
Is it possible to peridocally save state of the program through a core dump?

I just want to dump core without stopping the program. This would be essentialy serializing a whole state of the program. A very convenient thing for debugging later. Is it possible under linux? ...

How do I have my program's core dump saved to a file upon a crash?

I'm using Bash. I used ulimit -c unlimited but the program still doesn't generate a core file. It may be due to the GUI debugger kicking in. I get the option to save the crash info to a file, but I really want a core file. Edit: I just wrote a small non-gui program meant to crash, and it produced a core dump. ...

Core dump file name truncated

Given the configuration in /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern set to /cores/core.%e.%p, core dumps are named according to pattern, however for processes running executables with long names e.g. SampleCrashApplication, the generated core file will contain a truncated executable name: /cores/core.SampleCrashAppl.9933 What is causing this ? The...

core dump in a multithread program

Hi, i was trying to write a simple multithreaded program. It is dumping the core. I have my function that is called when a thread is created below: void *BusyWork(void *t) { int i; int *tid; int result=0; tid = t; printf("Thread %d starting...\n",*tid); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { result = result + (i* i); } ...

What are some ways to debug a core dump?

I'm using an ASIC simulator (vcs) that takes a bunch of different languages (Verilog, VHDL, Vera, C and Tcl in our case) and compiles them all into a C executable. Which is all great, right until it core dumps with a cryptic stack trace. What's the best way to approach debugging this? ...

Is it possible to debug core dumps when using Java JNI?

My application is mostly Java but, for certain calculations, uses a C++ library. Our environment is Java 1.6 running on RedHat 3 (soon to be RedHat 5). My problem is that the C++ library is not thread-safe. To work around this, we run multiple, single-threaded "worker" processes and give them work to do from a central Work Manager, also...

Request java heap dump (core dump) from within application

I need a way to request a heap dump from within the application. Rationale: When I encounter a specific error condition, I'd like to dump heap, so that I can see what is holding on to the memory. But I would like to automate this (For example, when I detect that some specific condition has occurred. Or when a watchdog doesn't gets its ...

sqlcxt() causes segmentation fault

Lets state the conditions where sqlcxt() can cause segmentation fault, I am woking on unix, using ProC for database connections to Oracle database. My program crashes and the core file shows that the crash is due to the sqlcxt() function A loadobject was found with an unexpected checksum value. See `help core mismatch' for details, and...

What component actually dumps core?

I am unsure whether this is the C library or some other stuff which dumps contents to core file and make a program Exit. What i mean here is that is the glibc or libc handles the SIGSEGV and creates the core dump in the handler function ? Please explain. ...

memory corruption

i was running a small c program: #include<stdio.h> int main() { char *p; p = (char *)malloc(10); free(p); free(p); free(p); printf("\npointer is freed!!\n"); } basically i am freeing the memory which has already been freed. i think should result in a core dump!!is it not so? but it is printing the pointer is freed!! am i wrong so...

Where are core dumps written to in Mac OS X?

On Mac OS X, if I send SIGQUIT to my C program, it terminates, but there is no core dump file. Do you have to manually enable core dumps on Mac OS X (how?), or are they written to somewhere else instead of the working directory? ...

OS X: Generate core dump without bringing down the process?

I know how to generate a core dump on OS X when a process crashes, but what I really need to do is attach to a process, generate a core dump, then resume that process (without killing it). A long time ago (maybe a year and a half ago) I had C code that would do this... It used the OS X kernel libraries to connect to a process, read all...

How to enable full coredumps on OS X?

It looks that OS X (10.6) does not generates codedumps by default. Using the ulimit -c unlimited is not a good solution because ulimit does set the limit in an environment variable. This will work only for console applications executed from the shell that executed ulimit. If you have a gui application this will not work. ...

Avoid jvm capturing SEGV and hs_err_pid generation

I have a jni lib that crashes on a certain point. What I get is a hs_err_pid file with [error occurred during error reporting (printing native stack), id 0xb] content and a core file of this error creation. Therefore I would like to stop jvm from capturing these signals and just let the process dump core normally instead. Platform Deb...

Ruby/Glibc coredump (double free or corruption)

I am using a distributed continuous integration tool which I have written by myself in Ruby. It uses a fork of Mike Perham's "politics" for distribution of the tasks. The "politics" module is using threads for the mDNS part. Every now and then I encounter a core dump which I don't understand: *** glibc detected *** ruby: double free or...

Crashing C++ application including ada dll does not generate core dump

How do I get a C++ application including a loaded ada shared library to generate a core dump? I have a C++ application which loads a ada shared library, inside the ada code I get a stack overflow error which causes program termination along with the console output: raised STORAGE ERROR No core dump file is generated even thou I have ...

Core dump in linux

I want to create a core dump whenever my process crashes. Currently I am following this approach: Build a special "debug" version of the program using "-g" of gcc/g++. Execute "ulimit -c unlimited" Now we get the core dump whenever the program crashes. But I want to minimize the number of steps so that: Core dump should always get ...

a.out replaced by ELF file format ?

I have a few questions: Why was a.out replaced by ELF? What were the major flaws in the a.out format that led to the raise of ELF file format? Earlier core dumps were based on a.out, but now they are based on ELF. What are the various advantages provided by ELF? ...

Generating a Core Dump File of a child process

I'm trying to run gpg from my php script using exec(). But it chashes with segmentation fault: "gpg: Segmentation fault caught ... exiting" It crashes within a child process so my php script works ok. To identify a problem I wanna get a core file. I tried to run ulimit -c unlimited echo 1 > /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable I added "* soft...

How to debug a segmentation fault while the gdb stack trace is full of '??' ?

My executable contains symbol table. But it seems that the stack trace is overwrited. How to get more information out of that core please? For instance, is there a way to inspect the heap ? See the objects instances populating the heap to get some clues. Whatever, any idea is appreciated. ...