
What is the point of Convert.ToDateTime(bool)?

I was doing some type conversion routines last night for a system I am working on. One of the conversions involves turning string values into their DateTime equivalents. While doing this, I noticed that the Convert.ToDateTime() method had an overload which accepted a boolean parameter. First question? Under what circumstances could t...

How to convert a DataSet object into an ObjectContext (Entity Framework) object on the fly?

Hi all, I have an existing SQL Server database, where I store data from large specific log files (often 100 MB and more), one per database. After some analysis, the database is deleted again. From the database, I have created both a Entity Framework Model and a DataSet Model via the Visual Studio designers. The DataSet is only for bulk...

How to convert between Enums where values share the same names ?

Hi, if I want to convert between two Enum types, the values of which, I hope, have the same names, is there a neat way, or do I have to do it like this...? enum colours_a { red, blue, green } enum colours_b { yellow, red, blue, green } static void Main(string[] args) { colours_a a =; colours_b b; //b = a; ...

How to convert actionscript code into c code?

Hi there, Can anybody suggest how to convert actionscript to c code? ...

convert a sql statement to class?

Is there a tool or code to convert a sql statement to class? Something like: Dim sqlText = "SELECT CustomerID, Name, Address, City FROM dbo.Customer WHERE CustomerID = 1" Dim obj As New ***SqlStatementTool***(sqlText) obj.GetTables() 'Will Return Tables in sqlText obj.GetWheres() 'Will Return conditions in sqltext obj.GetParameters() ...

Convert html to aspx.

Hi is there any tool or code to convert html files to .aspx ? Elaboration to earlier question: I am looking for tool or code that automatically converts html controls to .aspx server control without having to manually change each control. i.e something that will take html page as input, parses it and outputs the controls for .aspx page...

Convert a form_tag select_datetime to SQL datetime

Hi I am trying to make a simple search form that uses a startTime and endTime to specify a time range. The db has a datetime field time that is compared against. So far when i try to use params[:startTime] in the controller I get an array of values which wont work with :conditions => ['time < ?', params[:endTime]] Is there a simple sol...

Can I convert an ASCII MD5 hashed password into a Unicode MD5 hashed password?

Hello, I'm looking for help to convert an ASCII MD5 hashed password into a Unicode MD5 hashed password? For example, I'll use the string "password" . When it's converted to an ascii byte array, I get a base64 encoded hash of X03MO1qnZdYdgyfeuILPmQ== When it's converted into a unicode byte array, I get a base64 encoded hash of sIHb6F4...

How to convert SSRS 2008 Server reports to SSRS 2008 Client Reports

I have a large SSRS 2008 Server Report Project (more than 200 reports). Currently my companystrategy has been changed and we want to convert these server reports to client reports. All of the Server reports uses Storeprocedures (or in some cases from the SQl Functions) All of them work properly andthere is no problem Beause of project...

Convert sql query

I have used this query in sql,pls convert this query to use for access database. Table structure is UserID,Username,LogDate,LogTime WITH [TableWithRowId] as (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY UserId,LogDate,LogTime) RowId, * FROM @YourTable), [OddRows] as (SELECT * FROM [TableWithRowId] WHERE rowid % 2 = 1), ...

Relative to absolute paths in HTML (

Hello all, I need to create a newsletters by URL. I to do next: Create a WebClient; Use WebClient's method DownloadData to get a source of page in byte array; Get string from source-html byte array and set it to the newsletter content. But I have some troubles with paths. All elements' sources were relative (/img/welcome.png) but I...

MySQL table export to HTML

Hi all, I've got a little problem with exporting MySQL data to html. The problem is that in one field i have values like this: <a href=""&gt;Google&lt;/a&gt; and when i export the table in html format the generated html table for this fields contains: &lt;a href=&quot;;quot;&amp;gt;Google&amp;lt;/a&...

Ruby: convert string to date

In Ruby, what's the best way to convert a string of the format: "{ 2009, 4, 15 }" to a Date? ...

Automatic translation from fortran 90 to f77

Hello Is there an converter from fortran 90 downto fortran 77 ? I have a fortran77 only compiler and want to run NAS Parallel Benchmark (NPB for short) on it. But NPB uses some features of F90, like do enddo, smth else. All features are rather simple. Is there A way to translate NPB to F77 strict language? Tags: fortran parallel conv...

Converting WAR to EAR and other Glassfish stories

Hello! I am really new in this so I hopefully don't make any terrible mistake. I apologize before hand if I have. In my project I was using tomcat and deploying WAR files. But now some bosses wants to deploy EAR files. So there we go. I first downloaded Glassfish (don't know if it's the apropiate application server for a newbie like m...

Convert an XML Schema date string to a Javascript Date

I couldn't find a good implementation of this on the internet, so I wrote one. Here's hoping this page becomes the first hit in Google. Enjoy! /** * Return a Javascript Date for the given XML Schema date string. Return * null if the date cannot be parsed. * * Does not know how to parse BC dates or AD dates < 100. * * Valid exam...

How can I convert a bunch of .asp to .aspx ?

Hello, I want to port an existing, legacy, ecommerce website from ASP to ASP.NET. What approaches do I have ? is there a way to run an ASP file with an ASP.NET engine ? are there tools to automatically convert ASP to ASP.NET and do they work on complex websites ? other approaches ? Thanks for your help Jerome Wagner ...

String of KML needs to be converted to java objects

I have a string of kml coming in on a request object. I have used xjc to create the kml java objects. I am looking for an easy way to create the kml nested java objects from this string. I could parse the string and create each object in the tree by hand but wouldn't it be cool if there was a library or something that would create the...

How to convert the date string into string( yyyy-MM-dd). While doing so, I getting null values ?

Hi, I have the data as customerFromDate " 01 Apr 2010 " and customerToDate " 30 Apr 2010 " which is a string. I want to convert that format into yyyy-MM-dd it should be in string. but while doing so. I got null values. Please see the following code which I had tried. printf("\n customerFromDate %s",[customerStatementObj.customerFromD...

Conversion of Single to two UInt16 values in .net

In the good old days of C. I could cast a float to an int (assuming 32 bit system), do some bit manipluation ( bitwise and, right shift, ect ), and get the upper and lower 16 bit hex representations of the floating point number, which I could then store in two short values. I'm not seeing an easy way of doing this in C#. System.Convert....