
[dijit menu] catch menu positon, and edit menu after creation

I'm working with the dijit.Menu widget, but I don't know how to do some things: How can I catch te position of the top left corner of a dijit context menu? How can I know witch dome node belongs to the dijit menu, (to do that I write into the menu the DOM node id and I find it with dojo.byId, but I don't think its the best way) How can...

Add an entry to recycle bin right click menu using C#

I'm looking for a C# code to add my own entry to recycle bin right click menu. I've already seen this. What should i do to represent recycle bin.(Sample is provided for jpeg files) ...

Folder right click menu(Only Folder)

See this.What should i use instead of "Jpegfile" in the sample to represent folders? I don't want Drives,Recyclebin,Computer(My computer in XP),My Documents(in xp),etc. to be included too. I want my right click menu entry to be added to folders' right click menu only. Thanks and Regards. Please note: I can't use "Folder" since it include...

How to make the Developer Express popup menus semitransparent like in Firefox?

Hello, I am using DevExpress Build 47. Is there a way to make the context(aka popup) menus semi transparent? ...

Right Click Context Menu in IE - Add new items

Hello, Adding items to the registry item HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\ I can successfully create new options in the Internet Explorer right click menu. Trouble is, I only want to show the item if the user right clicks on a link. In other words it would appear at the same time as the option "Open in ...

Programmatically Calling Browser Right-Click Menu Options?

Hey there, I would like to be able to programmatically invoke the right-click menu options, initiated from user events like rollover and whatnot of course. Is this possible? Specifically, I would like to be able to call the Safari "Use Image as Desktop Picture" or the "Add Image to iPhoto Library", or the Firefox "Set as Desktop Backg...

Browser Context Menu customization?

Is there a way to override the "undo" and "select all" in right click context menu of the browser over textarea? Thank you. ...

Shell menu item separator

Hello friends, My question may be the repeated one here but even after googling i havn't got the solution yet. I have added a shell context menu item for files i.e. when you right click on a file within explorer the menu shows my custom menu item. I have used - HKLM\Software\Classes*\shell\myappname HKLM\Software\Classes*\shell\mya...

How to avoid context menu handler application from blocking the explorer?

I have created an application for which can be invoked through context menu by deriving from IContextMenu and IShellExtInit. I register the DLL and when I right click the application gets invoked. But, the problem is till my application gets over, I cannot access any other file in that explorer. Explorer is effectively blocked till my a...

Jquery li element id

Hi, I am using a jquery contextmenu plugin for right click menus which I am trying to add to each li element of an unordered list with the ID mailbox. The code I have is: $("#mailbox > li").contextMenu('myMenu1', { bindings: { 'open': function(t) { alert('Trigger was ''\nAction was Open'); } //CODE SN...

Add menu item to windows context menu only for specific filetype

Hi, i've dveloped an application that load an image using the context menu of window (right click on the file) and for the moment is working, but the reg key is on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\* and it works with all files. I want that the menu item on the context menu should be displayed only with .jpg files. Whow i can do that? Which regist...

Creating context menu for win32 API

I am trying to create context menu for win32 application using case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: { HMENU hPopupMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); InsertMenu(hPopupMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, ID_CLOSE, (LPCWSTR)"Exit"); InsertMenu(hPopupMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING, ID_EXIT, (LPCWSTR)"Play"); SetForegroundWindow(hWnd); Track...

Pass multiple files / folders from windows explorer to external application

Hi does anyone know how to get windows explorer to pass multiple files / folders through to an external app (c#) referenced in the registry? I am current able to act upon a single file / folder using the %1 syntax but not sure how to get explorer to pass through multiple items. Does anyone know how to do this? ...

Add option to phone log context menu - Android 2.0

Hello, I would like to program an application for Android that when installed would add an item to the context menu that pops up when you long-press on a call record in the call log tab in the built-in contacts program. Is this possible? If so, any links that could point me in the right direction for the required code to add my option ...

open program once with multiple files as arguments from explorer

I have a program that works when, a file is opened with it using the right click menu in explorer. But if I select multiple files and then right click and open with my program then it opens multiple instances of my program, instead of just passing the multiple files as arguments to a single instance. The program is written in but ...

porting an app to iPad: alternatives for a context-menu? UI advice please

Considering porting/rewriting an app for the iPad and need some UI advice. On the iPad is there a way to pop a context-menu up from a text field without the text field losing focus? If not, what is the closest thing in the UI to this sort of functionality? ...

Dynamic context menus for a BlackBerry CLDC Application

In my custom field in a BlackBerry CLDC Application, I want to display a specific context menu based on the current state of the field. My original idea was to do something like this: protected void makeContextMenu(ContextMenu contextMenu) { if (isPaused()) contextMenu.addItem(resumeMenuItem); else contextMenu.addItem(pauseMenu...

Can unregisterForContextMenu completely unregister a View?

I have a ListView, which can either have a context menu, or not. I am using registerForContextMenu and unregisterForContextMenu respectively and have no problems with the registration itself or anything related to the context menu showing up/working. When a view is registered for a context menu, when the user clicks it, its background c...

C++ - basic Qt question

Hello! Do I have any simple way to have context menu items, that aren't highlighted when mouse goes over them (using Qt)? I want to make simple context menu with various item groups such as | Group1 | ----- | DoSomething | DoSomethingWow | DoSomethingCool | | Group2 | ------ | DoSomethingCoolHuh and I want Group1 and Group...

In Java, How can I read file name from the context menu in Windows

Hi Evrybody. I'm new here and in Java programing I'm trying to write program that cath the context menu command and read the file name and his full path for example when I'm clicking (right mouse) on some file and getting the context menu and I selecting any option (copy, or send to, or open with) I want that my program will read the f...