
sql server - passing unquoted constants to functions like DATEPART does

i would like to create a function which accepts a constant like the datepart function accepts yy/mm/dd/hh/ like: select datepart(dd, getdate()) i would like to create my own function that accepts dd not char like 'dd' i want select MyFunc(dd, getdate()) and not select MyFunc('dd', getdate()) ...

PHP parse error when referencing a string

I have the following constant defined in my PHP script: define("MODULE_PATH", "D:\\modules\\"); Whenever I try and assign the constant to a variable or as a function argument, I get a PHP parse error (with no explanation). var $jim = MODULE_PATH; var $fh = fopen(MODULE_PATH . "module1.xml"); Both above lines throw the parse erro...

Ruby module with a static method call from includer class

I need to define the constant in the module that use the method from the class that includes this module: module B def self.included(base) class << base CONST = self.find end end end class A def self.find "AAA" end include B end puts A::CONST But the compiler gives the error on the 4th line. Is there any ...

Is there a way to programmatically determine the proper sizes for Apple's built-in controls?

When writing Cocoa apps, I do the majority of the user interface layout programmatically. For example: NSRect popUpFrame = NSMakeRect(10, 10, 100, kDefaultPopUpButtonHeight); NSPopUpButton * popUp = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] initWithFrame:popUpFrame]; //... My question is about that kDefaultPopUpButtonHeight constant. I currently maintai...

Defining a constant in objective-c

Hi, I want to define a constant in objective-c. Previously I had the following function: +(NSString *) getDocumentsDir { NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory , NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDir = [paths objectAtIndex: 0]; paths = nil; return documentsDir; } I'd like to...

Unfamiliar C syntax in Objective-C context

I am coming to Objective-C from C# without any intermediate knowledge of C. (Yes, yes, I will need to learn C at some point and I fully intend to.) In Apple's Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Programming Guide, there is the following code: static const UInt8 publicKeyIdentifier[] = "\0"; static const UInt8 ...

How to create a constant static array of strings in c#?

I'd like to offer a list of constants within my DLL. Example usage: MyDLL.AddHouse( HouseName, MyDll.HOUSETYPES.Big) MyDLL.AddHouse( HouseName, MyDll.HOUSETYPES.Small) Tried: public static readonly string[] HOUSETYPES = { "Big", "Small" }; But that only gets me: MyDLL.AddHouse( HouseName, MyDll.HOUSETYPES.ToString()) Any idea...

TDD : Any pattern for constant testing ?

Constants are beautiful people - they can hold in a unique place a value that is used everywhere in your code. Changing that value requires only one simple modification. Life is cool. Well, this is the promise. Reality is sometime different : You change the LogCompleteFileName constant value from L:\LOGS\MyApp.log to \\Traces\App208....

Where's the best place to define a constant in a Ruby on Rails application?

In a Ruby on Rails 2.3.2 application, where is the best place to define a constant? I have an array of constant data that I need available across all the controllers in my application. ...

How to create constant data

I'm designing some classes and for some data I want to use fields that are constant. Now, AS USUAL, IE does not support the key const so const T = 10; not work. I could create a property via __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__ to mime that but , AS USUAL, IE does not support that syntax (IE 8 has Object.defineProperty but not work...

How would you store tabular constant Data in your C# project?

I am currently writing a plugin to a CAD style software. The plugin does calculations based on data read from the CAD model and a lot of table lookups (think printed tables in a calculation guide). I inherited this plugin and the current solution defines a class Constant which has a bunch of static struct members and two-dimensional arra...

How to return const Float** from a C++ function

I have a class which hold an array "float ** table". Now I want to have member function to return it, but don't want it to be modified outside of the class. So I did this: class sometable { public: ... void updateTable(......); float **getTable() const {return table;} private: ... float **table; } This compiles O...

Passing a constant array to a function in VB .NET

Hello everybody, I know that you can easily pass an array to a function, like the code below shows Private Sub SomeFunction(ByVal PassedArray() As String) For i As Integer = 0 To PassedArray.Count - 1 Debug.WriteLine(PassedArray(i)) Next End Sub Public Sub Test() Dim MyArray As String() = {"some", "array", "members...

adjusting constants in static class for unit tests in C#

I have a static class representing a connection pool that I want to unit test using Visual Studio 2008's built-in unit testing framework. The static class has some constants in it, like for the maximum allowed connections. I want to decrease this value for my unit test so I don't have to have a lot of connections open in order to hit a...

Line number constant in Actionscript 3.0?

Is there a line number constant or way to dynamically trace the line number in actionscript? Does actionscript have the equivalent of __LINE__ in PHP? ...

How can I create a nested hash as a constant in Perl?

I want to do, in Perl, the equivalent of the following Ruby code: class Foo MY_CONST = { 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => { 'innerbar' => 'bleh' }, } def some_method a = MY_CONST[ 'foo' ] end end # In some other file which uses Foo... b = Foo::MY_CONST[ 'baz' ][ 'innerbar' ] That is, I just want to declare a ...

Setting Memcached constants in PHP

Hi, I'm using Memcached PHP library (based on libmemcached) and I'm wondering how can I change predefined constants in PHP. I'd like to use key distribution based on ketama. Memcached is compiled as a PHP extension. Thank you. ...

Using constants as default function values in PHP

Is this legal? <?php function ftw($foo = 'pwnage', $nub = MENU_DEFAULT_VALUE, $odp = ODP_DEFAULT_VALUE) { //lots_of_awesome_code } ?> where MENU_DEFAULT_VALUE and ODP_DEFAULT_VALUE are previously constants defined previously in the file. Thanks. ...

Objective C - Why do constants start with k

How how constants in all examplese I've seen always start with k? And should I #define constants in header or .m file? I'm new to objective c, and I don't know c. All tutorials and books assume you know c, so I don't understand these things, is there some tutorial somewhere that explains stuff like this? Thanks. ...

How to setup constants like this - Constants.Page.Title.MyCase - in C#?

Hi guys I am trying how figure how to setup like for instance Color.RGG.Black which equal to "#000000" I am trying to make it similar like that and implement into my Constants Class. How do I do this? Constants.Page.Title.MyCase equal to "My Case"; Thanks ...