
PHP -What's the difference between global variables and constants

According to many sources, register_globals (global variables that is) should be disables in your php.ini. Should I write define() in my code and use constants if global variables are disabled? Are those even related? ...

PHP error Can't use method return > value in write context

I am getting this error in a PHP class... Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in C:\webserver\htdocs\friendproject2\includes\classes\User.class.php on line 35 Here is the troubled part. if(isset($this->session->get('user_id')) && $this->session->get('user_id') != ''){ //run code } This code is...

PHP array vs PHP Constant?

I am curious, is there any performance gain, like using less memory or resources in PHP for: 50 different setting variables saved into array like this $config['facebook_api_secret'] = 'value here'; Or 50 different setting variables saved into a Constant like this define('facebook_api_secret', 'value here'); ...

Significance of const keyword positioning in variable declarations

What is the significance of the positioning of the const keyword when declaring a variable in Objective-C, for example: extern const NSString * MY_CONSTANT; versus extern NSString * const MY_CONSTANT; Using the first version in assignments produces warnings about "qualifiers from pointer target type" being discarded so I'm assum...

Is a global PHP CONSTANT available inside of a Class file?

Is a global PHP CONSTANT available inside of a Class file? define('SITE_PATH', 'C:/webserver/htdocs/somefolder/'); Then in my class file I try this public $debug_file = SITE_PATH. 'debug/debug.sql'; This does not seem to work though, Parse error: parse error, expecting ','' or';'' in C:\webserver\htdocs\somefolder\inclu...

Are Constants Really Appropriate Here, Or Is There Another Approach? - C++

Hi there, I'm a programming student in my 2nd OOP course, which is taught in C++. I know that it is generally bad practice to use magic numbers in code, so here's my question: In the next program I have to write for this class, there is over 120 numbers given to us in tax tables, and we need to use them to compute tax and other relevan...

Looping a Const Char

I need to loop a const char, and I've used a simple example of string loop: const char *str; for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { str += " "; } But when I tried to compile, I got this: ubuntu@eeepc:~/Test_C_OS$ gcc -o kernel.o -c kernel.c -Wall -Wextra -nostdlib -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs kernel.c:26: error: ‘for’ loop initial dec...

GWT - Fail to Read properties

When I run in hosted mode, it able to get the result. But when I deploy it to tomcat then I cant get the result at all. Anyone can tell me what is the problem?? public class Customwidget implements EntryPoint { private static final SystemConfig constants = (SystemConfig)GWT.create(SystemConfig.class); public void onModuleLoad() {...

What is the meaning/use of #geplant in an assignment?

I'm just starting with X++ (Java background) and I found a code like #XYZBatchScheduling ; ... order.Status = #geplant; order is a record to a table with a Status column. My question: what is the meaning of #USRBatchScheduling and #geplant ("geplant" is "planned" in german) and eventually where to find it's definition. I suppose it...

Type-inferring a constant in C#

In C#, the following type-inference works: var s = "abcd"; But why can't the type be inferred when the variable is a constant? The following throws a compile-time exception: const var s = "abcd"; // <= Compile time error: // Implicitly-typed local variables cannot be constant ...

.NET constant for number of seconds in a day?

Does .NET have a constant for the number of seconds in a day (86400)? ...

What's the reasoning behind putting constants in if statements first?

I was looking at some example C++ code for a hardware interface I'm working with and noticed a lot of statements along the following lines: if ( NULL == pMsg ) return rv; I'm sure I've heard people say that putting the constant first is a good idea, but why is that? Is it just so that if you have a large statement you can quickly see ...

Is it possible to declare a dynamic constant in VB .NET?

I'm trying to save a timestamp into a constant at the beginning of a program's execution to be used throughout the program. For example: Const TIME_STAMP = Format(Now(), "hhmm") However, this code generates a compiler error - "Constant expression is required." Does that mean all constants in VB .NET have to contain flat, static, hard-c...

non-integral constants

I want a header file with a non-integral constant in it, e.g. a class. Note the constant does not need to be a compile-time constant. static const std::string Ten = "10"; This compiles but is undesirable as each compilation unit now has its own copy of Ten. const std::string Ten = "10"; This will compile but will fail with a linke...

Storing output messages inside constants in PHP

Will it downgrade performance significantly (or exhaust the server with http requests), or maybe ill advised, to do something like this echo "<span>enter_username_message</span>"; and centralize this constant along with all output messages in one file, so that those could be changed without getting into the code: define('enter_userna...

PHP CONSTANT not set but still prints something to screen?

Isn't PHP suppose to show an error is you call a non-existent CONSTANT? When I run the code below for a constant that is not defined, it shows on the screen "TEST" instead of any kind of error. Could I have a setting wrong in my php.ini file or is this something new? Im running PHP 5.3 <?php echo TEST; ?> ...

Is there a constant describing the minimal Windows FileTime Value in .Net?

I am using the DateTime.ToFileTime and FromFileTime methods to store and retrieve timestamps in a database. The mininum windows file time is midnight, Jan 1, 1601. Is there a constant similar to DateTime.MinValue, that describes this value? ...

In C++, are static initializations of primitive types to constant values thread-safe?

i.e., would the following be expected to execute correctly even in a multithreaded environment? int dostuff(void) { static int somevalue = 12345; return somevalue; } Or is it possible for multiple threads to call this, and one call to return whatever garbage was at &somevalue before execution began? ...

How do I access a constant in Perl whose name is contained in a variable?

I have a set of constants declared in Perl: use constant C1 => 111; use constant C2 => 222; .. use constant C9 => 999; my $which_constant = "C2"; How do I construct a Perl expression which, based on $which_constant, derives the value of a constant named with the value of this variable - e.g. "222". Please note that I c...

Require constant-defining files at once or by utilisation in PHP?

I have about 20 files containing 10-15 times this: define('someConstantName','stringBetween10and200Chars'); those are all critical for the app, but each constants-file is parallel to an app page. For example, index.php will require index_constants.php so on so forth. The question is, should I make one file of all constant-definition...