
Can I use a Perl's Apache2::ASP CPAN module on shared hosting?

I'm trying to use a Perl module from CPAN ( to be specific) in a shared hosting environment. I tried copying the .pm file to the directory I'm trying to use it with, and I have updated my .htaccess file as per the instructions on the AuthCookieDBI page, but my Apache log says: Invalid command 'PerlModule', perhaps missp...

How can I compare international phone numbers in Perl?

Are there any modules that can help me compare phone numbers for equality? For example, the following three numbers are equivalent (when dialling from the UK) +44 (0)181 1234123 00441811234123 0181 1234123 Is there a perl module that can tell me this? ...

cpan install module DBD::mysql fails, snow leopard

I am installing dependancies for Koha. This is requiring perl and cpan usage, of which this is my first time. I installed mysql via the hivelogic instructions. I am running 10.6.2 on a 32bit mac mini. Here is the terminal output: John-Breedloves-Mac-mini:~ john_breedlove$ sudo -H cpan -i DBD::mysql CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.19) Goin...

How do I fix Perl's Font::FreeType compilation errors?

I am trying to install the Perl module Font::FreeType on a CentOS linux box using cpan. I run sudo cpan and inside the cpan shell I run install Font::FreeType. However make fails as follows: Writing Makefile for Font::FreeType cp lib/Font/ blib/lib/Font/ cp lib/Font/FreeType/ blib/lib/Font/FreeType/ c...

Perl on MacOS X 10.6.2: GDBM_File missing, how to install or work around?

When I need a Perl module, I typically use CPAN. It works fine. But not this time. I want to use MARC::Charset, but this one uses GDBM_File, and I can't seem to install GDBM_File from CPAN. CPAN finds it all right, but trying to install it, it starts installing the full Perl 5.10.1 distribution. MARC::Charset is a rather old module, s...

Can I unpack Perl dependencies to the local tree (like Ruby on Rails)?

I'm integrating with some existing, "legacy" Perl code for my current project. I'm downloading some libraries via CPAN to use in a Perl script, but I would like to avoid having all the other developers/users install these libraries manually. Taking a page from my Ruby/Rails background, I thought it might be possible to "unpack" the dep...

How can I represent a file system's symbolic links in a Perl hash?

On Server Fault, How to list symbolic link chains? (not my question) talks about listing all the symbolic links and following them. To make this doable, let's consider a single directory at first. I want to write a short utility that does this. It looks easy to put pairs from symbolic links into a hash and then process the hash. But ...

How can I list all CPAN modules depending on a given module?

How can I list all CPAN modules depending on a given module? For example, create a list of modules using Class::Workflow? ...

How to install a module for two perl-installations simultaneously?

Supposing I have one perl in /usr/bin (which came along with my os-distribution) and another one (build form the source) in /usr/local/bin – is there a simple way to make a module available to both perl-installations with only one cpan; install module-name? ...

Separating configuration data and script logic in Perl scripts

I find the following anti-pattern repeated in my Perl scripts: the script contains some machine/setup specific settings which I store in-line as constants in the script whereas the rest of the script is general in nature: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # machine specific settings at the start of the script. my $SETTING_1 = ...

What's the proper way of obtaining an account on CPAN?

Can you please tell me the steps I need to follow in order to obtain an account on CPAN? I'd like to contribute some modules. A while back, I tried to create an account, and I remember I got back a mail containing some of this text: The following links are only valid for PAUSE maintainers: and there were 2 links : Registration form wi...

How can I tell cpan to change the target for the module installation?

Hello! When I installed perl from the source the first nice surprise was that without doing something all module installed from now on were available to the new perl. Since I didn't find one module on cpan that comes with my OS I have to use for some scripts the onboard-perl. For one of these scripts I would like to install Text::Format ...

How can I transfer a hash using client and server in Perl?

I just want to transfer (send or receive) a hash from client to server. Can you tell me which is a preferable way in Perl or can you suggest any CPAN modules? ...

How do I install Perl's Lingua::Lid?

I am trying to install Lingua::Lid onto a unix system (ubuntu, latest version). Of course I am root. When I go into the package to install using perl Makefile.PL I get this dumb error: [root@csisl27 Lingua-Lid-0.01]# perl Makefile.PL /opt/ls//lib does not exist at Makefile.PL line 48. I have tried playing with the path on line 48, not...

Is there a Perl wrapper for the Human interface device (HID)?

Does anyone know if there a wrapper library over Human interface device library on Perl? ...

Why isn't module_filters filtering Mail::IspMailGate in CPAN::Mini?

Edited - Ummm - now have a module in schwigon giving same problem !! I am on a corporate PC that forces mcshield on everything that moves. I get blocked when trying to mirror on ... authors/id/J/JV/JV/EekBoek-2.00.01.tar.gz ... updated authors/id/J/JV/JV/CHECKSUMS ... updated Could not stat tmpfile '/cygdrive/t/cpan_mirror/authors/id/J...

How do I install Perl's SVN::Client?

Hi, I want to use the SVN::Client cpan module to check out code from a repository. But how to install and use this module? The documentation is kind of no existing. I have tried install the Alien::SVN module both through cpan and build it myself. And it seems to install okay. No error messages, and when i go into cpan again and do the...

How can one prevent double encoding of html entities when they are allowed in the input

How can I prevent double encoding of html entities, or fix them programmatically? I am using the encode() function from the HTML::Entities perl module to encode HTML entities in user input. The problem here is that we also allow users to input HTML entities directly and these entities end up being double encoded. For example, a user ma...

List CPAN modules that have been made but not installed

Is there an easy/clean way to do this in Linux/ a Linux-like environment? Purpose My aim is to run CPAN with admin permissions only during the installation phase, not at the get/make/test phases. ...

Can't locate in @INC during CPAN dependency install performed not as root.

While trying to do: perl -I'/v1/data/site_perl' -MCPAN -e 'install Log::Dispatch'; I continue to get "Can't locate Params/ in @INC." When looking at the output, /v1/data/site_perl is NOT in the @INC displayed, even though I used -I. I am not root so I have changed my CPAN config so that: 'makepl_arg' => q[LIB=/v1/data/si...