
Convert a mysql date (datetime) into a better date format using php

I some php code which gets info from a mysql database. The problem is that the date is coming out in the format : 2010-02-03 22:21:26 Does anyone know a simple solution to make the date more user friendly format. e.g 2nd march 2010 at 22:21. Thanks ...

Convert C# double to Delphi Real48

Hi, I've found the following question Convert Delphi Real48 to C# double but I want to go the other way, C# to Delphi. Does anyone know how this can be done? I've tried reverse engineering the code but without much luck. Update: I'm after C# code that will take a double and convert it into a Real48 (byte[] of size 6). Thanks ...

Convert integer enum to string

Hi Guys, considering the following enum: public enum LeadStatus { Cold = 1, Warm = 2, Hot = 3, Quote = 5, Convert = 6 } How can I convert the integer value back to string when I pull the value from a database. I've tried: DomainModel.LeadStatus status = (DomainModel.LeadStatus)Model.Status; but all I se...

AMR to WAV converter in Java

Hello friends, Is there AMR to WAV , WAV to AMR converter available written Java? I need to do conversion in realtime. Looking for open source, free or paid. Thanks. ...

Change type of control by type

Hi, I'm having following problem. I should convert a control to a certain type, this can be multiple types (for example a custom button or a custom label, ....) Here's an example of what i would like to do: private void ConvertToTypeAndUseCustomProperty(Control c) { Type type = c.getType(); ((type) c).CustomPropertieOfControl...

How convert PHP value from windows-1257 to UTF-8

How convert PHP value from windows-1257 to UTF-8? I tried many ways, but they was not successful. I have lttu�s and I wanna convert this to littūs. utf8_encode(); iconv_set_encoding("windows-1257", "UTF-8"); mb_convert_encoding() Doesn't work. :( Can anybody help me? ...

change prototype script to jquery one

I have this form submit code: Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false); function init() { Event.observe('addressForm', 'submit', storeAddress); } function storeAddress(e) { $('response').innerHTML = 'Adding email address...'; var pars = 'address=' + escape($F('address')); var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('response', 'ajaxServer.p...

Convert JavaScript to jQuery

I have the following JavaScript code which I like to convert to jQuery but has no luck. var mySplitResult = xvotesString[htmlid].split('~'); target3 = document.getElementById ('xvote-' + htmlid); = mySplitResult[0] + 'px'; if (target4 = document.getElementById ('mnma-' + htmlid)); target4.innerHTML = mySplitResul...

Generate header of view .obj file

Is there a way to generate a c++ header file for an .obj file? Or perhaps is there an utility that can view .obj files. I've already found objconv that converts between formats, but I can't find any .h generator/viewer. ...

Converting PDF to PureEdge and modifing the PureEdge form

I have been looking for a program to convert PDF files (both types) to PureEdge, and be able to modify the PureEdge form (like adding a signature block). I can only find stuff for lotus forms, and was told that files used for PureEdge Viewer were not compatible with lotus forms. Any help would be very appreciated. ...

Python2.6 Decimal to Octal

How can i convert decimal to Octal in Python2.6, for 1 to 100000? I wanna get this converted result as .txt too. Can someone help me? ...

How to Convert DD to DMS in Python

How Do you Convert Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Secands In Python? Is there a Formula already written? ...

Is there a programming toolkit for converting "any file type" to a TIFF image?

Hello, I've written several variations of a program. The purpose of the program is to convert "any file type" to a TIFF image represenation of that file, as if it were being printed using a printer. I'm currently using a third party printer driver that I send files to, and it outputs a TIFF image. This is nice, but it requires me to us...

using .NET how to convert iso8859-1 encoded text files that contain Latin-1 accented characters to utf-8

I am being sent text files saved in iso88591-1 format that contain accented characters from the Latin-1 range (as well as normal ASCII a-z etc). How to convert these files to utf-8 using C# so that the single-byte accented characters in iso8859-1 become valid utf-8 characters? I have tried to use a StreamReader with ASCIIEncoding, and ...

Sharepoint: Convert a SPFieldMultilineText to SPFieldText

Hi Is it possible to programmatically change a "multi-line text field" to "single-line text field" ? SPFieldMultiLineText field = list.Fields["sample"] as SPFieldMultiLineText; // how to change the type to 'single line' now ? Or do I need to create an additional field (with a similiar name) and migrate the content? Thanks for any he...

Flash CS3 - convert WMV to SWF

I have a .WMV file on my MAC desktop. I am using Flash CS3. usually i just open a new project > Import > Import Video and it drops the video on the stage. But for some reason when i want to browse and select the .WMV file, its deactivated so i can not select it... WTFS? ...

Converting string expression to Integer Value using C#

Sorry if this question is answered already, but I didn't find a suitable answer. I am having a string expression in C# which I need to convert to an int or decimal value. For example: string strExp = "10+20+30"; the output should be 60. how shall I do that??? ...

How to convert Selenese (html) to Python programmatically?

How would I convert test cases made by Selenium IDE to Python without exporting every test case by hand? Is there any command line converter for that job? In the end I want to use Selenium RC and Pythons build in unittest to test my websites. Thanks a lot. Update: I started to write a converter but its too much work to implement all ...

XML to PDF best approach?

I have some xml files which are used to generate my webpages, however I need to be able to allow the user to select a number of pages then combine them into one PDF. This pdf needs to have different styling to the actual web page.(the content is kept in xml files ;) p.s. the pdf must have table of contents... and will include images tak...

How do I convert integers to characters in C#?

I am trying to convert an index of 1 to 27 into the corresponding uppercase letter. I know that in C++ I could type this: char letter = 'A' + (char)(myIndex % 27); This same code does not work in C#. How can I accomplish this task in C#? EDIT: I'd rather not have to encode an enum or switch statement for this if there is a better mat...