
How do I load XML::XML2JSON?

The XML2JSON package is not getting loaded when I execute my program. I'm getting the following error: Can't locate object method "new" via package "XML::XML2JSON" (perhaps you forgot to load "XML::XML2JSON"?) at line 6. ...

Why isn't there a CPAN for .NET?

CPAN is a really helpful resource for Perl. Why isn't there a CPAN for .NET? Should there be one? Are there other programming or platform technologies that have a CPAN-like infrastructure? EDIT No one mentioned this: isn't the Comprehensive base-class library included in .NET one of the key reasons you would NOT expect to see a CP...

Do we have Perl - CPAN like library of Functions in PHP too ?

As we have CPAN Libraries in Perl, do we have similar kind in PHP ? actually am new to PHP and was not sure about this. ...

How can I install several CPAN distributions at once?

I have recently started some Perl development and use CPAN to install all my packages. I was wondering if there are some "best practices" to manage required packages for a script or application. So far, I'm doing it the inelegant and cumbersome way. I have a script which looks like this : install Foo::Bar install Zulu::Car ... and the...

How can I tell CPAN::Shell to install all dependencies for a module?

I currently have this on a script: CPAN::Shell->rematein("notest", "install", "$m"); Where $m is a module name the script installs. However, I want the module to install without prompting the user whether additional dependencies should be installed (optional deps or not), how can I do that? ...

Issues instaling MIME::Lite via CPAN on Mac OS X

I am trying to install MIME::Lite using CPAN via Mac OS X Leopard and CPAN just keeps reporting back the following message: cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.9304) ReadLine support enabled cpan[1]> install MIME-Lite CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.21) Going to read /private/var/root/Library/Application Suppo...

How do I install deps for CPAN module without installing it?

This is a follow-up to my previous question about developing Perl applications. Let’s say I develop an application as a CPAN module using Module::Install. Now I upload the code to the production server, say using a git push, and I would like to install the application dependencies listed in Makefile.PL. If I simply run cpan ., the thing ...

How can I disable terminal-polling for cpan used from crontab?

I'd like to have all the installed CPAN modules updated automatically every night, so I've placed the following command in the crontab: @daily cpan -i $(cpanp -o | perl -lane 'print $F[3]') However, whenever this is run I get the following error message: Unable to get Terminal Size. The TIOCGWINSZ ioctl didn't work. The COLUMNS and L...

How do I get started writing a module for CPAN?

Right now, I have my own homegrown testing harness/directory structure/support doc strucure/distribution tools for my libraries. However, reading the blog post Write your code like it's going on CPAN, it sounded like a good idea. Then it occurred to me, I'm really not sure how to do that. What are some good resources to get started ma...

Is there something like Perl's Win32::FileNotify for Linux or OS X?

I've been using Win32::FileNotify on Windows, and I was curious to know if there were something similar for Linux and OS X. I haven't been able to find such a module using Google. Does anyone here know of such a thing? ...

How do I Install the signatures module on Strawberry Perl 5.10.1?

I seem to be having some issues trying to install the signatures module from CPAN using Strawberry Perl 5.10.1 on Windows XP. I get some "undefined reference" errors during linking. I'm guessing that there is something wrong with my B::Hooks::Parser module, but reinstalling that one didn't fix my problem. Here's the output: cpan shel...

How can I use Perl to record MP3 files on Windows?

Is there any Perl module for recording mp3 files specially on Win32? If yes could someone provide an example. ...

How can I compile 64-bit Postgres bindings for Perl on Solaris?

I'm running 64-bit Solaris 10, and I have self-compiled Perl 5.10 and Postgresql 8.4.1 installed in /usr/local, both 64 bits. Solaris came with 32-bit Postgresql 8.1.4 installed in /usr, but it is not running. When I attempt to install DBD::Pg, it hits a problem because the it finds is the 32-bit one in /usr/lib rather than the ...

How do I write an HTTP server in Perl?

Is there a webserver or HTTP server module in the Perl standard library or in CPAN or elsewhere? I guess I'm looking for the equivalent of Python 3's http.server module. Thanks! ...

Best C/C++ Library to defang HTML?

I'm looking for a C/C++ functional equivalent to HTML::Defang, and my Google-fu has not been able to uncover anything. I want to keep any benign tags and strip out/defang everything else. Lacking an actual library, any pointers to complete lists of tags/attributes/etc to defang would be appreciated. I know of

Which CPAN module would you recommend for turning HTML into plain text?

Which CPAN module would you recommend for turning HTML into formatted plain text? One strict requirement is that the module must handle Unicode characters. ...

A quick string checksum function in Perl generating values in the 0..2^32-1 range

I'm looking for a Perl string checksum function with the following properties: Input: Unicode string of undefined length ($string) Output: Unsigned integer ($hash), for which 0 <= $hash <= 2^32-1 holds (0 to 4294967295, matching the size of a 4-byte MySQL unsigned int) Pseudo-code: sub checksum { my $string = shift; my $hash...

Decoding URI related entities with Perl

I may not even be referring to this the proper way so my apologies in advance. Our server logs are constantly showing us an encoded style of attack. An example is below.... (etc etc) I am familiar with encoding and decoding HTML entities using Perl (using HTML::Entities) but I am ...

Test::File::Find::Rule check that all our perl scripts have use strict

use warnings; use Test::More; use File::Find::Rule; use Test::File::Find::Rule; my $rule = File::Find::Rule->file->name('*.pl')->not_grep(qr/^\s*use\s+strict;/m, sub { 1 }); match_rule_no_result($rule, ".", 'use strict usage'); done_testing(); and the output was : out put : ok 1 - use strict usage 1..1 it is always passing the tes...

How can I avoid sudo-ing when installing Perl modules with cpan?

I have installed Perl from source into /usr/local, and adjusted my path accordingly, following brian d foy's suggestion here. I'm sure I'm missing something, but, now I'm trying to install stuff with the 'cpan' command and it's failing because it can't write to /usr/local. I have to use sudo, which feels wrong to me. Should CPAN stuff g...