
Sharepoint: What happens to lists based on content type when content type is updated?

Hi all, I have kind of hypothetical question (at least for now :)) Let's say I create list based on some custom content-type. I add some 1000 items into that list (in production). Then customer comes and he say that he need to modify that custom content type. What happens to list if I modify custom content type? Will it be updated auto...

HTTP Content-Type in ASP.Net SoapHttpClientProtocol

Hi there, I have a problem with a Web Service Consumer written in ASP.NET. The error message is: System.InvalidOperationException: Client found response content type of 'application/xml; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'. The client is based on System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol. We can't change the Content-Ty...

The *right* JSON content type?

Right I've been messing around with json for some time, just pushing it out as text and it hasn't hurt anybody (I know of) but I'd like to start doing things properly. I have seen so many purported "standards" for the json content type: application/json application/x-javascript text/javascript text/x-javascript text/x-json But which ...

How to create a lookup column that targets a Doc Lib and uses the 'Name' of the document?

How do you create a lookup column to a Document Library that uses the 'Name' of the document as the lookup value? I found a blog post that recommends adding another custom field like "FileName" and then using a item reciever to populate the custom field with the value from the Name field but that seems cheesy. Link to the blog in case p...

XHTML or HTML 4.01 ?

What is your preferred format for html content? Why do you choose one over the other? ...

How do I find a link's content type in Perl?

Suppose you're given an URL, . How do you find out what it's content type is without downloading it? Can Perl's WWW::Mechanize or LWP issue a HEAD request? ...

SharePoint: Content Type ID differs form content type id attached to a list instance

Hi, I got a question regarding content types and their IDs and how to use them with the object model. First of all, I defined some site columns, a content type using these columns and a list definition using this content type via CAML. Each of the three components is realized as a feature. Another feature creates a list instance of th...

Moss 2007 Re-Ghost Content Types

Say for example I have Content Type XXX. For some reason it has become unghosted on List A. We have changed the content type in our feature and re-deployed but obviously the content type on List A has not been updated. Is it possible to reghost this content type? ...

How do you bound an event receiver to a *specific* custom content type?

I've created an event receiver and have added to the GAC. How do I bound an event receiver to a specific custom content type? I need to do this from an XML file: So far I have: Feature.xml that points to an Elements.xml file but am not sure about the Elements.xml file. How do you reference a specific content type? (I have the guid f...

SharePoint 2007 Site Template Content Types

I am new to SharePoint development. We have created a base site template and have used that template to start new sites in other locations on the same server. This works fine but the newly created site seems to "flatten" the custom content types created in the original site. I would think there would be a way to keep the original cont...

SharePoint: Error on unregistering an EventReceiver form a ContentType

Hi, I've got some problems unregistering some eventreceivers form a contenttype. The contenttype and the receivers were deployed and registered by myself so I don't try to remove any MOSS built-in or internal eventreceivers. I trying to archive this with the following code snippet: using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://wssdev06/"))...

Is there a different content-type for images with different color profile?

I have a script that will output a jpg, gif or png image. It uses the appropriate content-type according to the extension of the file (which in this case will be the right one always). The problem is, I have a small number of files which will cause a 500 internal server error when I try to access them this way. However they work if I tr...

Apache2 not sending "Content-Type" in header

Hello. I have a standard Apache2 installation on Ubuntu. I was trying to get mod_deflate to work, which it does, but noticed it was not gzipping my .js files. A closer inspection revealed that apache isn't sending Content-Type: for anything other than .php files. For them it's sending "text/html," which is strange since DefaultType i...

why is my content type showing up as image/2 should be image/jpeg this image when viewing the requests with firebug in the net panel shows image/2 any idea why this would be set this way on the server side? ...

Setting Charset for static files in iis

How can I ensure IIS (and Cassini) send css and js files with the content-type header (ie text/css;charset=UTF-8)? ...

Setting a header in apache

I'm trying to serve static files for download in a django application, I figured that I'd put the static files in /media/files and have Apache set the content-type header to application/octet-stream (the files to download are going to be word files but I'll work out the details later). To do this I activated mod_headers and then in the ...

Export a SharePoint Custom Content Type That Inherits from Contact to Outlook

I've created a custom content type that inherits from the built in Contact content type in WSS 3.0. When I create a list instance and assign my custom content type, there is no "Connect to Outlook" option like there would be if an end user created a new "Contact" directly. Am I doing something wrong or is this a limitation of SharePoin...

SharePoint Default View Ignores Custom Title DisplayName

I've created a custom content type that inherits from a contact (i.e. <ContentType ID="0x010600...") and I'm trying to rename the "Title" field using the following: <FieldRefs> <FieldRef ID="{fa564e0f-0c70-4ab9-b863-0177e6ddd247}" Name="Title" DisplayName="Last Name" Sealed="TRUE" /> <FieldRef ID="{82642ec8-ef9b-478f-acf9-31f7d...

How do I determine a file's content type in .NET?

My WPF application gets a file from the user with Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog()... Private Sub ButtonUpload_Click(...) Dim FileOpenStream As Stream = Nothing Dim FileBox As New Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog() FileBox.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) FileBox.Filter = ...

Sharepoint List Definition that binds only to my Custom Content Type

Hi. I am developint a Sharepoint Solution, that implements a new list. This list has an event receiver attached to a Custom Content type. I am using VSeWSS 1.3 for this task and it's going ok (the content type gets created, a list is created and bound to the content type, the event receiver triggers successfully. My only concern is ...