
How to add Silverlight 4 ContextMenu to DataGrid row using XAML?

Silverlight 4 has a new ContextMenu control in the latest toolkit. I can't find any examples anywhere on how to reliably use this ContextMenu on a DataGrid row. Theres a tonne of context menus out there but I want to use the new version from the toolkit. I'd like to be able to set context menus for rows as well as cells. The only way ...

ListView and undeterminate ProgressBar

Sorry for the question it might sounds stupid, But: how do you activate a ProgressBar according to the cell you just cliked on ? I have a list view, with a menu that shows after a long press. When I click on one of my option I would like to display the ProgressBar in the listView according to the cell I clicked on. It is currently al...

Android 2.1 fling gesture captured on textview but still a contextmenu opens

The following problem seems unique to 2.1, happens both on an emulator and on a nexus. The same example works fine on other platforms I've tested (1.5, 1.6 and 2.0 emulators). I've added created gestureListener as described in this post. The difference is that I've added the listener on a TextView which also has a contextMenu registered...

GUI style question: Icons in context menus?

Hi, It seems like not so long ago that it was standard to have icons/images in context menus and Microsoft seems to keep this up. But nowadays it seems to have disappeared in other apps: Chrome, iTunes etc. Anyone have an opinion / idea why this has happened or is it just completely personal taste (I for one like the images). A. ...

Context Menu on QGraphicsWidget

Hi, In my application I have two object type. One is field item, other is composite item. Composite items may contain two or more field items. Here is my composite item implementation. #include "compositeitem.h" CompositeItem::CompositeItem(QString id,QList<FieldItem *> _children) { children = _children; } CompositeItem::~Composit...

Android: Registering ContextMenu for a Custom ListAdapter

Hi, I made a custom list adapter extending the Base adapter. Each item in the list has an imagebutton, 2 textviews and a button. I tried to add the context menu to the list so as to display some options for an item in the list. registerForContextMenu(getListView()); I used a MenuInflater object to inflate the context menu xml file. ...

How can I force a ContextMenu to close (WPF project)?

I have a ListBox with items, and have assigned a ContextMenu to it with three menu items. Everything is working fine except that one of the menu items launches a lengthy operation. I would like to close the ContextMenu from the handler, and maybe display an hour-glass cursor or something. Can that be done? Or, should I be using a Popup ...

c# compact framework context menu

hi i'm using a transparent control class from here: to make a list on the screen. the text color is blue. then I have a context menu that shows up when user clicks on an item in the list an the clicked text color turns into white. the problem is, when user ...

"Build" item in Windows Explorer's context menu of a VS solution file?

I wonder why this is not integrated by default. I'd like to have an item in Windows Explorer's file context menu of a VS solution file to build it. Is there a tool for this? Or do I have to create this myself? ...

no longer an issue

I am still new to c# and wpf This program is a clock with different view and I would like to use the context menu to change between view, but the error says that there is no definition or extension method for the events. Right now I have the event I'm working on popping up a MessageBox just so I know it has run, but I cannot get it to co...

NSMenu doesn't start tracking

Hey, I have a little cocoa app which usually operates in the background (as agent). Sometimes I'd like to be able to popup a contextmenu (no window or visible at this time). As I'm only targetting Snow Leopard I tried this: if (windows) { NSMenu *theMenu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"test"] autorelease]; [theM...

Android: CustomListAdapter

Hi, I have implemented a custom list view which looks like the twitter timeline. adapter = new MyClickableListAdapter(this, R.layout.timeline, mObjectList); setListAdapter(adapter); The constructor for MyClickableListAdapter is as follows private class MyClickableListAdapter extends ClickableListAdapter{ public MyClickab...

how to pass data when using MenuItem.ItemContainerStyle

Hello Experts! i've been trying to have a dynamic ContextMenu to show the name property of each of the object in its collection of objects. here is concrete example ,i'm connecting to a webservice to pull contacts and groups of a particular i have those as global variables.i display the contacts in a listbox and i want to sho...

ContextMenu not popping up on Long click

Hi, The context menu is not popping up on the long click on the list items in the list view. I've extended the base adapter and used a view holder to implement the custom list with textviews and an imagebutton. adapter = new MyClickableListAdapter(this, R.layout.timeline, mObjectList); list.setAdapter(adapter); registerF...

CF - How to get mouse position when ContextMenu pops up ??

I have a problem i cannot solve. In my view (that shows a map) i created a contextMenu. When context menu is invoked i need to get the position where the user has clicked on the map. Here is my problem: In the view i already have onMouseDown event that gets me the coordinates where the user clicked. private void MapView_MouseDown(obj...

How to create a div toggle effect using jQuery?

I want the following requirement. But there is slight change on it. Please consider the above link for the example below. There are two toggle effects on Hover and Click. My requirement when someone click on the top of the div: it will expand and there should be a "close" button in the div some on...

javascript context menu in iframe

Hi, I have a problem with JQuery Context Menu ( link text ) and iframe. If i use it inside, the context menu is naturaly shown inside. But it will be partialy shown. I am searching how to resolve it. Please note that the context menu only appear when i click on specific iframe's elements. thanks :) ...

Need modification to jQuery Context Menu Plugin

How could I change the code of jQuery Context Menu Plugin such that the context menu will appear also for items that are added in the future ? For example, I would like the context menu to appear for all cells in a table that have my_class class. I set up the context menu like this: $(".my_class").contextMenu(...) Then, later, the us...

Dojo Popup Menus - Connect a menu item event to multiple 'triggering' elements

What i have is a single dijit.Menu that contains the dijit.MenuItem objects with labels 1 - 9. It is connected to a sudoku like grid of 81 'nodes' (because there are so many, i dont bother with individual id's, i simply collect them with dojo.query('their-css-class-name')). This is the code i'm using inside of a widget to instantiate the...

Is there a way to add a menu shortcut for an application to select which Space is supposed to appear on?

I am looking for a more convenient way to manage assignment of applications to a particular Space without having to popup System Preferences all the time. Maybe there exists a contextual menu that allows me to do it, or a menu hack? I'ld even be open to use Applescript, but Spaces is not very well supported in Applescript, AFAIK. ...