
Show context menu when link is long pressed in TextView

I have a TextView with its MovementMethod set to LinkMovementMethod. Text added to the TextView is a combination of normal text and URLs. For URLs, I would like to offer a context menu when the URL is long pressed for doing things such as copying the address. I've had a look at the source for LinkMovementMethod but it doesn't seem to hav...

how to set contextmenu fro qtreewidgetitem in qt

Hello,I would like to know how can we set context menu for a qtreewidgetitem that is if i right click on each item in my qtreewidget,i should have some options like edit,delete ..i would like to know how can we implement this.thanks in advance ...

WPF Custom TextBox ContextMenuOpening Problem

I've got an issue with a custom control that I've written not firing it's ContextMenuOpening event when I hook it up programatically. The control is basically a wrapper for the standard TextBox: public class MyTextBox : TextBox { public MyTextBox() { this.ContextMenuOpening += new ContextMenuEventHandler(MyTextBox_Contex...

Addin to extend Solution Explorer with "Open corresponding solution" when available?

Imagine a folder structure that contains more than 200 solution files for projects that all belong to one software. Most of them generate shared libraries that are referenced in other projects that are contained in own solutions. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a possibility of right clicking such a referenced assembly in the solu...

Adding custom context menu items to an Outlook MailItem using Outlook 2007 VSTO 3.0

Hi I've been trying to figure out how to create a context menu in VSTO 2007. I'm hoping that is possible. When I make this call. Dim commandBar As Microsoft.Office.Core.CommandBar = _word.CommandBars("Text") I get the following error. This object model command is not available in e-mail. I've look all over and from what I can tell ...

What kind of library to use for display of graphical objects and right click context menus

Hi all, Goal: To develop a web based NMS interface which displays a network topology (e.g., switches, routers, links, endhosts). Each node should be 'movable' (draggable to an appropriate place manually or their best location computed algorithmically). I should be able to zoom into the network graph (say if there are many clusters of ...

GWT: Select a TreeItem with right click

I'm capturing a right click event to show a context menu. What I haven't been able to figure out, is how to make the right click actually select the TreeItem, prior to showing of context menu. All help is appreciated. private Tree tree = new Tree() { @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { if (event.getTypeInt()...

Context Menu Creation with ‪ Qt Designer(Qt Creator IDE)

How can i create a Context menu in Qt Designer (1.3)? Certainly I want to create it with out writing one line code!! ...

How do I prevent my ContextMenu from being constrained to its container (Win Forms c#)

I wrote a custom Control (an auto-complete TextBox (below)) in which a ContextMenuStrip is programmatically added to the form. My problem is that when the control generates a list longer than the height of it's parent container (Panel, GroupBox, etc) the bottom section of ContextMenuStrip is hidden. I have tried calling .BringToFront(...

Can I add a command to make ReSharper repeat last test run to the right click context menu in visual studio?

I'd like to add a context menu item to allow me to repeat resharper's last test run, similar to the one that test adds. Is this possible? ...

InstallShield 2009: Remove a dll (being used by explorer.exe for context menu) during uninstall without any warning message

Install Shield Premier 2009: Basic MSI Project I have a dll that is supposed to be removed during uninstall. But this dll is being used by explorer.exe, it is used for generating windows explorer context menus with their icons(same as the menu items, icons we see when we right click on any file/folder and see the WinRAR items, icons). ...

Is there a way to programatically popup the "Microsoft Silverlight Configuration" dialog?

I am building for Silverlight 4, and I handle MouseRightButtonDown events and build my own ContextMenu's (a class from the Silverlight Toolkit). I would like to add the classic "Silverlight" menu item to my menus, and give the user the familiar option of launching the "Microsoft Silverlight Configuration" dialog. This is the dialog let...

WPF: How to make Contextmenu select and forget?

I have a Contextmenu with a ListBox inside. Whenever I right click my control and select a value from my contextmenu the last selected value stays marked and I can't select that value again. The idea is, that I may select the same value within the COntextmenu in order to turn a property on or off. Should be quite basic, what am I miss...

Silverlight 4 Context Menu: Maintain ability to launch Silverlight Configuration Box

I love being able to add my own context menus to my application but I've run into a bit of a dilemma, how do I override the menu for my entire app (video player) and also provide the user ability to go into the Silverlight Configuration dialog. For reference I'm talking about the following dialog box

Defining a ContextMenu in a DataGridRow style

I'm trying to clean up some of my xaml in my views by moving a lot of the DataGrid styles into a ResourceDictionary. One of the things I'd like to move is the ContextMenu that is bound to some commands in the ViewModel. However, when I move the context menu to the ResourceDictionary, the commands are are never firing anymore, and I can...

Remove application entry from switch-app menu

What am I trying to achieve? I am writing a windows-form based application in C# .NET 2.0. The application should behave like this: No form should be visible; just a system tray icon is the entire application. So, I have to hide the form during startup and make a NotifyIcon available in the system tray with a ContextMenuStrip attached to...

Javascript ContextMenu on a TD

If I attach a context menu to a td, it fires okay for text in the TD, but if I add a div to the TD, the context menu will not fire when right clicking on the div. How can I make the context menu fire when anything, data or divs, are right clicked in the td? Edit: The event was popping, but due to an error in my code, I never saw the ev...

Add a click event to a listbox filled with objects in code

Hey guys, I'm trying to sho a contextmenu on right-click on an item in a listbox. So i'm binding a list of "Users" to my listbox. Then i'm a bit lost. I thought i could foreach the list and add a mouserightdown event on the listboxitems, but i can't figure out how. Is this a good way, or does anyone know a better way of accomplishing w...

XAML ContextMenu gets bound to wrong row in a DataGrid

I have a XAML based ContextMenu bound to the rows in a datagrid. It works just fine - until the grid is scrolled! This is the context menu for one of the controls in the visual tree or a DataGrid row. <data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Customer Details" Width="*"> <data:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> ...

identifying id of listitem for contextmenu

I have a View that extends Activity. A ListView will display a number of listitems. When the user long clicks I would like to present them with a contextmenu allowing them to select edit, delete etc... and then identify the listitem that was selected as the item to perform the action on. In onCreate I have: listView.setAdapter(adapter)...