is passed in in the form of an Array of data structures. The data can come from two sources: a constant initialized array of default values, or a dynamically updated cache. The calling function determines which data is used and should be passed to Bar. Bar does...

vector holding read-only matrices?

I want to use a vector to hold read-only integer-matrices of the size 5x5 vector<const int[5][5]> startingPieces; But this declaration causes a bunch of weird errors I've never ever seen before. error C2535: 'const int (*std::allocator<_Ty>::address(const int (&)[5][5]) const)[5][5]' : member function already defined or declared 1> ...

how to create in PHP analog of C# ' private const int ' and ' private const byte '?

So in C# I create something like private const int HEADER_LENGTH = 13; private const byte SIGNATURE1 = 0x46; How to create its analog in PHP? ...

When are global static const variables being initialized?

Hello all, I tried to search the site for this question but didn't find this exactly, although this subject is being discussed a lot... I have this declaration in a cpp file, not within any function: static const char* gText = "xxxxxxxxxxx"; Although it has a fixed size, I get a warning from a static analysis tool (Klocwork) when I'm...

How to eliminate warning for passing multidimensional array as const multidimensional array?

Hi, given the following code: /* signatures */ int getParams(char params[MAX_PARAM_LEN][MAX_LINE_LEN]); int getVersion(const char params[MAX_PARAM_LEN][MAX_LINE_LEN], const char* tagName ); /* initializing */ char params[MAX_PARAM_LEN][MAX_LINE_LEN] = {}; /* getting parameters */ paramCount = getParams(params); /* OK, p...

const reference to temporary oddity

We all know that things like this are valid in c++: const T &x = T(); while: T &x = T(); is not. In a recent question the conversation lead to this rule. The OP had posted some code which clearly evokes UB. But I would have expect a modified version of it to work (This is the modified version): #include <iostream> using namespace...

how to initialize a global const pointer?

I have a variable which is the head to a linked list. I want to make it const because it should never be changed, the variable is used throughout the program, so I thought I should make it a global const. The problem is that I couldn't initialize it after I declared it const. How can I get around this problem? typedef struct PT { ...

Declaring a local variable as const

Clearly, declaring a local variable as const, prevents runtime modification. Const instance variables are static (I believe). Does this have any bearing on the nature and use of const local variables? (e.g. threading) ...

What is meant with "const" at end of function declaration?

Possible Duplicate: Meaning of const last in a C++ method declaration? Hi I got a book, where there is written something like: class Foo { public: int Bar(int random_arg) const { // code } }; Also, a by-the-way question: why should/shouldn't I use const before argument declarations? What does that chang...

Combine two constant strings (or arrays) into one constant string (or array) at compile time

In C# and Java, it's possible to create constant strings using one or more other constant strings. I'm trying to achieve the same result in C++ (actually, in C++0x, to be specific), but have no idea what syntax I would use to achieve it, if such a thing is possible in C++. Here's an example illustrating what I want to do: #include <st...

c++ const member function question

I am reading a book called 'Effective C++, Second Edition' and its talking about const member functions and how you have bitwise const-ness and conceptual const-ness. It says most compilers will go with bitwise const-ness, which is that you cannot alter data members of an object inside a const member function. Then there's an example o...

non-resizeable vector/array of non-reassignable but mutable members?

Is there a way to make a non-resizeable vector/array of non-reassignable but mutable members? The closest thing I can imagine is using a vector<T *> const copy constructed from a temporary, but since I know at initialization how many of and exactly what I want, I'd much rather have a block of objects than pointers. Is anything like wha...

C/C++: Pointers within Const Struct

How do I force const-ness of the memory pointed to by obj->val1 in the function fn? #include <iostream> struct foo { int* val1; int* val2; int* val3; }; void fn( const foo* obj ) { // I don't want to be able to change the integer that val1 points to //obj->val1 = new int[20]; // I can't change the pointer, *...

Is it safe to pass Delphi const string params across memory manager boundaries?

Subj. I'd like to use strings instead of PChar because that spares me much casting, but if I just do procedure SomeExternalProc(s: string); external SOMEDLL_DLL; and then implement it in some other project with non-shared memory manager: library SeparateDll; procedure SomeExternalProc(s: string); begin //a bla bla bla //code here...

Define's in Action script

I'm trying to pass a build number from Hudson into a Flex application. I've found Adobe's document ( on conditional compilation which seems it should solve it but i must be missing something. So in my ant build file i have:- <mxmlc file="${app.dir}/${app...

Size of a class containing only compile-time constants

If I have a class that contains only compile-time constants, for example, class A { static const int x = 1; static const int y = 2; static const int z = 3; }; I believe it's the case that, so long as the address of the constants is not taken, they can (will?) be replaced at compile time where they are used and will not tak...

Difference between const variable and const type variable

What is the difference between: const variable = 10; and const int variable = 10; Does variable, per the standard, get interpreted as an integral type when no type is defined? ...