
Convert configuration files to XML

We have a large number of legacy configuration files, of various formats normally something like KEYWORD DATA KEYWORD DATA KEYWORD DATA. The the format of the data itself is unique within each configuration file. What we would like to do is define the file data formats in some way and then use that to allow a application to check a the...

WSDL first for existing service layer

I am working on an existing Java project with a typical services - dao setup for which only a webapplication was available. My job is to add webservices on top of the services layer, but the webservices have their own functional analysis and datamodel. The functional analyses ofcource focuses on what is possible in the different service ...

Coding A Source Code Converter.

My teacher told me that if I wanted to get the best grade in our programming class, I should code a Simple Source Code Converter. Python to Ruby (the simplest he said) Now my question to you: how hard is it to code a simple source code converter for python to ruby. (It should convert file controlling, Control Statements, etc.) Do y...

Which is best free distributable code to html converter

In my application, I have a requirement to convert Java/VB/ program to HTML, and then use that HTML page (to insert in Word doc). Sure we can write code for this, but this will entail programming for this too, and from more than one programming languages, and dealing with bugs. Whereas it needs to be released ASAP. Using 3rd p...

How to convert a pdf to doc?

I have found many solutions on googling to convert pdf to doc, but none of them retain the same formatting as that of the pdf. Is there any solution to retain the exact formatting of the pdf, while converting to doc. ...

[WPF/C#] Default ValueConverter for a class in WPF

Hi Girls and Guys! I'm just about to start a new project of mine and am currently evaluating some techniques for localization, modularity etc. I have (at least in my opinion) a pretty good approach to localization but now I struggle to find a good solution for databinding. I want to bind values of textfields etc. (UIElements in genera...

convert csv/xls to json

Does anyone know if there is application that will let you covert preferably xls to JSON. ill also settle for a converter from csv since thats what ill probably end up having to write myself if there is nothing around. ...

When binding with Wpf is there a way to use System.String funcntions without using converters?

When binding with Wpf is there a way to use System.String funcntions without using converters? <TextBlock Text="({Binding Path=Text}).Trim()"/> that's basically my desire. ...

Is there a SVG to MXML Converter?

Hi, I'm trying to use an SVG file in my Flex app - but it seems the best way to do that is to convert it to MXML. However, I cannot find an SVG to MXML converter. There seem to be a number of SVG to XAML converters (for Silverlight/C#), but I can't find anything analogous for Flash/Flex. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Karthik ...

ItemsSource + Converter + Treeview wont update

This one is fairly complex, hopefully I can make this clear enough for somebody to help me out. I have an object lets call it a Manager, the Manager has a collection of people that he manages, the people all implement IPerson, but different types of people have different properties. I want to display this manager in a tree, and under the...

No ConvertAll for LinkedList<T>?

Does anyone have an extension method to quickly convert the types in a LinkedList<T> using a Converter<TInput, TOutput>? I'm a bit surprised, where is the ConvertAll<TOutput>(delegate)? ...

looking for tools to convert web portal to cellolar

hello all i have task to convert old web portal to be viewed in cellular i includes the old nokias text browsers is there any tools or services that will make this task easier ? Thanks ...

Silverlight 2 dynamic data binding Converter

In Silverlight 2.... I have a RadioButton in my xaml code as follows: <RadioButton GroupName="Gender" Content="Male" IsChecked="{Binding Path=Gender, ConverterParameter=1, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={StaticResource RadioStringConverter}}" Width="49" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/> This works great. My issue is in trying to duplicate this f...

Forcing Convert to always run when using custom converter in WPF?

I'm implementing a custom date converter in WPF, the idea to be more clever about date entry, a la Outlook (being able to enter "today", etc.) So I've written my own converter, which is working. It formats the user's entry in the format M/d/yy. So for example, if they enter: 8-2, they'll see 8/2/09. Lovely. The question is: there ...

How do I write a custom converter in Spring Web Flow 2?

Hello. I am using Web Flow 2.0.7 with Spring MVC and Hibernate. My problem is about custom converters for my custom types and database connection from within my converter. Let's say I have a type Person and the Person has a field of my custom type Title, and all Titles are already in my database. Now I have an html form, in which a use...

GroupStyle sum not updated when multiple items

Hi everyone, First question here. I hope I won't mess it. Also excuse my English. I have successfully applied the trick explained here. But I still have one problem. Quick recap : I display users in a ListView. Users are regrouped by Country, and in the GroupStyle DataTemplate I display the sum of all group related Users.Total, using ...

Is there a good HAML -> ERB/HTML converter?

I'm looking for a reliable way to convert a HAML template to an equivalent ERB/HTML template? Has anyone come across one? ...

[WPF/C#] Default ValueConverter for a binding

Is there a way to get WPF to automatically apply a Converter to all bindings of a specific type? I've seen this question, but it covers a different case (localisation) and thus has no satisfying answers. My problem: I've got model classes containing Commands, which I would like to bind to WPF Commands. Since the model classes are toolk...

How to declare a resource from a private inner class in WPF?

Hi, all. I'm trying to declare a resource in a WPF UserControl, and I'd like the resource to be an instance of a private inner class. How do I do this? XAML: <UserControl ...> <UserControl.Resources> <local:MyConverter x:Key="MyConverter" /> </UserControl.Resources> </UserControl> Code Behind: public partial class M...

Is there a way to convert GUI in image to html?

Hi guys, i have this GUI screen shots from the design team which i needs to convert to a web page and what not. i'm thinking of finding some website which resembles the GUI so that i can copy and paste the html so i don't have to start from scratch. the only drawback about this method is i don't know what website actually looks like that...