
VB.Net 3.5 Windows - How to get process User Object count

Hi, Can any one please advise me how I can get the current count of "USER Object"s (as shown in task manager) for the current process. I see how to get the handle count using: Process.GetCurrentProcess.HandleCount But our application can reach a USER Object count of 10,000 just by opening 17 instances of a particular form so we wou...

Counting record that matches conditions in django

For my project I need to count distinct products that have a balance larger than $100. The model kinda looks like this: class Client(models.Model): ... class Product(models.Model): ... class ClientProduct(models.Model): client = models.ForeignKey(Client) product = models.ForeignKey(Product) class Balance(models.Model): clie...

Optomizing a sql Count Query.

I am still fairly new to SQL so I wanted to know if I am doing this the most optimized way. SELECT DISTINCT ACCOUNTID, ACCOUNT_NAME (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TICKET WHERE (ACCOUNTID = OPPORTUNITY.ACCOUNTID)) AS [Number Of Tickets], (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TICKET WHERE (ACCOUNTID =...

Why im getting wrong number of rows when using group by, limit and group_concat in mysql?

Hi everybody, i'm doing a query where i want retrieve some records when i do the query without 'limit' the result returns me the correct number of rows, but when i use limit the result returns me the half of the rows. the query im using is something like this: SELECT WGI_TaxoName.ScientificName, WGI_Locality.Locality, IFNULL(C...

How to get the number of rows that would have been returned?

In the following query: SELECT column1,column2 FROM table1 ORDER BY column1 LIMIT 0,30 How can I find out the number of rows that would have been returned were it not for the LIMIT? Edit: I am looking for a way to work this into the query above and not do a separate query. (If possible.) ...

query to count words SQL lite 3

Is there a way to count words in a text string? I'm using SQL lite 3 and I'm trying to write a query that takes a bunch of long strings of text, and counts the number of words in each one. I also want to ignore html tags (or anything between carats) such as paragraph tags, break tags, etc. So when I run a query selecting text from the ...

How to group and count in rails

I am currently trying to create graph statistics for jobs in a PBS. I have a jobs model that has many fields, among them is a "Group" field. I would like to know how many jobs each group has executed. For that, I need the following query: SELECT jobs.`group`, COUNT(`group`) AS 'number_of_jobs' FROM jobs GROUP BY jobs.`group` Which re...

ods_Selected Row Count

Hello all. I have the following bit of code that gives me the number of rows in a gridview bound to an object data source. protected void odsProduct_Selected(object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { lblHowManyRows.Text = ((List<tblProduct>)e.ReturnValue).Count.ToString(); Lovely. However, how would I g...

Count no of boolean records from second table - Coredata

hello my test application can currently load a table view which lists a couple of books, the detailview takes you to cells that displays the book text in cells. the user has the ability to bookmark a cell which is a boolean in the book_text table. what i am trying to do is, on the main table view, is: 1-Load the books like how it does ...

count total items in a multidimensional array

Hi, How can I count the total items in this array below? Array ( [upload] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [0] => 1024x768.jpg [1] => 1280x800.jpg [2] => 1280x1024.jpg [3] => 1440x900.jpg ) [t...

Should I avoid COUNT all together in InnoDB?

Right now, I'm debating whether or not to use COUNT(id) or "count" columns. I heard that InnoDB COUNT is very slow without a WHERE clause because it needs to lock the table and do a full index scan. Is that the same behavior when using a WHERE clause? For example, if I have a table with 1 million records. Doing a COUNT without a WHERE c...

MySQL UNION with COUNT aliasing

I am trying to retrieve two counts from two separate tables into one SQL query to use with PHP. This is the current SQl query: SELECT COUNT(entryid) AS total FROM rh_entries UNION SELECT COUNT(pentryid) AS attended FROM rh_playerentries WHERE playerid=79 This is the PHP I am using to utilize the data: $result = mysql_query($query); $...

how to counting from data array?

i have some data at DB like: qty item id date 0001-0500 abcd 1 2010-06-22 0001-0500 abcd 2 2010-06-22 0001-0500 abcd 3 2010-06-22 i want some script can make them order by date and show result : qty : 500 (it means 500-1=500,number 1 read 1-1 = 0) item : abcd id : 3 (counting from 1 until 3) date :2010-06-22 qty ...

Paragraphs in javascript

Hi all, Do you know if there is an easy way of counting paragraphs in a textarea using nothing but javascript? Thanks, ...

What does PARTITION BY 1 mean?

For a pair of cursors where the total number of rows in the resultset is required immediately after the first FETCH, ( after some trial-and-error ) I came up with the query below SELECT col_a, col_b, col_c, COUNT(*) OVER( PARTITION BY 1 ) AS rows_in_result FROM myTable JOIN theirTable ON myTable.col_a = theirTable.col_z GROUP BY ...

Count(*) with 0 for boolean field

Let's say I have a boolean field in a database table and I want to get a tally of how many are 1 and how many are 0. Currently I am doing: SELECT 'yes' AS result, COUNT( * ) AS num FROM `table` WHERE field = 1 UNION SELECT 'no' AS result, COUNT( * ) AS num FROM `table` WHERE field = 0; Is there an easier way to get the resu...

How to count in coredata (aggregation) ?

Hi all, I am learning core data and particularly working on aggregation. Current what I want to do : count the number of records from the table which is in to-many relationship with inverse relationship on some criteria. Currently I am doing this : NSExpression *ex = [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"count:" ...

Getting total number of records from mysql table - too slow

I have a file that goes thru a large data set and splits out the rows in a paginated manner. The dataset contains about 210k rows, which isn't even that much, it will grow to 3Mil+ in a few weeks, but its already slow. I have a first query that gets the total number of items in the DB for a particular WHERE clause combination, the most ...

How can I count in a different number base in C++?

My 15 year old little brother is starting out programming, and he wrote a neat little program that outputs all combination of letters and numbers that are six digits or less. His code was a sextuple-nested for loop that updated the elements of a six level char array. It looked bad, but was certainly fast! I showed him how to do a simp...

php:count data from db then show at other page

dear all..i have this data inside DB: line model serial fa01 kd-g335ud 105x0001 fa01 kd-g335ud 105x0002 fa01 kd-g335ud 105x0003 //up to 20pcs or regardless of the number of goods in the db fa02 kd-r311ed 105x0001 fa02 kd-r311ed 105x0002 //up to 20pcs or regardless of the number of...