
Access Controls which are written by Response.WriteFile("Sample.htm")

My aim is to stream a .htm file via Response.WriteFile("Sample.htm"); and then access a specific html element (ex. <a runat="server" id="myAnchor" /> ) from the Response which happened in the Page_PreInit Event. I tried it already with ((HtmlGenericControl)myAnchor) but it doesn't work. It only works, if the anchor tag is inside the .as...

Bug in ASp.NET Ajax Rating Control

Im using ASP.NET Ajax Rating control in my current project and i get this strange behaviour: When somoene clicks on the control to rate some content, rating is properly executed but browser sroll position jumps to the top of the browser window! This is very user un-friendly. Is there a fix for this bug? ...

WPF - Swapping ContentControl (relinking elements???)

I'm working on a custom panel control and one of the things I'm trying to have it do is swap it's content at run-time. There's two states to this control: Maximized and Normal. When the user clicks a button on the control the state switches. There's two properties on this control: MaximizedContent and MinimizedContent. When the button to...

Controlling ASP .Net repeater control output height

Hi, I'm currently implementing an RSS feeder control for a website. I'm planning to allow a limit of 10 items to be displayed on the homepage using a repeater control. My question is how do I prevent the height of the control exceeding a certain dimension? I cannot guarantee how much content will be provided per RSS feed item. One op...

Disposing dynamically created controls

I have a WinForms TabControl that I am dynamically adding TabPages to at runtime. Each TabPage contains a WebBrowser control. I also have the ability to remove the TabPages at runtime. Should I bother Dispose()ing the TabPage and/or WebBrowser controls? It seems to me I should at least Dispose() the WebBrowser control since it is a bit...

Ajax Control Toolkit TabContainer - how can I determine which tab was clicked?

I am stuck working with the TabContainer control of the Ajax Contol Toolkit. When a user clicks a tab, I am trying to capture which tab was clicked (like the index). Anyone out there know if this is possible? ...

FileUpload control clears itself

Hi all, I'm having some trouble with the FileUpload control and was wondering if I could get some help. On my page I have a FileUpload control, and a drop down list. So the user browses to the file they want, and then select an option from the drop down (which enables some checkboxes that are also on the page for use, depending on...

How do I capture SIGINT in Python?

I'm working on a python script that starts several processes and database connections. Every now and then I want to kill the script with a Ctrl-C signal, and I'd like to do some cleanup. In Perl I'd do this: $SIG{'INT'} = 'exit_gracefully'; sub exit_gracefully { print "Caught ^C \n"; exit (0); } How do I do the analogue of th...

More Control Over C Standard Output

I can't seem to find the right way to ask the almighty google... In such programs as a command-line progress bar, the output buffer seems to be directly manipulated. It can't print a character to a terminal in any place it wants. How is such control over a program's output controlled in standard C? Is there a special library that I c...

WPF custom control style problem

Hi. I have a custom control (from MS Toolkit - DatePicker). I've made my own style like this: <Style TargetType="{x:Type local:DatePicker}"> But this style does not apply automatically. I have to add Key: <Style x:Key="DatePickerStyle" TargetType="{x:Type local:DatePicker}"> and reference it in each custom control like <toolkit:...

web services from a delphi 7 Activex Control on IE 8 running on XP service pack3 does not work

Hi, I having problems in calling webservice from delphi 7 activex control in Internet Explore 8 while running on machines having window XP service pack 3 . the active X control works in the following combination Window XP service pack 3 with IE7 or lower Windows XP service pack 2 with IE 8 currently i use the delphi 7 SOAPHTTPClient...

Getting a directory's path, that is inside an assembly.

I have a custom control. That control will also render to the page a piece of javascript. This javascript piece of code is actually properties that have to be initialized. One of this property value must be a path. This path is a directory that is inside this assembly. If it is was a file i would use GetWebResourceUrl but now I d...

Frame control on mpeg2 videos using JMF

Hi I was trying to use the FramePositioningControl on mpeg2 videos for frame seek using Java Media Framework(JMF) but it always returns null. To be more clear, I am using FramePositioningControl on player object to do forward, rewind on videos programatically. I want to know whether frame seek can be achieved through alternate means li...

KeyUp event of one button navigating to Enter event of other button

Hello, I have a keyUp event in button1 and EnterEvent in button2 When i press button1 and use my up arrow automatically control is navigating to Enter Event of button2 after entering into the KeyUp event of button1 Feels something fishy; Please help !! ...

TStatusBar flickers when calling Update procedure. Ways to painlessly fix this...

So, here is the discussion I have just read:[email protected]/msg02315.html BeginUpdate and EndUpdate is not thi procedures I need ... Overriding API Call? I tried to get Update procedures code from ComCtrls unit, nut did not found... Maybe you could post here a code to fix thi flicker of statusbar comp...

wpf control template

I have a very simple case that I think would benefit from using templates (but I'm not sure, which is why I'm asking). All the templating examples I've seen either assume more knowledge than I have, are too specific to be of much use to a total newb like myself, or contain lots of ancillary stuff that makes it hard to identify what's pa...

Dynamic control creation in WPF

I'm working on a project where I have some hierarchical data that I want to be able edit through a fancy WPF control. The data structure is essentially an expression tree. Each node can be a different Expression type but inheriting from the same base class. These different types need to have their own way of editing them. My thoughts ...

Is there a .NET control similar to Firefox's Address/Location/Awesome bar?

Is there a .NET component out there that is similar to Firefox's location bar? I need all the features of the Firefox address bar, but I want to control the "history" from which the suggestions are made. This is for Winforms or WPF. ...

Convert Rendering from Table to Panel in Custom Control

Hi, I have a custom Panel control,which is expandable and we can insert any control on that. Given below is the code of custom control. using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Specialized; using Sys...

Custom Control and DependencyProperty

hi, I created a custom control that internally is using BindingList to keep track of Account objects that are displayed in some custom grid. I want to add a DependencyProperty to my control that will expose set/get for List that will allow me TwoWay binding between my control and data model. I want to be able to set that list to initial...