
Can a Flash SharedObejct expire per session?

I'm trying to display certain content per session, but the site has the same Flash embedded in the different sections of the site, so I can't set it on the site's Model or a Global Variable. I also can't use PHP or JS. ...

Problem reading a cookie from within a tracking pixel in IE

I wrote a simple pixel tracking program that works something like this Step 1) sets a cookie Step 2) displays <img src="">. That image reads the cookie from Step 1 & does some processing. Works great in Chrome, Firefox and Safari. But when tested in IE, the cookie can't be read in Step ...

access URL parameters without cookies

My application should work without cookies. How can I get the parameters of the URL from a java file if cookies are disabled. req.getParameter("abc") gives null when I tried. I've 3 spring GenericFilterBeans in this application and I can see the values inside filters. How can I make the parameters available to others controllers and o...

WebBrowser and Cookies c#

I have a Cookie Container i'm using on lets say Form1 from a webRequest, after its a successful login with the request it stores the cookie in the cookie container.. How can i assign that cookie to a webBrowser control on Form2 so that it doesnt ask for a login again? Thanks! ...

HTTP Cookies: Any way to make sure it wasn't copied?

Is there any way that a website can read a cookie in a way that the cookie is locked to that particular computer and that it wasn't somehow copied to another computer? ...

How can I make cookies secure (https-only) by default in rails?

In a Rails controller, I can set a cookie like this: cookies[:foo] = "bar" And specify that the "secure" (https-only) flag be on like this: cookies[:foo, :secure => true] = "bar" :secure is false by default. How can I have cookies be secure by default, application-wide? This is on Rails 2.3.8 ...

Google App Engine, Python, deleting a cookie or changing its value?

I've been searching on this but can't seem to figure out how I can delete a specific cookie using Google Apps Engine, Python version. I am setting the cookie like below and I need to update its value, I figure I may not be able to update and just need to delete and re-create but can't seem to find the way to do that, I am creating it as ...

CakePHP: question about Cookies expire

if 1 cookie is create by $this->Cookie->write('Rating', $cookie, true, '+1 months'); after 15 day, I read : $this->Cookie->read('Rating'); do somthing .... this $this->Cookie->write('Rating', $cookie, true, '+1 months'); Then now expire of rating cookies is 15 days or 1 month ? ...

C# Login to then set episode rating

I want to have my c# program automatically post ratings for an episode while logged into my tvdb account. I have done something similar many times using some code i got from as a guide. Here is my version of it: public class We...

Why are my cookies getting deleted when i close browser - PHP ?

this what i'm using to set cookie setcookie("remember", $code, time()+1209600, "/", ".$domain"); And this is working, when i close the window but why are the cookies getting deleted from client machine when i close the broswer ? I've set for 1209600 seconds - 2 weeks. when i close my browser, i'm not able to see the cookie...its get...

c# cookies not being written to

On my content page I have the code (in page_load): if (Master.pageAction == "remove") { int removeProductID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ID"]); int removeOptionID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["optID"]); Master.myBasket.removeFromBasket(removeProductID, removeOptionID); //Response.Redirect("...

Lighttpd cookies

Good morning / afternoon peoples I was just speeding up my page using googles page speed tool and it mentioned something about serve certain content from a cookieless domain. I use lighttpd and wondered if it was at all possible to match certain file extensions and not send cookies with those files ? I dont have an alternative to use ...

Is there a way to check if a cookie is httponly in PHP

Is there a way to check if the cookie is httponly in php? ...

CakePHP auth session vs. cookie not updating

Hello, I have a ACL+auth driven app. Everything works fine but I discovered that user is logged out after a random period of time. After doing some research I discovered that the cookie set once doesn't change it's expiration date on page refresh. So it goes like this: I set up manually expiration time to 1 minute (Security.level low (...

Where can I use cookies in Ruby on Rails

I'm using controller's initializer to setup stuff that I will need. def initialize super() a = cookies[:a] # EXCEPTION end However I can't use cookies because it's null, the system hasn't read them from the header yet. The same problem was with ASP.NET MVC, where I couldn't access the cookies in the constructor, but I could acce...

Cookies: More but smaller or less but bigger?

Regarding web optimization, load-time, speed performance and assuming data size to be equal: Is it faster to have more cookies but smaller, or less cookies but bigger? For the technically inclined: would it be more efficient to concat values separated by a known delimiter resulting in a larger cookie size, or to have smaller cookies co...

How best to update the age of a cookie?

Hello In an application I'm working on, a cookie is created for a new user when they visit the site. The cookie stores an ID no and is set to expire in a year. It is possible to reset the age of this cookie upon the user revisiting the site at all? I would rather not delete and recreate the cookie. Or can I create an 'immortal' cookie?...

How to force clear user's cache/cookies?

Is there any way to force clear users cache and/or cookies? Especially in Safari/Webkit. Many thanks! ...

Verify user Twitter authorization when loading the Authorization cookie

Hi, I'm creating an MVC web site, and I want to mix forms authentication (the built in authentication) with Twitter authentication in my site (eventually it will have Facebook/Google authentication too). The approach I'm taking is this: - I let the logic to create users and validate users/passwords from the Forms authentication as it ...

How to access cookies method in a Rails 3.0 metal class

I have a Rails 3.0 metal class that is in app/controllers directory. class FooMetalController < ActionController::Metal include ActionController::Cookies include ActionController::Helpers::ClassMethods include ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore def hit unless cookies[:user_id].nil?"Cookies value is : ...