
Animating text on iOS

Hi, I'm writing an iOS app which needs to generate and animate individual text characters dynamically. The actual text being displayed will be dynamic and I want to use layers and masks to animate individual characters. Does anyone have any experience of what is the best and/or easiest way to do this? I've been looking at CoreGraphics a...

vertical color gradient

Horizontal gradient is working fine . Is there any property to get vertical color gradient from horizontal gradient. I have seen the related question regarding this where they have explained using rotating the frames... so, is there any simpler way to achieve vertical gradient.. ...

how to provide animation to image in iphone look like flower

hi all, I am making an application in iPhone , in that I want to give animation to my image like Growing from beginning to end and also waving in air, it seems to work like flower, growing from root and also waving in air from left to right smoothly. I don't know how to perform such kind of animation. If any one do have any idea or s...

2D object rotation for ipad

Hi guys I have drawn a 2D triangle on the my EAGLView using openGL coding. Now my requirement is like, user can rotate this triangle 360 degree by his finger's motion. My code is working pretty well but still not perfect. My triange is getting stucks for few pixels at some edges. Here is sample of my rotation code : GLfloat tot...

UIVIew animation - Scaling + Translating

Hi, I have a view which I want to be scaled and translated to a new location by animating it. I tried to achieve it with the following code: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:kDurationForFullScreenAnimation]; [[self animatingView] setFrame:finalRect]; [UIView commitAnimations]; The effect of this ...

iOS iPad GUI deadlock on startup. Hung on splash screen.

My iPad app hangs on startup sometimes. It looks like the main thread is getting deadlocked with another thread but not sure why. Any ideas on what's causing this and how to debug this? FYI my app starts as a splitview controller with a listview on the left and a webview on the right. If I start in portrait mode with the list view hidd...

Resizing layers and its sublayers - CoreAnimation

Hi, I have a CALayer A with one sublayer B I want A to be resized (to be shrank) so I add the animations to my layer A but when I commit the animation sublayer B is not shrank. Its size remains(but its position changes as its superlayer bounds changes) How can I make my B layer to be resized along with A animation? This is what I wrote...

Speed and direction of an animated UIView/layer

Hello everybody, Today my question is about Core Animation. Is the information related to direction and speed of an object (UIView/layer), moving (animated) on the screen, stored anywhere and directly accessible via method/property? Is this information available even in case of an object dragged by the user? Thank you. ...

iPhone CAAnimation problem when moving and resizing

Hi all, I'm using the old way to do animations for a simple animation, see below the code: - (IBAction)footerButtonTapped:(id)sender { if (footerActivated) { // Collapse the footer and resize the map. [UIView beginAnimations:@"collapseFooter" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:...

CATransaction (still) Not Animating

Hi, I have a problem very similar to this one : I'm just trying to animate a view layer using CATransaction. My problem is that the transform is applied to the view immediatly. I tried to perform the animation using performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: without s...

How to change a UIView zPosition ?

Hi, I dont understand how to change the zPosition of a view, i try this but nothing happens : - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; UIView *view = [[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100, 100, 100, 100)] autorelease]; view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; view.layer.zPosition = -400; [self.view ad...

How to add an animated layer at a specific index

Hi, I am adding two CAText layers to a view and animating one of them. I want to animate one layer above the other but it doesn't get positioned correctly in the layer hierarchy until the animation has finished. Can anyone see what I have done wrong? The animation works, it is just running behind 'topcharlayer2' until the animation has ...

particle animation in iphone sdk

hai i'm in need of particle animation in my uiview based 2D game. At present i'm using the array of images for particle animations this make my app size increase some time leads to memory leak also. Is there is any way to make particle animation using core animation if it give me some sample codes. Thanks in Advance. ...

Book for Core Animation for the iPhone

Hey, I want to learn "Core Animation" for the iOS not for the Mac. Two books exist: PragProg: Core Animation AW: Core Animation Simplified Have you read one of them (or both)? do you have a recommendation? Thanks. ...

how to overlay an image in iphone application?

I want to overlay an image over a button. the button has a background image. If i want to overlay a semi transparent image over the button, suppose i overlay a red color image, which is semi transparent. Can any one suggest how to do that? Suggest some documentation. ...

iPhoneSDK calculate Rotation angle from CATransform3D

How do I calculate the Rotation in Radians around Z-axis by giving a CATransform3D struct as the input? basically what I need is the other way round of CATransform3DMakeRotation. ...

iPhoneSDK Setting CALayer.transform does not work after animation is finished

I have a CALayer object. In viewDidLoad: I set a transform to it using layer.transform = CATransform3DRotate(CATransform3DIdentity, M_PI/8.0, 0, 0, 1); This works. After loading, I apply a CAKeyframeAnimation to animate the rotation of that layer. It also works and animation finishes correctly. To prevent the layer from removing the ani...

Is it possible to successful animate a moving UIButton?

I'm trying to animate a button which moves around the screen. At any point, the user can push the button. But the button doesn't respond to touches. I've tried an animation block but the button simply moves immediately to its end coordinates, while the frame shows the animation (the button is called bubble): [UIView beginAnimations:nil ...

UIImageView is disappearing after CAKeyframeAnimation

I'm trying this code (found in an answer here on SO) in a category on UIView and am using it to peform a "pop" animation on a UIImageView nested inside of a UITableViewCell. - (void)attachPopUpAnimation { CAKeyframeAnimation *animation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform"]; CATransform3D scale1 = CATr...

Objective C wheel menu for iPhone

Hi, I want to create a rotating wheel menu which the user can use his/her finger to rotate the menu. I understand how to rotate the circle but I have no idea how to rotate it when the user drags it using his/her finger in the right direction that hte user is dragging the wheel in. Any help please? Thank you! ...