
Get Auto Increment value with MySQL query

I currently have a database with over 6 million rows and growing. I currently do SELECT COUNT(id) FROM table; in order to display the number to my users, but the database is getting large and I have no need to store all of those rows except to be able to show the number. Is there a way to select the auto_increment value to display so t...

SQL Select Counter by Group

Here is the code I've written to create a scenario: USE tempdb GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.Emp') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE Emp GO CREATE TABLE Emp( EmpID Int Identity(10,1) Primary Key, EmpGroupID Int) GO INSERT INTO Emp(EmpGroupID) VALUES(1000) INSERT INTO Emp(EmpGroupID) VALUES(1000)...

NSString: Number of Occurrences of a Character?

I have an NSString and would like to get the number of occurrences of a particular character. I need to do this for quite a few characters, so it would be nice for it to be quick. In case it makes any difference, it's actually an NSMutableString, and the characters will all be uppercase English letters. ...

Wordpress advanced SQL - joins and counts

This is how things work I use Wordpress category tables and have 2 main categories. The first one is called "location" and the other one "subject". Both categories have sub categories of their own. In my example we have "location" category 17 and "subject" category 3. This is what I want to do I want to select ONLY the data where BOTH ...

Mysql count columns of users, and group by modified date

There are 2 columns that I want data from. Basically I want to see new signups per day. Go easy on me, my first day with mysql (or any DB for that matter) So far I have this mysql> select created, count(id) from user group by created; +---------------------+-----------+ | created | count(id) | +---------------------+-------...

Looking for code to add 'featured' to particular number sequence

I was thinking of the best way of adding a class of 'featured' (in classic ASP), in this sequence of records from a DB: N,Y,Y,N,N,Y,Y The sequence is: 2 3 6 7 10 11 14 15 18 19... I already have a count (starting from 1 going for each record) Many thanks! ...

C# Count All Occurences Of Line Feed and Carrage Return

In C# i am making a simple text editor with line numbers. I want to count the ammount of valid line breaks in a string. i want to count \r \n \r\n How can i do this? Or better yet, can someone point me to an article on how to line number an rtf box ...

Performing a query on a result from another query?

I have a the query: SELECT availables.bookdate AS Date, DATEDIFF(now(),availables.updated_at) as Age FROM availables INNER JOIN rooms ON WHERE availables.bookdate BETWEEN '2009-06-25' AND date_add('2009-06-25', INTERVAL 4 DAY) AND rooms.hostel_id = 5094 GROUP BY availables.bookdate Which returns something l...

Can you do a count query inside another query and use the results?

Could I run the query: Select id, ( select count(*) from tableA as a where a.value < ) from tableA as a where id < 5 and get the results I wanted. If not is there a way to do the same thing without having to do 2 querys? ...

php count() to help give html elements set attributes

I am building a menu that I want to display in a certain way. However, it is to be populated from a database so it cannot be hard-coded. Essentially I want the 'li' tags to appear in set places when they are created and was hoping that I could set their class using php count() and already having the css set up for them. Basically, the ...


HOW TO DISPLAY FIRST AND LAST ROW VALUE FROM THE TABLE BY USING COUNT EXAMPLE: ID TIME DATE 001 10.00 02:10:2009 001 02.00 02:10:2009 001 23.00 02:10:2009 002 04.00 03:10:2009 002 12.00 03:10:2009 002 22.00 03:10:2009 SELECT ID, COUNT(*) AS TIME FROM TABLE OUTPUT IS ID date TIME 001 02:10:2009 ...

MySQL: Retrieving count of records from a particular time frame

So what I'm trying to do is a bit tricky. I'm trying to come up with a sql query that will be able to return counts for specified time frames. So I have a table 'v'. Here is some basic data from Table v Table v _____________ id p_id created_at 1 1 2009-06-09 18:54:17 2 2 2009-06-09 21:51:24 3 2 200...

counting mysql query

Hi, I have the following code $result = $handle->select()->from('store_products_id', array('count'=>'COUNT(store_products_id.product_id)')) ->where('store_products_id.store_id=?', $this->store_id) ->columns($selectColumns) ...

How do I sum visits with an SQL query?

I am trying to filter an SQL database. Each row represents a user, the main column I’m focusing on is titled last_visited and formatted as… 2009-06-17 12:15:32. How many users have visited in the last day/week/month? Like in: SELECT COUNT(*) AS USERS_TODAY FROM parts_users Where updated_at > (NOW()-7) ...

Iterating through the Alphabet - C# a-caz

Hi i have question about iterate throught the Alphabet. I would like to have a loop that begins with "a" and ends with "z". After that the loop begins "aa" and count to "az". after that begins with "ba" up to "bz" and so on... Anybody know some solution? Thanks EDIT: I forgot that i give an char "a" to the function then the function m...

Null value returned on Count Distinct (pl sql)

Preemptive apologies for the nonsensical table/column names on these queries. If you've ever worked with the DB backend of Remedy, you'll understand. I'm having a problem where a Count Distinct is returning a null value, when I suspect the actual value should be somewhere in the 20's (23, I believe). Below is a series of queries and t...

Counting non-null columns in a rather strange way

I have a table which has 32 columns. 2 of these columns are identity columns and the rest are values. I would like to get the average of all these 30 columns, excluding the null ones. If none of the columns were null, that would have been pretty easy as follows select (val0 + val1 + val2 + ...) / 30 Since I would like to exclude the nu...

Getting row count for a table in MySQL?

Hello Can anyone tell me which is he better appraoch in MySQL whin it comes to finding the row count of a table: is it better to do SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE_NAME or to look up the row count in the table TABLE in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA? This would be a frequent operation for calculating pagination counts for pages? I should add t...

Need help converting query with joins and group by/count to LINQ to SQL

I need help converting this query to linq to sql: select rd.RouteDispatchID, r.RouteNumber, s.ShortDescription Status, rd.DispatchDate, rd.CreationDate CreatedDate, e.FirstName, e.LastName, count(md.MachineDispatchID) NumMachines from dbo.RouteDispatch rd inner join dbo.Route r on rd.RouteID = r.Route...

FOUND_ROWS() keeps returning 0

$result = $db_con->query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM users LIMIT 0,10"); $count_result = $db_con->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as totalcount"); $row = $count_result->fetch_assoc(); $total = $row['totalcount']; $total keeps returning 0 even though the $result contains all the user rows in it. ini_set("mysql.trace_mode", "0"); I...