
TabControl Context Menu

In a Windows Forms app I set the ContextMenuStrip property on a TabControl. How can I tell the user clicked a tab other then the one that is currently selected? How can I restrict the context menu from showing only when the top Tab portion with the label is clicked, and not elsewhere in the tab? ...

Right-click context menu for Java JTree?

I'm trying to implement pop-up menus in Java JTree. I've sub-classed DefaultTreeCellRenderer (to change node appearance) and DefaultTreeCellEditor (to create Components to attach event listeners to, since apparently the Components that DefaultTreeCellRenderer.getTreeCellRendererComponent() returns can't do it?). I don't really want to "e...

WPF DataGrid ContextMenu(s)

Hi, how can I define different ContextMenus for each column in the DataGrid (Microsoft's grid)? I found out that the grid provides a ContextMenu attribute, but i want different context menu items for the columns, not the same ContextMenu for the whole grid.. Thanks for any help on this! Edit: Thanks for your answer! I tried to listen...

WPF app with transparent windows and remote desktop causing popunders

I have a WPF application with AllowsTransparency="True" because we like funky borders. When I remote desktop into a computer and run our application, menus and right click menus in textboxes are popping up behind the application. I verified this by making the background semi transparent. Here's a screen shot: We're using .net 3.5 SP1...

ToolStripButton with Popup Menu?

I'm doing the GUI for a paint-like program, where the user will be able to select a drawing tool from a ToolStrip. Some of these tools have variations, and I'd like the user to be able to select one via a popup menu. Anyone familiar with the Photoshop toolbar interface will know what I'm after: the user can either click the button and s...

Problem: adding feature in MOSS 2007

Hi All, I have added a menu item in 'Actions' menu of a document library as follows(Using features: explained in MSDN How to: Add Actions to the User Interface: feature.xml as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Feature Id="51DEF381-F853-4991-B8DC-EBFB485BACDA" ...

how to apply custom action in ECB only for document item

I have added a menu item in edit control block(ECB) in document library(using following msdn article Now i found that the custom action(menu Item) in ECB is displayed for both document item and document folder. So how to apply custom action only for document item? ...

Context menu

Hi In C# windows form application, I want to add item to context menu so that I can check or uncheck that item in context menu. Is it possible? ...

Select TreeView Node on right click before displaying ContextMenu

I whould like to select a WPF TreeView Node on right click, right before the ContextMenu displayed. For WinForms I could use code like this, what are the WPF alternatives? ...

WPF, UserControl, and Commands? Oh my!

(This question is related to another one, but different enough that I think it warrants placement here.) Here's a (heavily snipped) Window: <Window x:Class="Gmd.TimeTracker2.TimeTrackerMainForm" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Gmd.TimeTracker2" xmlns:localcommands="clr-namespace:Gmd.TimeTracker2.Commands" x:Name="This" DataC...

Default ContextMenu Style - WPF

I am trying to modify the default style of the ContextMenu in WPF. Normally you can creat a copy of the default in Expression Blend using the Edit Control Parts (Template) > Edit a Copy menu option. However I can't work out how to do this with a ContextMenu. Any idea how I can get the default style to modify? I am trying to disable...

Disable context menu in Internet Explorer control

How do I disable the context menu in the IE WebBrowser control and instead perform custom handling of the right-click event in C#? ...

WPF Context menu doesn't bind to right databound item

Hi! I have a problem when binding a command in a context menu on a usercontrol that is on a tab page. The first time I use the menu (right-click on the tab) it works great, but if I switch tab the command will use the databound instance that was used the first time. If I put a button that is bound to the command in the usercontrol it wo...

WPF Quad Context Menu

N.B THIS QUESTION HAS BEEN UPDATED, READ FURTHER DOWN Hi, I want to create a custom context menu that has 4 sub-menus, each in their own quadrant (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right). Similar to 3ds Studio Max. This is how I've approached the issue so far: - create a custom WPF control, derive from ContextMenu[1] - decla...

Custom Menu / Context Menu Mouse Over or Right Click

I currently have an ASP.NET GridView that displays a few columns to the user with one of them being a link to view the details for the specific record. From the details page, the user has the ability to access other pages for adding new records (for example from the contact record page, you can click a link to add a new vehicle purchase...

How to add context menu to Silverlight tree items?

I want to have context menus attached to tree items in my Silverlight Toolkit tree. How can I do this? ...

How do I share MenuItems between a ContextMenu and a ToolStripMenuItem?

I have a context menu attached to a panel, that should mirror commands available in a toolbar menu. Currently in my MouseUp event, I set the enabled state of the MenuItems, and add them to the context menu: ctxMnuLinks.Items.Clear() ctxMnuLinks.Items.Add(mnuLinksOpen) ctxMnuLinks.Items.Add(New ToolStripSeparator) ctxMnu...

How do I get the source of a ContextMenu-originated event in WPF?

Hi I have a TreeView with a ContextMenu with Click events. When the click event in the context menu fires, I get the MenuItem as the source of the event, obviously. How can I get which node in the TreeView was the one who triggered the ContextMenu? ...

WPF: Displaying a Context Menu for a GridView's Items

I have the following GridView: <ListView Name="TrackListView" ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource itemstyle}"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Header="Title" Width="100" HeaderTemplate="{StaticResource BlueHeader}" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Name}"/> <GridViewColumn Header="Artist" Width="100" HeaderTemplat...

How to achieve modal dialogs from NotifyIcon context menu?

I've got a shell tray icon with an attached context menu. The problem I'm having is that calling ShowDialog() from a context menu Clicked handler does not result in a modal dialog. It's easy to reproduce this with a default C# project. Simply add the following code to the Form1.cs file: protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { ...