
Compare symbolic constant, enumeration, constant variable

symbolic constant- no type checking->the value is just substituted enumeration- more type safe than symbolic constant constant variables- most type safe Anything else that can be added here? Any difference in terms of space occupied by these? ...

ActionScript Substituting Lengthy Display List Paths In Code?

i would like to make my code easier to read by replacing long paths with variables, or something similar. in my code, i can target an instance many times, but the instance can have a lengthy path deep within the display list. for example: myButton instance could be located at myButtonsPanel.section2.redArea.myButton, or something like...

What is &H20 and &HDF in VBA?

I am trying to grok the following piece of code: Mid$(strV, i, 1) = Chr$(intChar And &HDF) What does &HDF mean? I also have a similar section that uses @H20. I have Googled high and low and the most I found was nothing that I didn't already know about them...that they are constants. ...

Reference interface constant from EL

How do you reference an interface constant with EL on a JSP page? I have an interface Addresses with a constant named URL. I know I can reference it with a scriplet by going: <%=Addresses.URL%>, but how do I do this using EL? ...

Should I use an enum or multiple const for non-sequential constants in c++?

I'm writing porting file-io set of functions from c into a c++ class. "Magic numbers" (unnamed constants) abound. The functions read a file header which has a number of specific entries whose locations are currently denoted by magic numbers. I was taught by a veteran programmer a couple years back that using "magic numbers" is inher...

Why aren't TypeLib enums exposed as enums in Visual Basic 6.0?

I have a VB6 project that references COMSVCSLib and one of the methods makes calls to COMSVCSLib's SharedPropertyGroupManager.CreatePropertyGroup passing LockMethod and Process as parameters. Cleaned up VB6 code: Dim groupName As String Dim spmMgr As COMSVCSLib.SharedPropertyGroupManager Dim spmGroup As COMSVCSLib...

Python: How use constants for multiple clasess?

Hi! I want use a constant in Python for 2 classes. Which is the better way? Thanks in advance! MY_COLOR = "#000001" # <-------- Are correct here? BLACK = "#000000" # <-------- Are correct here? class One: MY_FONT = "monospace" def __init__(self): if MY_COLOR == BLACK: print("It's black") if sel...

Why aren't constants all in upper-case in .Net?

Microsoft naming conventions for .Net put constants in Pascal Case. In fact, it explicitly tells us to avoid using all caps for constants: You might also have to capitalize identifiers to maintain compatibility with existing, unmanaged symbol schemes, where all uppercase characters are often used for enumerations and consta...

SFML Input system problem

So I was porting my game engine from SDL to SFML, and now I have a problem with my input system. Input.h #ifndef BULLWHIP_INPUT_H #define BULLWHIP_INPUT_H #include class bc_Input { public: bool bm_KeyHit(sf::Key::Code key); bool bm_KeyDown(sf::Key::Code key); int bm_MouseX(); int bm_MouseY(); ...

In rails, where to put a constant (variable?) that changes based on the current date?

I have an app that heavily relies on dates. There is a moderately expensive calculation that is needed to set these dates, based on the current date. As far as each request is concerned, these dates are constants -- they don't change once created -- but they do change throughout the week. The dates are used in both controllers and models...

Creating a constant dictionary object

I would like to accomplish something like what is being done in this post: however, i would like to construct an NSDictionary. if i do something like: constants.h extern NSArray *const mFooKeys; extern NSArray *const mFooObjects; extern NSDictionary *const mFooDictionary; constants.m NSAr...

Where/How to code Constants in Rails 3 Application

I am interested in doing this the "Rails Way" on a new application. I would also like to refer to constants in some sort of context to make the code more readable. I have an application where a user can request access to another users's data set. This AccessRequest can have one of the following statuses: Review Denied Approved I can s...

where to define constants in cakephp

In which file should I define application-wide constants that are specific to my cakephp app? ...

Java constants file

Hello. I'm developing an Android application and I'm very new on Java and Android. I want to create some constants to use in some activities. Where can I define these constants? Thanks. ...

How can I list all the const properties defined in a class

How can i list all the names (and values) of public (and private / protected) const defined in a class ? public class Layers { public const BACKGROUND:String = "background"; public const PARENT:String = "parent"; public const MAP:String = "map"; public const LINES:String = "lines"; public const POINTS:String = "poin...

PHP - Why class declared constants needs to be retrived staticly ?

class foo { const bar; } and to access it we have to do: self:bar; and not, $this->bar; Is this correct? If so, why? Thanks a lot, MEM ...

phpDoc class constants documentation

Hi, which is the correct way to document class constants for phpDoc? I've read the manual but i can't find anything about them ...

Modified a constant in c

const int z = 420; printf("\n%d | %d",z ,*(&(*(&z+1))-1) ); // O/P:420 | 420 printf("\n%u | %u",&z,(&(*(&z+1))-1) ); //address // O/P:1310548 | 1310548 *((char *)&z+1) = 21; //I change value for the 1st-Bit //corrupting constant printf("\n%d | %d",z ,*(&(*(&z+1))-1) ); //the com...

modified a constant again.. with void pointers

Possible Duplicate: Modified a constant in c const int z = 420; const void *v; v = &z; printf("\n%d | %d",z,*(int *)v); //420 | 420 printf("\n%d | %d",*(char *)&z,*(char *)v); //0th-Bit same value //-92 | -92 printf("\n%d | %d",*((char *)&z+1),*((char *)v+1) ); //1st-Bit same value //1 | 1 /*************************...

Basic Python Function and Constant Help

I'm not sure where to even start this assignment: In shopping for a new house, you must consider several factors. In this problem the initial cost of the house, the estimated annual fuel costs, and the annual tax rate are available. Write a program that determines and displays the total cost of a house after a five-year period and execu...