
Why doesn't CPAN install dependencies for the modules in my bundle?

I'm creating a bundle to make it easy to install my app. I started here: I have a package Bundle::MyApp which looks like this: package Bundle::MyApp; $VERSION = '0.01'; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bundle::MyApp - modules needed by my app =head1 SYNOPSIS cpan install Bundle::MyApp ...

How do I install modules in ActivePerl?

I want to install SGML::Parser::OpenSP in ActivePerl. Any idea what steps should I follow? ...

What CPAN module can summarize Perl error logs?

I'm maintaining some website code that will soon dump all its errors and warnings into a log file. In order to make this a bit more pro-active I plan to parse this log file daily, summarize the warnings and errors (i.e. count the occurrence of each specific one and group by either warning/error) and then email this to the devs on the pro...

Problems installing Moose on Mac (compile Sub::Name prereq)

I'm trying to install Moose (a CPAN module) on my Macbook Pro. It finds a dependency on Sub-Name, and when it tries to install this, gets the following error messages. Any idea as to how I can cure this? XMATH/Sub-Name-0.04.tar.gz /usr/bin/make -- OK Running make test PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /opt/local/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command:...

What's a good Perl OO interface for creating and sending email?

I'm looking for a simple (OO?) approach to email creation and sending. Something like $e = Email->new(to => "test <[email protected]>", from => "from <[email protected]>"); $e->plain_text($plain_version); $e->html($html_version); $e->attach_file($some_file_object); I've found Email::MIME::CreateHTML, which looks great in almost every way, ex...

What's the fastest way to get CRUD over CGI on a database handle in Perl?

TL;DR: Want to write CGI::CRUD::Simple (a minimalist interface module for CGI::CRUD), but I want to check first if i overlooked a module that already does that. I usually work with applications that don't have the niceties of having frameworks and such already in place. However, a while ago i found myself in a situation where i was aski...

net::rawip and net::packet cpan modules

which cpan module is more sutiable for packet crafting and injection (net::rawip and net::packet) could someone provide what the cons and pros for everyone one of those modules and when it suitable to use every module ? ...

Is there a pure Perl module for AES?

Is there a pure Perl module for AES? ...

Operating System Commands execution in Catalyst Controller?

How to use Operating System Commands in Catalyst Controller? For example. I want to use Perl system command in Controller .it’s not working .. Any idea? In Controller module my $cmd = "/temp/ $username_st1 $_ $log_file &"; system ($cmd ); ...

Which package from CPAN should I use to send mail?

Which package from CPAN should I use to send mail? Sometime the timtowtdi approach is very tiring. For me, especially when it comes to package selection. So all I want is to send email, potentially HTML emails. Between Mail-Sendmail, Mail-Sender, NET-SMTP (by the way - not available in PPM), Mail-SendEasy, and the 80 or so other packag...

How can I make Strawberry Perl's cpan(1) find perl?

I'm having trouble installing Template module with Strawberry Perl. cpan Template yields the following: Writing Makefile for AppConfig C:strawberryperlbinperl.exe: not found dmake.EXE: Error code 255, while making 'blib\lib\.exists'` I haven't been able to understand either how to affect the path so dmake will work correctly...

Perl Class::Accessor failure, trivial example - why ?

Can someone tell me why the main does not find the methods generated by Class::Accessor in this very small and trivial example ? These few lines of code fail with perl codesnippets/ Can't locate object method "color" via package "Critter" at codesnippets/ line 6. see the code: #!/opt/local/bin/perl # The whole...

How can I use CPAN as a non-root user?

I want to install perl modules on a shared server on which I do not have root access. How can I do this? They also seem to have an older version of CPAN (it complains about that when running the command), is it possible to update the CPAN command being used from my account without requiring root access? ...

gcc compile error when installing Data::Alias package from CPAN (Strawberry Perl)

Possible Duplicate: How can I get a working Data::Alias in Perl 5.12? I'm trying to install the Data::Alias package from CPAN and I'm getting compile errors from gcc. I'm on Windows Server 2008: Writing Makefile for Data::Alias cp lib/Data/ blib\lib\Data\ C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe "-Iinc" C:\strawberry\...

How do I stop cpan from reconfiguring each time? + More

I'm running on a Mac (version 10.6.3) and am struggling to understand what is going on with my Perl installation. I let the system do a copy from my previous mac, and I appear to have a second perl installed, which appears earlier in my path. I can't tell (or remember) if I might have installed it with fink, macports or CPAN or what. t...

Do different versions of Perl require different CPAN module installations?

We have a server farm that we are slowly migrating to a new version of Perl (5.12.1). We are currently running 5.8.5. The OS will be upgraded from RedHat 4 to RedHat 5 as well, but RedHat 5 is still back on Perl 5.8.8. Thus for a while in our source tree we'll be supporting two versions of Perl. I have been told to install the new v...

Parse and display MIME multipart email on website

I have a raw email, (MIME multipart), and I want to display this on a website (e.g. in an iframe, with tabs for the HTML part and the plain text part, etc.). Are there any CPAN modules or Template::Toolkit plugins that I can use to help me achieve this? At the moment, it's looking like I'll have to parse the message with Email::MIME, th...

Is there a working CPAN/CPAN6 like project for perl6?

Im playing around with perl6 lately and was searching for a project similar to cpan. I found cpan6 but i think there is no perl6 code yet. So im looking for some alternative that does not necessarily aim to be a long term solution but is capable to maintain modules and is written in perl6. As rakudo development goes it might be possibl...

What are your tricks for speeding up CPAN on limited resource devices?

I was recently trying to upgrade a few Perl modules on my cell phone (nokia n900), and installing the latest copy of Module::Build took the better part of an hour. Most of the time (70% ish) seemed to be spent parsing and indexing the repository information. It seems there are a few options, such as not rebuilding the index cache each...

Is there a Perl module that can split one master Pod file into several views?

I want to write one Pod file for perlop and perlopref. My gut instinct is to say something like =head1 PRECEDENCE blah =head1 OPERATORS =head2 "X" =for short The double quote circumflex operator surrounds an interpolating string. See L<perlop/"X">. =for long -head3 Description blah blah blah -head3 Example blah blah blah -he...