
Display the meta/control key in a JLabel

We want to show a hint for a JList that the user can select multiple items with the platform dependent key for multiselect. However I have not found any way to show the OS X COMMAND symbol in a JLabel, which means the symbol that's printed on the apple keyboard on the command key, also called apple key. Here's a picture of the symbol ...

app GUI similar to Control Panel in Vista

I was playing a bit with Windows Vista (still using XP) and I liked how the standard Control Panel worked. Do you think this design is good also for normal applications? I like the idea of showing main topics with large fonts + icons. Details within each main topic are displayed using a small font and are immediatelly accessible without...

VBA File Path Control

How to put a File path control in VBA front panel? I want the user to be able to select the browse button and select the file path rather than putting up dialog boxes all over the place. I need the user to select three or more file paths. ... - Add blank item at top of dropdownlist

Hi, Why is the dropdown not showing my blank item first? Here is what I have drpList.Items.Add(New ListItem("", "")) With drpList .DataSource = myController.GetList(userid) .DataTextField = "Name" .DataValueField = "ID" .DataBind() End With Edit ~ I am binding to a Generig List, could this be the culprit? ...

How would I make a control that flashes/fades on a mouse click? (Windows)

When a user clicks in certain places in my control, I want to change the color of some rows and columns in my grid, then fade it back to the normal color, within say 500ms or so. I haven't decided whether to use Winforms or WPF yet, so advice in either of those technologies would work. Thank you. Edit: I understand I could do this by ...

DateTimePicker Control

I am searching for a DateTimePicker control which can be used as a textbox so user can enter date/time data at will (ie; type in the string "11/09/2008 12:30:00") or can select date/time from a drop down list that contains a calendar/time box (what i meant is that this control can provide both options as mentioned). If you have found suc...

Saving And Loading CollapsiblePanelExtender Control State Over Postback

I'm using and have a number of Collapsible Panel Extenders that have been dynamically created when the page loads. The controls are within an update panel that updates every 5 seconds. The problem I have is whenever the update panel updates the state of the controls is reset. For example the Collapsible Panel Extender start li...

Internet Explorer control uses IE7's own settings for ClearType and font size, can I override them?

I'm embedding an IE control into my C++ application. The problem is that although system-wide, ClearType is disabled, IE7 has its own separate setting, and unless I specifically disable that too, text inside the IE control will be antialiased while the rest of the app will not. The same goes for IE7's font size setting. It wouldn't be ...

Creating a new module in Sitefinity

I'm trying to create a new module for Sitefinity. I'm basing my module off the sample module linked to from the documentation. What I want is a list of videos. On the left-hand side - the CommandPanel - there should be 3 buttons - "Videos", "Artists"...

How to prevent a Winforms control from listening to the keyboard ...

For a certain inputform, I'd like to make it possible to do input with the keyboard. I know how to read the keys through KeyPressed and KeyUp, but the problem is that when a control has got the focus and the user presses the Enter key, that control receives the a Click event. Is it possible to prevent that behaviour ? Or is it possibl...

Where can I get a - WPF - Trending Graph Control.

We're trying to show 4 trend graphs and will be adding data to them them at a rate of about 1 point every second. In the end each trend needs to show around 600 points. Currently we are using the graphing tools from Syncfusion but they are unable to redraw the graphs at the speed we require. I believe the issue is due to the fact tha...

How can I pass a data string to a programmatically loaded custom user control in C#

I've written a Custom User Control which returns some user specific data. To load the Custom User Control I use the following line of code: UserControl myUC = (UserControl).Load("~/customUserControl.ascx"); But how can I access string user inside the User Control myUC? ...

COM Control colour(color) bug/problem when embedded in PowerBuilder

We have built some .NET controls, and we are using them as COM controls in a PowerBuilder application. They (mostly) consist of controls with other controls on them, some other of our custom controls, some from DevExpress. All of ours inherit from a common base - and this has the DevExpress LookAndFeel control on to ensure that we can e...

Silverlight Control not working THAT good

Hello Guys.. I have this problem that I have a little menu with a croll bar.. inside there's a couple of items with checkboxes.. On iterating through these checkboxes I get a null error.It seems like this is caused whenever a checkbox is not part of the visible space of the menu thingy.. Like Silverlight only initiate the checkbox when ...

My Calendar control is cut

Hi guys I've got an own control with a calenadar popup and other funcionalities. I've placed that Control into a grin in the content of another Page. My Problem now is, that the Calendar Control is cut. So i only see half of the calendar. How can i bring it to the Front? Like the normal DatePicker Control does?? Thx Patrick ...

I need help with scrolling on my control - c#

Hi, I've written a simple control which basically displays a few words with an image next to it. I want the containing items to strech when the parent form is resized and as you can see from my commented out code, I don't want to use a loop as it flickers. Any idea on how to get the items to grow and shrink with the form in a nice way...

Adding Controls using Javascript and get Their Value from codebehind

Hi, I wanna add server controls by using javascript. The main purpose of why I want is to add controls without any postback and get them in code-behind. ...

I need help! whenever I click and drag a user control in i get this error message.

Failed to create component 'User Control 1'. the error message follows: 'System.NullReferenceException : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.SetValue(Object Component, Object Value) .............. etc.......... please help me......... Thanx in advance...... ...

SQL Server 2005 "public" database role doesn't seem to apply?

I have a SQL Server 2005 database that I'm trying to access as a limited user account, using Windows authentication. I've got BUILTIN\Users added as a database user (before I did so, I couldn't even open the database). I'm working under the assumption that everybody is supposed to have permissions for the "public" role applied to them,...

How to restrict client control area in a custom WinForms control

Hello, I have a custom control that uses a designer I've inherited from ParentControlDesigner to allow child controls to be dropped. I'm not using any internal designers, just straightforward single-parent stuff. This control draws a "header", so I'm trying to do three things: Have child controls dock to the bottom of the header ins...